
Abasca Resources Engages Red Cloud Securities and Closes the Non-Brokered Flow-Through Private Placement

Abasca Resources Engages Red Cloud Securities and Closes the Non-Brokered Flow-Through Private Placement

Abasca Resources 聘請紅雲證券並完成非經紀直通式私募配售
Accesswire ·  2023/06/22 20:00

SASKATOON, SK / ACCESSWIRE / June 22, 2023 / Abasca Resources Inc. ("Abasca" or the "Company") (TSXV:ABA) announces that subject to regulatory approval, it has engaged Red Cloud Securities Inc. ("Red Cloud") to provide market making services to the Company (the "Agreement") in compliance with the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSX-V") and applicable securities legislation.

薩斯卡通,SK/ACCESSWIRE/2023年6月22日/Abasca Resources Inc.(“Abasca”或“公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ABA)宣佈,根據多倫多證券交易所創業板(“TSX-V”)的政策和適用的證券法規,它已聘請Red Cloud Securities Inc.(“Red Cloud”)(“Red Cloud”)為公司提供做市服務(“協定”)。

Under the Agreement, the Company will pay Red Cloud $5,000 per month during the initial term of three months starting June 15, 2023. The term of the Agreement can be extended upon 30 days' written notice from Abasca. The Company and Red Cloud have an arm's length relationship, but Red Cloud and/or its clients may have an interest, directly or indirectly, in the securities of Abasca. The Agreement is principally for the purposes of maintaining market stability and liquidity for the Company's common shares. It is not a formal market making agreement and no performance factors are contained in the Agreement. Red Cloud will not receive any shares or options from the Company as compensation for the services that it will render.

根據協定,該公司將在2023年6月15日開始的最初三個月內每月向Red Cloud支付5000美元。在阿巴斯卡發出30天的書面通知後,協定的期限可以延長。本公司與Red Cloud有一定的關係,但Red Cloud和/或其客戶可能直接或間接在Abasca的證券中擁有權益。該協定的主要目的是維持市場穩定和本公司普通股的流動資金。這不是正式的做市協定,協定中不包含業績因素。紅雲將不會從公司獲得任何股份或期權,作為對其將提供的服務的補償。

Abasca is pleased to announce the closing of the $1,000,000 non-brokered private placement of 2,000,000 units of the Company (the "FT Units") at a price of $0.50 per FT Unit (the "Offering"), as previously announced in its news release of May 30, 2023. Each FT Unit consisted of one common share of the Company issued as a flow-through share within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and one-half of one common share purchase warrant (each whole warrant, a "Warrant"), each Warrant entitling the holder thereof to purchase one non-flow-through common share of the Company at a price of $0.60 per share for a period of 24 months expiring on June 21, 2025. All securities issued in connection with the Offering have a four-month hold period expiring on October 22, 2023.


A corporation controlled by Dawn Zhou, a director of the Company, subscribed for the full Offering and acquired 2,000,000 FT Units. Ms. Zhou is a "related party" within the meaning of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions of the Canadian Securities Administrators ("MI 61-101") and the Offering thereby constituted a "related party transaction" under MI 61-101. The Company is exempt from the formal valuation requirement pursuant to subsection 5.5(b) of MI 61- 101 on the basis that the securities of the Company are listed or quoted on the TSX-V. The Company is also exempt from the minority approval requirement pursuant to subsection 5.7(1)(b) of MI 61-101 on the basis that: (i) the common shares of the Company are listed on the TSX-V; (ii) at the time the transaction was agreed to, neither the fair market value of the FT Units distributed under the Offering nor the consideration to be received for those FT Units, insofar as the transaction involves the related party, exceeds $2,500,000; (iii) the Company has more than one independent director; and (iv) at least two-thirds of the directors of the Company approved the Offering.

