
Chick-fil-A's Lean Menu Helps Chain Bulk Up

Chick-fil-A's Lean Menu Helps Chain Bulk Up

道琼斯 ·  2019/05/08 19:00

DJ Chick-fil-A's Lean Menu Helps Chain Bulk Up

DJ Chick-Fill-A的精益菜單幫助連鎖增加體型

By Micah Maidenberg

米卡·梅登伯格(Micah Madenberg)著

As the biggest fast-food chains have expanded menus to attract new customers, Chick-fil-A Inc. has gained ground with a different strategy: its focus on chicken sandwiches.

隨着最大的快餐連鎖店擴大菜單以吸引新顧客,Chick-Fill-A Inc.採取了一種不同的戰略:專注於雞肉三明治。

Since its founding in Atlanta in 1967 by entrepreneur Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-A's signature item has been its breaded chicken-breast sandwich served with pickles on a buttered toasted bun. The company sells breakfast and salads, too, but its relatively simple menu stands out, compared with its fast-food rivals.

自1967年企業家特魯特·凱西(Truett Cathy)在亞特蘭大創立以來,Chick-Fill-A的招牌產品一直是塗了麪包屑的雞胸肉三明治,配以黃油烤麪包上的泡菜。該公司還銷售早餐和沙拉,但與快餐競爭對手相比,其相對簡單的菜單脱穎而出。

Now, five decades later, the closely held company this year is poised to become the third-biggest U.S. restaurant chain by sales behind McDonald's Corp. and Starbucks Corp., according to food-service consultancy Technomic Inc. The growth reflects Chick-fil-A's expansion over the past decade, as well as consumers' broader turn toward chicken.

根據餐飲服務諮詢公司Technics Inc的數據,50年後的今天,這家少數人持股的公司今年將成為銷售額僅次於麥當勞(McDonald‘s Corp.)和星巴克(Starbucks Corp.)的美國第三大連鎖餐廳。這一增長反映了Chick-Fill-A在過去10年的擴張,以及消費者更廣泛地轉向雞肉。

"We've been pretty consistent in how, over multiple decades, we're going to take it slow and steady," Mark Moraitakis, a Chick-fil-A senior director, said about the company's expansion. "It's paid off for us."

“幾十年來,我們一直堅持緩慢而穩定的態度,”Chick-Fill-A高級總監馬克·莫萊塔基斯(Mark Moraitakis)在談到公司的擴張時説。“這對我們來説是有回報的。”

Sales from Chick-fil-A's restaurants have tripled over the past decade, reaching $10.2 billion last year, Technomic said, even though the chain is closed on Sundays, a practice implemented by its conservative Christian founder.


Chick-fil-A, also known for its customer service, has nearly doubled its store count to about 2,400 restaurants since 2007. The company now has locations from Manhattan to Hollywood. Its growing presence will test whether consumers will stick with the chain as they have in the South, Chick-fil-A's historic base.


"I don't know if it will have such an abiding loyalty in other regions," said Sara Senatore, a restaurant analyst at Sanford Bernstein.

桑福德·伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford Bernstein)的餐飲業分析師薩拉·塞納託雷(Sara Senatore)説,“我不知道它是否會在其他地區擁有如此持久的忠誠度。”

The company has met resistance when moving into other areas, in part because of public reaction to comments made in 2012 by Chief Executive Dan Cathy, son of the company's founder, regarding the CEO's opposition to same-sex marriage. Advocates called for a boycott and organized protests at Chick-fil-A restaurants, while conservative customers expressed support.

該公司在進軍其他領域時遇到了阻力,部分原因是公眾對2012年首席執行長凱西(Dan Cathy)關於首席執行官反對同性婚姻的言論的反應。凱西是該公司創始人的兒子。倡導者呼籲抵制,並在Chick-Fill-A餐廳組織抗議活動,而保守派顧客則表示支持。

This year, officials in San Antonio stopped the chain from opening a location in the city's airport because of the views on sexual orientation. The concessions company at the airport serving Buffalo, N.Y., dropped Chick-fil-A as a potential tenant at that facility after facing protests over the same issue.


A spokeswoman said the company focuses on ensuring that all customers, employees, restaurant operators and other partners are treated with care and respect.


"It does look like most consumers, for the most part, are looking the other way," said Jeff Farmer, a restaurant analyst at Gordon Haskett Research Advisors.

戈登·哈斯克特研究顧問公司(Gordon Haskett Research Advisors)的餐廳分析師傑夫·法默(Jeff Farmer)説,“看起來大多數消費者在很大程度上都在視而不見。”

Each year since 2015, Chick-fil-A has been the top-rated fast-food restaurant on the American Customer Satisfaction Index, which considers factors such as staff courtesy and restaurant cleanliness.


Bradley Ackerman, a professional drummer in Nashville, said he likes Chick-fil-A's consistent service. "The wait is never too long. My order is never wrong," Mr. Ackerman said.

