
Excellon Provides Corporate Update

Excellon Provides Corporate Update

Excellon 提供公司最新消息
newsfile ·  2023/06/19 19:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 19, 2023) - Excellon Resources Inc. (TSX: EXN) (OTCQB: EXNRF) (FSE: E4X2) ("Excellon" or the "Company") is providing an update regarding its previously announced proposed acquisition of the past-producing La Negra Mine in Queretaro, Mexico ("La Negra") and related transactions.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年6月19日)-卓越資源公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:EXN)(OTCQB:EXNRF)(證券交易所代碼:E4X2)(“卓越”“公司”)正在提供其先前宣佈的收購墨西哥Queretaro過去生產的La Negra礦的最新消息(“拉尼格拉“)和相關交易。

Shawn Howarth, President and CEO, commented: "We continue to advance our proposed acquisition of La Negra, though recent market conditions have made the associated previously announced subscription receipts financing challenging. We continue to strongly believe in the forward-looking value proposition of the acquisition for Excellon and our shareholders. Key stakeholders in this transaction, including Orion and Excellon's debenture holders, remain engaged. We will provide further updates to the market in due course, as further details become available."

總裁首席執行官肖恩·豪沃斯表示:“我們繼續推進對La Negra的收購計劃,儘管最近的市場狀況使之前宣佈的相關認購收據融資具有挑戰性。我們仍然堅信此次收購對卓越和我們的股東的前瞻性價值主張。這筆交易的主要利益相關者,包括獵戶座和卓越的債券持有人,仍將參與其中。隨著進一步細節的公佈,我們將在適當的時候向市場提供進一步的最新情況。”

Proposed Acquisition of La Negra

擬議收購La Negra

On January 9, 2023, the Company announced that it had entered into a definitive agreement with an entity owned by an investment fund managed by Orion Resource Partners ("Orion") to acquire La Negra (the "Acquisition"), together with the planned restructuring of the Company's outstanding convertible debentures maturing on July 30, 2023 in the principal amount of C$17.9 million (the "Debenture Restructuring").1

2023年1月9日,本公司宣佈已與獵戶座資源合夥公司(Orion Resource Partners)管理的投資基金擁有的一家實體達成最終協定。獵戶座“)收購La Negra(The”採辦),連同本公司計劃於2023年7月30日到期的本金為1,790萬加元的未償還可轉換債券的重組(債券重組“)。1

Further, on April 13, 2023, the Company announced the launch of a non-brokered private placement of up to 28,571,428 subscription receipts, at a price of C$0.35 each, for aggregate gross proceeds of up to C$10 million (the "Private Placement Financing").2 Successful completion of the Private Placement Financing will provide the funds necessary to advance initial development activities for the planned restart of mining operations at La Negra, exploration and to fund general working capital requirements. Accordingly, the Private Placement Financing (and/or securing other sources of funding) is a necessary precursor to advancing the Acquisition to completion, including seeking required approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") and approval of Excellon shareholders of the common shares of the Company to be issued in connection with the Acquisition, the Private Placement Financing and the Debenture Restructuring.

此外,於2023年4月13日,該公司宣佈推出一項最多28,571,428張認購收據的非經紀私募,每張認購收據的價格為0.35加元,總收益最高可達1,000萬加元。私募融資“)。2.私募融資的成功完成將提供所需資金,以推進La Negra採礦作業計劃重啟的初步開發活動、勘探以及支付一般營運資金需求。因此,私募融資(和/或獲得其他資金來源)是將收購提前完成的必要先兆,包括尋求多倫多證券交易所(Toronto Stock Exchange)(“多倫多證券交易所“),並獲本公司普通股卓越股東批准就收購、私募融資及債券重組發行。

The Company continues to actively engage with potential investors on the Private Placement Financing. The Company remains focused on a successful completion of C$10 million in gross proceeds, but in parallel is reviewing potential operating scenarios that would allow Excellon to close on a lower level of initial financing that supports initiating advancement of La Negra while also adequately capitalizing the Company's broader business. The Company will provide updates to the market on progress in due course.

本公司繼續積極與潛在投資者就定向增發融資進行接觸。該公司仍專注於成功完成1000萬加元的總收入,但同時正在審查潛在的運營方案,使卓越能夠完成較低水準的初始融資,以支持La Negra的發展,同時充分利用公司更廣泛的業務。該公司將在適當時候向市場提供最新進展情況。

In parallel, the Company is in discussion with Orion regarding the proposed outside date for completion of the Acquisition, which as previously announced on April 13, 2023 was extended from April 30, 2023 to June 15, 2023.