由公司旗下董事周黎明控制的一家公司認購了全部發售股份,並收購了2,000,000個FT單位。周女士是多邊文書61-101所指的“關聯方”--特殊交易中少數股權持有人的保護根據加拿大證券管理人(“MI 61-101”),是次發行構成MI 61-101項下的“關聯方交易”。基於公司的證券在多倫多證券交易所上市或報價,公司不受MI 61-101第5.5(B)節規定的正式估值要求的約束。此外,本公司亦可獲豁免遵守MI 61-101第5.7(1)(B)款所規定的少數股東批准規定,條件是:(I)本公司普通股於多倫多證券交易所上市;(Ii)於同意進行交易時,根據要約分配的FT單位的公平市值及就該等FT單位收取的代價(就涉及關聯方而言)均不超過2,500,000美元;(Iii)本公司擁有多於一間獨立董事;及(Iv)本公司最少三分之二的董事批准該項發行。

No finders' fees were paid with respect to the Offering.


The gross proceeds of $1 million received from the sale of the FT Units will be used for exploration programs on the Company's Key Lake South Uranium Project.


This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States of America. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons (as defined in the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration is available.


About Red Cloud Securities Inc.


Red Cloud is registered as an Investment Dealer in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia and is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO, formerly "IIROC"). It is focused on providing unique comprehensive capital market services and innovative financing alternatives to the junior resource sector. Red Cloud was founded by capital markets professionals who designed the firm to service small public and private companies. This solution is a comprehensive platform that provides a full range of unconflicted corporate access services. Offering these services as a unified platform provides the ultimate value proposition for issuer clients.

Red Cloud在安大略省、魁北克省、艾伯塔省、馬尼託巴省、薩斯喀徹溫省和不列顛哥倫比亞省註冊為投資交易商,是加拿大投資監管組織(CERO,前身為IIROC)的成員。它專注於為初級資源部門提供獨特的全面資本市場服務和創新的融資選擇。Red Cloud是由資本市場專業人士創立的,他們設計該公司的目的是為小型上市公司和私營公司提供服務。該解決方案是一個全面的平臺,可提供全方位、無衝突的企業接入服務。將這些服務作為統一平臺提供,為發行商客戶提供終極價值主張。

About Abasca Resources Inc.


Abasca is a mineral exploration company that is primarily engaged in the acquisition and evaluation of mineral exploration properties. The Company owns the Key Lake South Uranium Project, a 23,977-hectare uranium exploration project located in the Athabasca Basin Region in northern Saskatchewan, approximately 15 km south of the former Key Lake mine and current Key Lake mill.

Abasca是一家礦產勘探公司,主要從事礦產勘探資產的收購和評估。該公司擁有Key Lake South鈾礦專案,這是一個佔地23,977公頃的鈾礦勘探專案,位於薩斯喀徹溫省北部的Athabasca盆地地區,位於前Key Lake礦和現在的Key Lake鋼廠以南約15公里處。

On behalf of Abasca Resources Inc.


Dawn Zhou, M.Sc, CPA, CGA
President, CEO and Director


For more information visit the Company's website at or contact:


Abasca Resources Inc.
Telephone: +1 (306) 933 4261

電話:+1(306)933 4261

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange Inc. nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange Inc.) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may contain certain forward-looking information and statements ("forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation, that are not based on historical fact, including without limitation statements containing the words "believes", "anticipates", "plans", "intends", "will", "should", "expects", "continue", "estimate", "forecasts" and other similar expressions. Readers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by these statements. Abasca undertakes no obligation to comment on analyses, expectations or statements made by third-parties in respect of Abasca, its securities, or financial or operating results (as applicable). Although Abasca believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, such forward-looking information has been based on expectations, factors and assumptions concerning future events which may prove to be inaccurate and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond Abasca's control, including the risk factors discussed in the Filing Statement which are incorporated herein by reference and are available through SEDAR at . The forward-looking information contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement and are made as of the date hereof. Abasca disclaims any intention and has no obligation or responsibility, except as required by law, to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


SOURCE: Abasca Resources Inc.


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