
ReGen III Appoints Rick Low as Chief Financial Officer

ReGen III Appoints Rick Low as Chief Financial Officer

Regen III 任命裏克·洛爲首席財務官
newsfile ·  2023/06/23 04:15

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 22, 2023) - ReGen III Corp. (TSXV: GIII) (OTCQB: ISRJF) (FSE: PN4) ("ReGen III" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the appointment of Rick Low as Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately. Mr. Low, most recently the Company's Manager, Finance & Accounting, will now assume the responsibilities previously held by Steve Martin.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年6月22日)-瑞根三世公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GIII)(場外交易市場代碼:ISRJF)(法蘭克福證券交易所代碼:PN4)(“瑞根三世”或“公司”)很高興地宣佈任命裡克·洛為首席財務官,立即生效。劉特佐先生最近擔任該公司的財務和會計經理,他現在將承擔以前由史蒂夫·馬丁擔任的職責。

With over 25 years of progressive management experience in various industries, both in Canada and overseas, Mr. Low brings a wealth of expertise to his new role. He possesses a remarkable track record of more than 15 years in senior management, including extensive experience as the Company's original Chief Financial Officer from September 2012 to October 2021.


Mr. Low has successfully overseen the finance and accounting functions of a pre-revenue company, leading it through the critical stages of feasibility, construction, development and ultimately, commercial production and revenue generation. Throughout his career, Mr. Low has been instrumental in raising significant debt and equity financings, as well as facilitating applications for listing on stock exchanges. His comprehensive understanding of financial operations, combined with his strategic vision, will greatly contribute to helping ReGen III achieve its corporate milestones and growth plans.

劉特佐成功地監督了一家營收前公司的財務和會計職能,帶領該公司度過了可行性、建設、發展以及最終商業化生產和創收的關鍵階段。在他的職業生涯中,劉特佐先生在籌集大量債務和股權融資方面發揮了重要作用,並為在證券交易所上市的申請提供了便利。他對金融運營的全面瞭解,再加上他的戰略眼光,將極大地幫助ReGen III實現其公司里程碑和增長計劃。

"We are delighted to welcome back Rick Low as our Chief Financial Officer," said Gregory Clarkes, Chief Executive Officer of ReGen III. "Rick knows our company and his extensive experience in financial management and proven ability to navigate complex business environments make him an invaluable addition to our executive team. I have full confidence in Rick's ability to drive our financial strategy forward, enhance our operational efficiency, and support our long-term objectives."

ReGen III首席執行官格雷戈裡·克拉克說:“我們很高興地歡迎裡克·洛回來擔任我們的首席財務官。”裡克瞭解我們的公司,他在財務管理方面的豐富經驗以及在複雜商業環境中被證明的能力使他成為我們高管團隊的寶貴補充。我完全相信裡克有能力推動我們的財務戰略向前發展,提高我們的運營效率,並支持我們的長期目標。

"I am honoured to have the opportunity to serve as Chief Financial Officer for ReGen III," said Rick Low. "I have always admired the Company's commitment to sustainability and the innovative solutions it provides within the energy sector. I look forward to working closely with the executive team to ensure the effective management of financial resources and to contribute to the Company's vision and strategic plan towards continued growth and profitability."

裡克·洛說:“我很榮幸有機會擔任ReGen III的首席財務官。我一直欽佩公司對可持續發展的承諾及其在能源行業提供的創新解決方案。我期待著與執行團隊密切合作,確保有效管理財務資源,並為公司實現持續增長和盈利的願景和戰略計劃做出貢獻。“

ReGen III Corp. would like to extend its gratitude to Mr. Martin for his contributions during his tenure and wishes him the best in his future endeavors.

Regen III Corp.對馬丁先生在任職期間所做的貢獻表示感謝,並祝願他在未來的工作中一切順利。

About ReGen III

關於ReGen III

ReGen III is a cleantech company commercializing disruptive, patented technology to recycle used motor oil ("UMO") into high-value Group III base oils. With a focus on creating sustainable solutions that generate better environmental outcomes and compelling economics, the Company's ReGen process is expected to reduce CO2e emissions by 82% as compared to virgin crude derived base oils combusted at end of life.

Regen III是一家清潔技術公司,將顛覆性的專利技術商業化,將廢舊機油(UMO)回收成高價值的III類基礎油。該公司的ReGen流程專注於創建可持續的解決方案,以產生更好的環境結果和引人注目的經濟效益,預計將減少CO2.與使用壽命結束時燃燒的原始原油衍生基礎油相比,e排放量減少82%。

In 2022, ReGen III completed FEL2 and value engineering for the Company's 5,600 bpd UMO Texas recycling facility, where world class engineering, construction and licensed vendor teams - including Koch Project Solutions, LLC, PCL Industrial Management Ltd., Koch Modular Process Systems and Duke Technologies - are providing detailed design, construction, commissioning, and start-up services.

2022年,ReGen III完成了公司在德克薩斯州UMO的日產量5,600桶的FEL2和價值工程,世界級的工程、建築和獲得許可的供應商團隊--包括科赫專案解決方案公司、有限責任公司、PCL工業管理有限公司、科赫模塊化工藝系統公司和杜克技術公司--正在提供詳細的設計、建造、調試和啟動服務。

Operating in an underserved segment of the base oil market, ReGen III aims to become the world's largest producer of sustainable Group III base oil.

ReGen III在基礎油市場服務不足的領域開展業務,其目標是成為世界上最大的可持續發展的III組基礎油生產商。

For more information on ReGen III or to subscribe to the Company's mailing list, please visit: and .

欲瞭解更多有關ReGen III的資訊或訂閱該公司的郵件列表,請訪問:和。

For further information, please contact:


Investor & Media inquiries:
Caroline Sawamoto


Corporate Inquiries:
Kimberly Hedlin
Vice President, Corporate Finance
(403) 921-9012


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