布拉德利·阿克曼(Bradley Ackerman)是納什維爾的一名職業鼓手,他説他喜歡Chick-Fill-A始終如一的服務。阿克曼説,“等待的時間永遠不會太長。我點的菜從來都不會錯。”

Younger diners have given Chick-fil-A high marks. In a survey this spring of teenagers, respondents listed Chick-fil-A as their favorite restaurant, beating out Starbucks for the top spot, according to investment bank Piper Jaffray Cos.

年輕的用餐者給Chick-Fill-A打了很高的分。根據投資銀行Piper Jaffray Cos的數據,在今年春天對青少年的一項調查中,受訪者將Chick-Fill-A列為他們最喜歡的餐廳,擊敗星巴克位居榜首。

Helping Chick-fil-A is an increase in consumer interest toward chicken. Fast-food restaurants in the U.S. served more than 2.5 billion breaded-chicken sandwiches last year, according to market-research firm NPD Group Inc., up 17% over a decade. Burger servings slipped 5% in that period to 7.4 billion last year.

幫助Fill-A雞肉的是消費者對雞肉興趣的增加。根據市場研究公司NPD Group Inc.的數據,美國快餐店去年提供了超過25億份麪包雞肉三明治,比10年前增長了17%。在此期間,漢堡的供應量下滑了5%,至去年的74億份。

Among limited-service U.S. restaurants that mainly serve chicken, Chick-fil-A's market share rose to 33% last year from 18% in 2009, while the market share of Yum Brands Inc.'s KFC chain fell to 15% from 29% in that time, according to data tracker Euromonitor. Chick-fil-A's growth also has hampered burger sales, consultants and industry executives say.

根據數據追蹤機構歐睿信息諮詢公司(Euromonitor)的數據,在主要供應雞肉的美國有限服務餐廳中,Chick-Fill-A的市場份額從2009年的18%升至去年的33%,而百勝餐飲集團(Yum Brands Inc.)旗下肯德基(KFC)連鎖店的市場份額從同期的29%降至15%。諮詢公司和行業高管説,Chick-Fill-A的增長也阻礙了漢堡的銷售。

Other chains are tapping into chicken's rising popularity and tweaking their menus.


KFC is planning to open new U.S. restaurants, on a net basis, in 2019 for the first time in nearly 15 years. McDonald's has simplified its menu, eliminating a line of customizable burgers in April to streamline operations. Wendy's Co. recently bolstered its chicken-sandwich lineup.

肯德基計劃在2019年開設新的美國餐廳,這是近15年來的首次。麥當勞簡化了菜單,在4月份取消了一系列可定製的漢堡,以簡化運營。温迪公司(Wendy‘s Co.)最近加強了雞肉三明治的陣容。

Chick-fil-A has kept its menu relatively straightforward. The company has made an average of 12 permanent or limited-time additions to its menu each year since 2010, according to Datassential, a food-research firm. McDonald's, by contrast, has made 49 in recent years, and Burger King, owned by Restaurant Brands International Inc., has made 37.

Chick-Fill-A的菜單相對簡單。根據食品研究公司Datassential的數據,自2010年以來,該公司平均每年在菜單上增加12份永久性或限時的菜品。相比之下,麥當勞(McDonald‘s)近年來做了49個,餐飲品牌國際公司(Restaurant Brands International Inc.)旗下的漢堡王(Burger King)做了37個。

Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A Inc. -- the corporate parent -- reported revenue and rents of more than $3 billion last year, up 28% compared with 2016. Net earnings rose to $435 million from $371 million, according to franchise documents some states make available.

總部位於亞特蘭大的母公司Chick-Fill-A Inc.公佈,去年的收入和租金超過30億美元,比2016年增長了28%。根據一些州提供的特許經營文件,淨收益從3.71億美元升至4.35億美元。

The company says its operators, most of whom run just one restaurant, help assure consistent food quality and operations.


"It's almost a calling," said Stephen Browning, who opened a Chick-fil-A in Pueblo, Colo., in 2014.

2014年,斯蒂芬·布朗寧(Stephen Browning)在科羅拉多州普韋布洛開了一家Chick-Fill-A餐廳,他説:“這幾乎是一種召喚。”

The average McDonald's franchisee owns a half-dozen stores, a company executive said in March. Carrols Restaurant Group Inc. operates 1,010 Burger Kings in the U.S. Chris Finazzo, president of Burger King North America, said wider reach is a strength, not a weakness.

麥當勞的一位高管在3月份説,平均每個麥當勞加盟商擁有六家門店。Carrols餐飲集團(Carrols Restaurant Group Inc.)在美國經營着1,010家漢堡王。漢堡王北美總裁克里斯·菲納佐(Chris Finazzo)表示,擴大業務範圍是一種優勢,而不是劣勢。

Write to Micah Maidenberg at

寫信給Micah Madenberg,電子郵件

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


May 08, 2019 07:00 ET (11:00 GMT)


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