
KUDO Snacks Secures Game-Changing Partnership With UFC to Skyrocket Protein Popcorn's Marketing & Brand Awareness

KUDO Snacks Secures Game-Changing Partnership With UFC to Skyrocket Protein Popcorn's Marketing & Brand Awareness

KUDO Snacks與UFC建立了改變遊戲規則的合作伙伴關係,使Protein Popcorn的營銷和品牌知名度猛增
newsfile ·  2023/06/06 10:39

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 5, 2023) - KUDO Snacks, a leading provider of kettle-popped Protein Popcorn, is thrilled to announce an extensive strategic partnership with UFC, the world's premier mixed martial arts (MMA) organization.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2023 年 6 月 5 日)——鍋爆蛋白爆米花的領先供應商 KUDO Snacks 很高興地宣佈與全球首屈一指的混合武術 (MMA) 組織UFC建立廣泛的戰略合作伙伴關係。

"This is a proud moment for KUDO snacks as we position the brand for explosive growth," said Founder and CEO of KUDO Snacks, Ryan Lewis. "We cannot wait to share our passion for KUDO Protein Popcorn with the massive UFC fan base."

“對於工藤零食來說,這是一個值得驕傲的時刻,因爲我們爲品牌的爆炸式增長做好了準備,” KUDO Snacks的創始人兼首席執行官瑞安·劉易斯說。“我們迫不及待地想與龐大的 UFC 粉絲羣分享我們對 KUDO Protein Popcorn 的熱情。

KUDO's collaboration with UFC entails a dynamic fusion of brand integration and innovative marketing initiatives, spanning across select UFC Pay-Per-View and UFC Fight Nights, as well as UFC Fan Experience events, and a wide array of social media platforms. By teaming up with UFC, KUDO Snacks is presented a remarkable opportunity to showcase its protein-packed popcorn to a national audience, reinforcing its position as a premier provider of high-quality nutrition for athletes and a healthier choice for everyday snackers.

KUDO與UFC的合作包括品牌整合和創新營銷計劃的動態融合,涵蓋部分UFC按次付費和UFC格鬥之夜,以及UFC粉絲體驗活動和各種社交媒體平臺。通過與UFC合作,KUDO Snacks爲向全國觀衆展示其富含蛋白質的爆米花提供了一個難得的機會,這鞏固了其作爲運動員優質營養和日常零食更健康選擇的首選供應商的地位。

Grant Norris-Jones, UFC Senior Vice President of Global Partnerships, said: "KUDO is a great fit for the UFC brand. Its disruptive, delicious high-protein popcorn perfectly caters to our active, health-conscious audience who seek more from what they put into their bodies."

UFC全球夥伴關係高級副總裁格蘭特·諾里斯-瓊斯說: “KUDO 非常適合 UFC 品牌。它的顛覆性、美味的高蛋白爆米花完美地迎合了我們活躍、注重健康的受衆,他們希望從體內攝入的食物中獲得更多。”

Brydon Cotter, Founder and President of KUDO Snacks, said: "UFC is a fantastic organization experiencing unprecedented growth and KUDO is really excited to be a part of it. We've seen the incredible success of other brands in partnering with UFC, which have led to remarkable outcomes. With KUDO, we have a unique offering that seamlessly aligns with UFC to captivate their massive fan base." This ground-breaking collaboration signifies a pivotal moment, showcasing the undeniable appeal of KUDO's protein-packed snacks to UFC's devoted fan base. KUDO and UFC unleash a powerful combination - a unique product offering with a massive target demographic.

