
Fostering a More Inclusive Patent Ecosystem for All Inventors

Fostering a More Inclusive Patent Ecosystem for All Inventors

Accesswire ·  2023/05/31 22:15

As published in Qualcomm's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

正如高通的 2022 年企业责任报告中所发布的

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / May 31, 2023 / We believe that the United States patent system should reflect the diversity of this country, and if we can diversify who is inventing and patenting, we can create more jobs, boost the U.S. economy, close wage and wealth gaps and ensure the U.S. remains a global leader in innovation. We are actively working within our Company and externally to create more equitable opportunities for women and people of color in innovation.

马萨诸塞州北安普敦/Accesswire/2023 年 5 月 31 日/ 我们认为,美国的专利制度应该反映这个国家的多样性,如果我们能够实现发明和专利的多元化,我们就能创造更多就业机会,提振美国经济,缩小工资和财富差距,确保美国仍然是创新领域的全球领导者。我们正在公司内部和外部积极努力,在创新领域为女性和有色人种创造更公平的机会。

We are a founding partner of Invent Together, a campaign supported by organizations, universities, companies and other stakeholders that are dedicated to understanding the gender, race, income and other diversity gaps in invention and patenting and supporting public policy and private efforts to close them. With Invent Together, we are advocating for greater study of historical exclusion from patenting and for policies and programs aimed at making patent-heavy STEM fields more inclusive. For example, we advocated for passage of the Inventor Diversity for Economic Advancement (IDEA) Act, which would direct the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to collect inventors' demographic data on a voluntary basis and make this information available in the aggregate for research.

我们是Invent Together的创始合作伙伴,该活动由组织、大学、公司和其他利益相关者支持,致力于了解发明和专利方面的性别、种族、收入和其他多样性差距,并支持旨在缩小这些差距的公共政策和私人努力。通过 Invent Together,我们倡导更多地研究历史上被排除在专利之外的现象,并倡导旨在使专利密集的 STEM 领域更具包容性的政策和计划。例如,我们主张通过《发明人多样性促进经济进步法》(IDEA),该法案将指示美国专利商标局(USPTO)自愿收集发明者的人口统计数据,并将这些信息汇总用于研究。

The story of engineering breakthroughs by our Company is a case study for how the U.S. patent system helps inventors get their ideas into the marketplace, while funding future risk-taking and innovation. This story helps explain why we have long championed support for strong IP rights as a foundation for future inventors of all backgrounds and why, in 2022, we partnered with Invent Together on the launch of TIPA.

我们公司的工程突破故事是一个案例研究,说明了美国专利体系如何帮助发明者将他们的想法推向市场,同时为未来的冒险和创新提供资金。这个故事有助于解释为什么我们长期以来一直倡导支持强大的知识产权,以此作为未来各种背景的发明家的基础,以及为什么我们在 2022 年与 Invent Together 合作推出了 TIPA。

TIPA, which formally launched during the summer, is an online learning platform aimed at guiding inventors through the benefits of patenting and the process of obtaining a patent - particularly potential inventors with backgrounds that provide them little or no exposure to the world of IP. The educational modules of TIPA are designed to show potential patentees what they can gain from patenting their invention and what the process looks like from the inventor's point of view.


Most importantly, the free course aims to make patenting more accessible for groups historically underrepresented in the patent-heavy science and engineering fields, including women, people of color, people who identify as LGBTQ+, people from lower-income communities and people with disabilities.


We have long championed strong patent rights because we know the personal, national and global transformative power they bring. In developing TIPA, we were motivated by the belief that everyone can invent, that every inventor can learn to patent and that strong patent rights empower individual inventors to transform the world in ways that benefit us all.

长期以来,我们一直倡导强大的专利权,因为我们知道它们带来的个人、国家和全球变革力量。在开发 TIPA 的过程中,我们坚信每个人都可以发明,每个发明人都可以学会专利,强大的专利权使个人发明者能够以造福我们所有人的方式改变世界。

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SOURCE: Qualcomm

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