Update on Liquidity


The Company is also in discussions with the holders representing more than 66-2/3 of the convertible debentures regarding the completion of the Debenture Restructuring. Those debentureholders remain supportive and all parties are working towards a mutually agreeable outcome.


While the Company is actively engaged in discussions relating to the Acquisition and the Debenture Restructuring, there can be no certainty that such discussions will result in any agreement on an attainable extended timeline for completing either or both such transactions on the terms as previously announced, or at all.


The Company is also assessing various interim financing options as well as other corporate development and strategic opportunities to complement the Company's go-forward strategy, which may include divestitures, mergers or spin-offs of the Company's assets to provide additional near-term liquidity.


About Excellon


Excellon's vision is to realize opportunities through the acquisition of advanced development or producing assets with further potential to gain from an experienced operational management team for the benefit of our employees, communities and shareholders. The Company is advancing a portfolio of silver, base metals and precious metals assets including Kilgore, an advanced gold exploration project in Idaho; and Silver City, a high-grade epithermal silver district in Saxony, Germany with 750 years of mining history and no modern exploration. The Company has also entered into an agreement to acquire La Negra, a past-producing Ag-Zn-Cu-Pb mine with exploration potential, located in Mexico.

卓越的願景是通過收購先進的開發或生產具有進一步潛力的資產來實現機會,以從經驗豐富的運營管理團隊中獲益,造福於我們的員工、社區和股東。該公司正在推進白銀、賤金屬和貴金屬資產組合,包括愛達荷州先進的金礦勘探專案Kilgore和德國薩克森州的高品位淺成銀區Silver City,該地區擁有750年的採礦歷史,沒有現代勘探。本公司亦已就收購位於墨西哥的La Negra達成協定,La Negra是一座過去生產的具勘探潛力的銀鋅銅鉛礦。

Additional details on Excellon's properties are available at .


For Further Information, Please Contact:


Excellon Resources Inc.
Shawn Howarth, President & Chief Executive Officer




All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained, referenced or incorporated by reference in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" and "forward-looking information" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as: "advance", "attainable", "become", "believe", "continue", "development", "due course", "expectation", "exploration", "focused", "forward", "further", "initiating", "launch", "looking", "maturing", "may", "near-term", "opportunities", "options", "outcome", "outstanding", "planned", "potential", "progress", "proposed", "proposition", "provide", "restart", "reviewing", "risk", "scenarios", "seeking", "strategy", "subject to", "to be", "towards", "updates", "vision", "will", "working" and "would", or variations of such words, and similar such words, expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results can, could, may, should, will, would (or not) be achieved, occur, provide, result, complete or support in the future or which, by their nature, refer to future events. In some cases, forward-looking information may be stated in the present tense, such as in respect of current matters that may be continuing, or that may have a future impact or effect. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the Acquisition and its related transactions including the Private Placement Financing (including any commitments and participation, and amount thereof, continuing engagement with potential investors, and total quantum and use of proceeds from such or any other sources of financing (including the availability thereof)) and the Debenture Restructuring (collectively, the "La Negra Transactions"), the structure, terms, completion and value proposition of the La Negra Transactions (including timelines or outside date therefor, and any related discussions with applicable parties (including outcome thereof), required approvals and receipt thereof) and success, benefits or outcomes of the La Negra Transactions; initial development activities and any restart of mining operations or exploration at La Negra (including strategy or plans and initiation, commencement or advancement thereof); maturity of the convertible debentures; potential operating scenarios that would allow Excellon to close on a lower level of initial financing that supports initiating advancement of La Negra while also adequately capitalizing the Company's broader business (including the Company's review and outcome thereof); liquidity; interim financing options and any other corporate development and strategic opportunities (including divestitures, mergers or spin-offs of the Company's assets) and purpose or outcome thereof (including any complement to go-forward strategy or additional near-term liquidity); Excellon's vision and advancement of its portfolio; and any updates to the market regarding any of the foregoing. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct, and any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future actions, results or performance. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions, estimates, expectations and opinions, which are considered reasonable and represent best judgment based on available facts, as of the date such statements are made. If such assumptions, estimates, expectations and opinions prove to be incorrect, actual and future results may be materially different than expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors which may cause the actual results or performance of the Company to be materially different from any future results or performance expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors include, among others, the "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual information form dated March 31, 2023 (the "2023 AIF"), and the risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors identified in this news release, the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis, and accompanying financial statements, for the year ended December 31, 2022 and quarters already ended in 2013, the La Negra Technical Report, the Excellon news releases referenced in this news release, and the Company's other applicable public disclosure (collectively, "Company Disclosure"). The foregoing list of risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other factors is not exhaustive; readers should consult the more complete discussion of the Company's business, financial condition and prospects that is provided in the 2023 AIF and the other Company Disclosure. The forward-looking statements referenced or contained in this news release are expressly qualified by these Cautionary Statements as well as the Cautionary Statements in the the other Company Disclosure. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this news release (or as otherwise expressly specified) and the Company disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, except as required by applicable laws.