KUDO Snacks的創始人兼總裁布萊頓·科特說: “UFC是一個了不起的組織,正在經歷前所未有的增長,KUDO很高興能成爲其中的一員。我們已經看到其他品牌在與UFC合作方面取得了令人難以置信的成功,並取得了顯著成果。藉助 KUDO,我們提供了一款與 UFC 無縫對應的獨特產品,以吸引他們的龐大粉絲羣。”這次開創性的合作標誌着一個關鍵時刻,展示了工藤富含蛋白質的零食對UFC忠實粉絲羣具有不可否認的吸引力。KUDO和UFC推出了強大的組合——一種擁有龐大目標人羣的獨特產品。

KUDO's kettle-popped Protein Popcorn stands out with its gluten-free, 100% whole grain, and keto-friendly composition, made from golden Nebraska kernels sourced exclusively from the USA. With an impressive 10 grams of protein per bag and flavors like White Cheddar, Sweet and Salty, and Garlic Parmesan, KUDO delivers both indulgence and nutrition. Riding the wave of the booming popcorn market, projected to reach $18.8 billion by 20313, KUDO aims to make an impact, supported by a collaborative effort with UFC to curate customized packaging with exclusive branding and captivating point of purchase displays at select retail partners, propelling KUDO's prominence in the marketplace.

KUDO 的鍋爆蛋白質爆米花以其無麩質、100% 全穀物和對生酮友好的成分脫穎而出,該成分由完全來自美國的金內布拉斯加內布拉斯加內布拉斯加內布拉斯加內加內布拉斯加仁製成。每袋含有令人印象深刻的 10 克蛋白質以及白切達乾酪、Sweet and Salty 和 Garlic Parmesan 等口味,可提供縱享和營養。順應蓬勃發展的爆米花市場的浪潮,預計到2031年將達到188億美元3,KUDO的目標是在與UFC合作的支持下產生影響,在部分零售合作伙伴策劃帶有獨家品牌和引人入勝的購買點展示的定製包裝,推動KUDO在市場上的知名度。

Positioned within a popcorn market driven by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3% and characterized by over $10.2 billion in acquisitions in the nutrition and snacking categories over the past five years4, KUDO recognizes the tremendous potential and capitalizes on this thriving landscape. With its sights set on explosive growth, KUDO solidifies its position as a prominent player, leveraging the immense reach of UFC and strategic partnerships to drive substantial e-commerce sales. This transformative journey for KUDO not only propels its upward trajectory, but also reinforces its commitment to fueling active lifestyles and revolutionizing the snack industry with innovation.


KUDO Snacks CEO, Ryan Lewis (left) & UFC President, Dana White (right) solidify a trailblazing partnership at Dana White's office in the heart of Vegas.

KUDO Snacks首席執行官瑞安·劉易斯(左)和UFC總裁達娜·懷特(右)在拉斯維加斯市中心的達娜·懷特辦公室鞏固了開拓性的合作伙伴關係。

About UFC

關於 UFC

UFC is the world's premier mixed martial arts organization (MMA), with more than 700 million fans and 233 million social media followers. The organization produces more than 40 live events annually in some of the most prestigious arenas around the world, while broadcasting to over 900 million TV households across more than 170 countries. UFC's active fighter roster features the world's best MMA athletes representing more than 75 countries. The organization's digital offerings include UFC FIGHT PASS, one of the world's leading streaming services for combat sports. UFC is owned by global sports and entertainment company Endeavor and is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information, visit and follow UFC at, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok: @UFC.

UFC是全球首屈一指的混合武術組織(MMA),擁有超過7億粉絲和2.33億社交媒體關注者。該組織每年在全球一些最負盛名的競技場舉辦40多場直播活動,同時向170多個國家的9億多個電視家庭進行廣播。UFC 的現役格鬥選手陣容中有來自超過 75 個國家的世界最佳綜合格鬥運動員。該組織的數字產品包括UFC FIGHT PASS,這是世界領先的格鬥運動流媒體服務之一。UFC歸全球體育和娛樂公司Endeavor所有,總部位於內華達州拉斯維加斯。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問 並通過、Twitter、Snapchat、Instagram 和 TikTok 關注 UFC:@UFC。

About KUDO Snacks


KUDO Snacks revolutionizes snacking with their extraordinary creation, KUDO Protein Popcorn. Combining farm-fresh ingredients and a proprietary kettle popped method, this guilt-free delight is infused with protein, delivering a healthy and irresistibly flavorful snack. With a relentless pursuit of innovation, KUDO Snacks redefines legacy snacking categories by providing better tasting and healthier alternatives.

