
Stocks of the Hour: TerraCom, Wildcat Resources, EcoGraf

Stocks of the Hour: TerraCom, Wildcat Resources, EcoGraf

時下股票:TerraCom、Wildcat Resources、EcoGraf
sharecafe ·  2023/05/31 10:10

TerraCom (ASX:TER) announces a fully franked dividend of 3.0 cents per fully paid ordinary share. In response, MD Danny McCarthy, said: "Following payment of this dividend in June 2023, the Company will have returned $244 million to shareholders since July 2022." Shares are trading 5.83 per cent lower at 48.5 cents.

TerraCom (ASX: TER) 宣佈每股全額支付的普通股派發3.0美分的全額股息。作爲回應,總經理丹尼·麥卡錫表示:“在2023年6月支付這筆股息後,自2022年7月以來,公司將向股東返還2.44億美元。”股價下跌5.83%,至48.5美分。

Wildcat Resources (ASX:WC8) announced that field work is underway at their Tabba Tabba project in WA. Wildcat's maiden drill program which will commence in early July. Shares are trading 18.18 per cent higher at 13 cents.

Wildcat Resources (ASX: WC8) 宣佈,他們在西澳大利亞州的Tabba Tabba項目正在進行實地考察。Wildcat的首次鑽探計劃將於7月初開始。股價上漲18.18%,至13美分。

Vertically integrated anode materials business, EcoGraf (ASX:EGR; FSE:FMK; OTCQX:ECGFF) has signed a non-binding Cooperation Agreement with POSCO International, a global leading manufacturer of natural graphite anodes. Shares are trading 13.33 per cent higher at 17 cents.

垂直整合的陽極材料業務EcoGraf(ASX: EGR;FSE: FMK;OTCQX: ECGFF)已與全球領先的天然石墨陽極製造商浦項制鐵國際簽署了不具約束力的合作協議。股價上漲13.33%,至17美分。


