
Yatra Online Q4 Adj EPS $0.01 Beats $(0.02) Estimate, Adj Sales $23.05M Beat $12.83M Estimate

Yatra Online Q4 Adj EPS $0.01 Beats $(0.02) Estimate, Adj Sales $23.05M Beat $12.83M Estimate

Yatra Online 第四季度调整后每股收益为0.01美元,超过预期(0.02 美元),调整后销售额2350万美元超过预期的1,283万美元
Benzinga ·  2023/05/30 20:07

Yatra Online (NASDAQ:YTRA) reported quarterly earnings of $0.01 per share which beat the analyst consensus estimate of $(0.02) by 150 percent. This is a 200 percent increase over losses of $(0.01) per share from the sameYatra Online (NASDAQ:YTRA) reported quarterly earnings of $0.01 per share which beat the analyst consensus estimate of $(0.02) by 150 percent. This is a 200 percent increase over losses of $(0.01) per share from the same period last year. The company reported quarterly sales of $23.05 million which beat the analyst consensus estimate of $12.83 million by 79.69 percent. This is a 78.48 percent increase over sales of $12.92 million the same period last year.

Yatra Online(纳斯达克股票代码:YTRA)公布的季度每股收益为0.01美元,比分析师共识估计的0.02美元(0.02)高出150%。这比SameyaTra Online(纳斯达克股票代码:YTRA)公布的每股亏损0.01美元(0.01)增加了200%,比分析师共识估计的每股亏损0.01美元(0.02)高出150%。与去年同期相比,每股亏损0.01美元,增长了200%。该公司公布的季度销售额为2,305万美元,比分析师共识估计的1,283万美元高出79.69%。这比去年同期的1,292万美元销售额增长了78.48%。