KUDO Snacks 憑藉其非凡的作品 KUDO Protein Popcorn 徹底改變了零食結合農場新鮮食材和專有的 pop-pop 方法,這款無罪的軟糖富含蛋白質,提供健康且不可抗拒的美味零食。憑藉對創新的不懈追求,KUDO Snacks 通過提供更美味和更健康的替代品,重新定義了傳統的零食類別。

For further information please contact
Knox Henderson
Investor Relations


3Popcorn Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2022 - 2031). Mordor Intelligence. February 2022. Available at: . 4Combination of the largest industry exists in the nutrition and snack category, including Angie's BoomChicka Pop4.1, Skinny Pop4.2, Quest4.3, Kind Bar4.4, Bettera Holdings4.5, and BodyArmor4.6 (4.1 "Conagra spent $250M for Angie's Boomchickapop," Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal, October 9, 2017. 4.2 Hershey to Acquire Amplify Snack Brands," Seeking Alpha, December 18, 2017. 4.3Weisul, K. (2019, March 20). The Quest for the Perfect Protein Bar Has Turned Into a Billion-Dollar Industry. Inc. 4.4Sorkin, A. R., & de la Merced, M. J. (2020, November 17). Mars buys Kind bars, continuing its search for snacks that aren't candy. The New York Times. 4.5CNN Business. (2022, June 21). Snack giant Mondelez is buying Clif Bar for $3 billion. 4.6CNBC. (2021, November 1). Coca-Cola buys full control of Bodyarmor for $5.6 billion.)

3爆米花市場——增長、趨勢、COVID-19 的影響和預測(2022-2031)。魔多情報。2022 年 2 月。可在以下網址獲得:。 4最大的行業合併存在於營養和零食領域,包括Angie's BoomChicka Pop4.1,Skinny P4.2,任務4.3,Kind Bar4.4,貝泰拉控股4.5,以及 BodyArm4.64.1 “康納格拉花了2.5億美元購買了安吉的Boomchickapop,”《明尼阿波利斯/聖保羅商業雜誌》,2017年10月9日。 4.2 好時將收購 Amplify 零食品牌,” Seeking Alpha,2017 年 12 月 18 日。 4.3英國 Weisul(2019 年 3 月 20 日)。對完美蛋白棒的追求已經變成了一個價值數十億美元的產業。公司 4.4A.R. Sorkin 和 m.J. de la Merced(2020 年 11 月 17 日)。瑪氏收購 Kind bars,繼續尋找不是糖果的零食。《紐約時報》。 4.5美國有線電視新聞網(2022 年 6 月 21 日)。零食巨頭Mondelez正在以30億美元的價格收購Clif Bar。 4.6CNBC。(2021 年 11 月 1 日)。可口可樂以56億美元收購了Bodyarmor的全部控制權。)

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Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. This press release contains forward-looking statements pertaining, but not limited, to management's assessment of future plans, operations and projections, and cash flow. No assurance can be given that these assessments and other forward-looking statements will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements in this press release should not be unduly relied upon. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections, and other forward-looking statements will not occur, which may cause the Company's actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any estimates or projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, the risks described in the section of the presentation entitled "Risk Factors".

根據適用的證券立法的含義,本新聞稿中包含的某些聲明具有前瞻性。除歷史事實陳述以外的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,涉及但不限於管理層對未來計劃、運營和預測以及現金流的評估。無法保證這些評估和其他前瞻性陳述會被證明是正確的,不應過分依賴本新聞稿中的此類前瞻性陳述。就其性質而言,前瞻性陳述涉及許多已知和未知的風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性導致預測、預測、預測和其他前瞻性陳述不發生的可能性,這可能導致公司未來一段時間的實際業績和財務業績與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何對未來業績或結果的估計或預測存在重大差異。除其他外,這些風險和不確定性包括演示文稿中標題爲 “風險因素” 的部分中描述的風險。

The forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities legislation. The information contained in this press release does not purport to be all inclusive or to contain all information that a prospective investor may require. Prospective investors are encouraged to conduct their own analysis and to consider the advice of their financial, legal, accounting, tax and other advisors.


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