除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中包含、參考或併入的所有陳述均構成“前瞻性陳述”和“前瞻性資訊”(統稱為“前瞻性陳述“)在適用的加拿大和美國證券法的含義內。一般而言,這些前瞻性陳述可通過使用前瞻性術語加以識別,例如:“提前”、“可實現”、“成為”、“相信”、“繼續”、“發展”、“適當時機”、“預期”、“探索”、“聚焦”、“前進”、“進一步”、“開始”、“啟動”、“展望”、“成熟”、“可能”、“近期”、“機會”、“選擇”、“結果”,“未解決的”、“計劃的”、“潛在的”、“進展”、“提議”、“建議”、“提供”、“重新開始”、“審查”、“風險”、“方案”、“尋求”、“戰略”、“服從”、“將成為”、“朝向”、“更新”、“願景”、“將”、“工作”和“將”或這些詞語的變體,以及某些行動、事件或結果能夠、可能的類似詞語、表述或陳述,可能、應該、將、將(或不會)在未來實現、發生、提供、結果、完成或支持,或其性質是指未來的事件。在某些情況下,前瞻性資訊可以用現在時態表示,例如關於可能正在進行的當前事項,或可能產生未來影響或效果的當前事項。前瞻性陳述包括有關收購及其相關交易的陳述,包括私募融資(包括任何承諾和參與,及其金額,與潛在投資者的持續接觸,以及從該融資來源或任何其他融資來源獲得的收益總額和用途(包括其可用性))和債券重組(統稱為“La Negra交易記錄“)La Negra交易的結構、條款、完成和價值主張(包括時間表或外部日期,以及與適用各方的任何相關討論(包括其結果)、所需的批准和接收)和La Negra交易的成功、利益或結果;La Negra的初步開發活動和任何採礦作業或勘探的重啟(包括戰略或計劃及其啟動、開始或推進);可轉換債券的到期日;潛在的經營情景,這將使卓越能夠完成較低水準的初始融資,以支持La Negra的啟動,同時充分利用公司更廣泛的業務(包括公司的審查和結果);流動性;中期融資選擇和任何其他公司發展和戰略機會(包括剝離、合併或剝離公司資產)及其目的或結果(包括對前進戰略的任何補充或額外的短期流動性);卓越的願景和投資組合的進展;以及關於上述任何一項的市場最新情況。儘管公司相信這些陳述是合理的,但它不能保證這些預期將被證明是正確的,公司的任何前瞻性陳述都不能保證未來的行動、結果或業績。前瞻性陳述以假設、估計、預期和意見為基礎,這些假設、估計、預期和意見被認為是合理的,是基於現有事實的最佳判斷,截至此類陳述發表之日。如果這些假設、估計、預期和意見被證明是不正確的,實際和未來的結果可能與前瞻性陳述中所表達或暗示的大不相同。前瞻性陳述必然會受到已知和未知風險、不確定因素、或有因素和其他因素的影響,這些因素可能會導致公司的實際結果或表現與前瞻性陳述明示或暗示的任何未來結果或表現大不相同。該等風險、不確定因素、或有因素及其他因素包括但不限於本公司日期為2023年3月31日的年報中的“風險因素”(2023年AIF),以及本新聞稿、公司管理層對截至2022年12月31日的年度和截至2013年的季度的財務報表、La Negra技術報告、本新聞稿中提及的卓越新聞稿以及公司其他適用的公開披露中確定的風險、不確定性、或有和其他因素。公司資訊披露“)。以上列出的風險、不確定因素、或有因素和其他因素並不詳盡;讀者應參考2023年AIF和其他公司披露中提供的關於公司業務、財務狀況和前景的更全面的討論。本新聞稿中提及或包含的前瞻性陳述明確受到這些告誡聲明以及其他公司披露中的告誡聲明的限制。本文中包含的前瞻性陳述是截至本新聞稿發佈之日(或另有明確規定)作出的,除非適用法律要求,否則公司不承擔任何因新資訊、未來事件或結果或其他原因而更新任何前瞻性陳述的義務。

1 For further details, refer to the Company's related new release dated January 9, 2023, available under Excellon's profile on SEDAR () and on the Company's website ().


2 For further details, refer to the Company's related new release dated April 13, 2023, available under Excellon's profile on SEDAR and on the Company's website.


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