
Baidu Launches Commercial Fully Driverless Ride-Hailing Service in Shenzhen, Expanding Nationwide Operations

Baidu Launches Commercial Fully Driverless Ride-Hailing Service in Shenzhen, Expanding Nationwide Operations

PR Newswire ·  2023/06/16 21:21

- Baidu's Apollo Go robotaxis will be allowed to operate across an area of 188 square kilometers in Shenzhen from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.

-百度的Apollo Go機器人出租車將被允許在188平方公里的區域內運行 深圳上午 7 點到晚上 10 點 每天。

- Baidu's Apollo Go experiences remarkable growth with high user satisfaction. Having provided a total of more than 2 million rides by Q1 2023, Apollo Go is the world's largest autonomous ride-hailing service provider.

-百度的Apollo Go實現了顯著增長,用戶滿意度很高。到2023年第一季度,Apollo Go總共提供了超過200萬次乘車服務,是世界上最大的自動叫車服務提供商。

BEIJING, June 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Baidu, Inc. (NASDAQ: BIDU and HKEX: 9888) ("Baidu" or the "Company"), a leading AI company with a strong internet foundation, has obtained licensing for commercial operation of its fully driverless ride-hailing service in Shenzhen. Baidu robotaxis are now authorized to provide ride-hailing service with no safety operator present in the car, making Shenzhen the fourth city in China where such service is available, following Wuhan, Chongqing and Beijing.

北京2023年6月16日 /PRNewswire/ — 擁有強大互聯網基礎的領先人工智能公司百度公司(納斯達克股票代碼:BIDU,HKEX:9888)(“百度” 或 “公司”)已獲得其在深圳的完全無人駕駛叫車服務的商業運營許可。百度機器人出租車現在被授權在車內沒有安全操作員的情況下提供叫車服務,這使得 深圳 第四座城市 中國 在提供此類服務的情況下,如下 武漢重慶北京

Baidu can now commercialize fully driverless ride-hailing service in Shenzhen


With this new license, Baidu's Apollo Go robotaxis will be allowed to operate across an area of 188 square kilometers in Shenzhen from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, catering to both morning and evening commuters. Users can conveniently access the service by using the Apollo Go app or mini-program, as well as Baidu Maps, Baidu App, and other platforms.

有了這項新許可證,百度的Apollo Go機器人出租車將被允許在188平方公里的區域內運行 深圳上午 7 點到晚上 10 點 日常,既適合早上通勤者,也適合晚間通勤者。用戶可以使用Apollo Go應用程序或小程序以及百度地圖,百度應用程序和其他平臺方便地訪問該服務。

This expansion significantly broadens the scope of Baidu's commercial fully driverless ride-hailing service operations nationwide and paves the way for future expansion to paying users across China.

此次擴張極大地擴大了百度在全國範圍內的商業完全無人駕駛叫車服務運營的範圍,爲未來向全國付費用戶擴張鋪平了道路 中國

In August 2022, Baidu received China's first-ever permit to offer commercial fully driverless robotaxi services to the public on open roads, and Apollo Go began providing commercial robotaxi service in Chongqing and Wuhan, two of China's largest megacities. In 2023, Baidu plans to put an additional 200 fully driverless robotaxis into operation and operate the world's biggest fully driverless ride-hailing area, contributing to the rapid and high-quality development of China' autonomous driving industry.

2022 年 8 月,百度收到 中國的 有史以來第一份在開放道路上向公衆提供商用完全無人駕駛的機器人出租車服務的許可證, Apollo Go開始在美國提供商用機器人出租車服務 重慶武漢,其中兩個 中國的 最大的特大城市。百度計劃在2023年再投入200輛完全無人駕駛的機器人出租車並運營世界上最大的全無人駕駛叫車區,爲快速和高質量的發展做出貢獻 中國'自動駕駛行業。

Apollo Go has received highly positive feedback from users, with an average user rating of 4.9 out of 5 on the Apollo Go app in Q1 2023, with 97.12% of ratings being a full 5 points. The platform has also seen rapid growth in its active user base and user engagement. In 2022, the number of active users nearly doubled from a year earlier, and the percentage of users who took rides more than 4 days per month increased by 8.06% from the previous year. Over 2 million rides accumulated by Q1 2023. Apollo Go is the world's largest autonomous ride-hailing service provider.

Apollo Go 收到了用戶的高度積極反饋,2023 年第一季度 Apollo Go 應用程序的平均用戶評分爲 4.9 分(滿分 5 分),其中 97.12% 的評分爲整整 5 分。該平臺的活躍用戶羣和用戶參與度也快速增長。2022 年,活躍用戶數量比去年同期幾乎翻了一番,每月乘車超過 4 天的用戶比例比上年增長了 8.06%。到 2023 年第一季度,累計乘車次數超過 200 萬次Apollo Go 是世界上最大的自動叫車服務提供商。

The approval of Apollo Go's commercial fully driverless operations in Shenzhen reflects the city's longstanding position at the forefront of the intelligent connected vehicle industry. Apollo Go's expansion in Shenzhen is set to further stimulate this vibrant and innovative sector and build a stronger local industry ecosystem.

Apollo Go的商業完全無人駕駛業務獲得批准 深圳 反映了該市長期以來在智能網聯汽車行業前沿的地位。Apollo Go 的擴展版在 深圳 將進一步刺激這個充滿活力和創新的行業,並建立更強大的本地產業生態系統。

As autonomous driving technology continues to expand and mature as a part of the transportation landscape, Apollo Go is working to continue to enhance its capabilities and improve the user experience, dedicated to accelerating the commercialization of autonomous driving, and providing safe, comfortable, efficient, and convenient services to more consumers. With its dedication to innovation and its relentless pursuit of excellence in autonomous driving technology, Baidu is positioned to enhance its role it as a key player in China's intelligent transportation industry.

隨着自動駕駛技術作爲交通領域的一部分不斷髮展和成熟,Apollo Go正在努力繼續增強其能力並改善用戶體驗,致力於加速自動駕駛的商業化,併爲更多的消費者提供安全、舒適、高效和便捷的服務。憑藉其對創新的執着精神和對自動駕駛技術卓越的不懈追求,百度有望加強其作爲關鍵參與者的作用 中國的 智能交通行業。

About Baidu


Founded in 2000, Baidu's mission is to make the complicated world simpler through technology. Baidu is a leading AI company with strong Internet foundation, trading on the NASDAQ under "BIDU" and HKEX under "9888." One Baidu ADS represents eight Class A ordinary shares.

百度成立於2000年,其使命是通過技術使複雜的世界變得更簡單。百度是一家領先的人工智能公司,擁有強大的互聯網基礎,在納斯達克以 “BIDU” 交易,在香港交易所以 “9888” 交易。一股百度ADS代表八股A類普通股。

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