Metaverse Land Just Sold For $1,302 (2,785 MANA) In Decentraland
Metaverse Land Just Sold For $1,302 (2,785 MANA) In Decentraland
What happened: Virtual land tokenized as an NFT just sold for $1,302, which is 1.30x the current floor price of 0.547 Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) ($1,302 USD). The collection consists of over 97,000 plots of land –– at the current moment each plot Land parcels are 16m x 16m, or 52 square feet. Land in Decentraland and The Sandbox skyrocketed after Facebook's rebrand to meta, as more investors become aware of what the metaverse is. Most of the time, virtual land sells at a premium due to the size of the lot and its proximity to the center of the metaverse.
發生了甚麼: 代幣化爲NFT的虛擬土地剛剛以1,302美元的價格售出,是當前0.547以太坊(加密貨幣:ETH)(1,302美元)的最低價格的1.30倍。該館藏由超過 97,000 塊土地組成,目前每塊地塊爲 16m x 16m,即 52 平方英尺。隨着越來越多的投資者意識到元宇宙是甚麼,在 Facebook 更名爲 meta 之後,Decentraland 和 The Sandbox 的登陸量猛增。在大多數情況下,由於地塊的規模及其與元宇宙中心的距離,虛擬土地以溢價出售。
Ethereum's blockchain is home to open world metaverses, with the 2 largest being Decentraland (CRYPTO: MANA) and The Sandbox (CRYPTO: SAND). Brands like Adidas (OTC:ADDYY) and Atari (OTC:PONGF) have bought virtual land in these blockchain-based metaverses, and some companies believe that much of retail will eventually happen within the metaverse.
以太坊的區塊鏈是開放世界元宇宙的發源地,最大的兩個是 Decentraland(CRYPTO:MANA)和沙盒(CRYPTO:SAND)。阿迪達斯(場外交易代碼:ADDYY)和雅達利(場外交易代碼:PONGF)等品牌已經在這些基於區塊鏈的虛擬世界中購買了虛擬土地,一些公司認爲,大部分零售業最終將發生在元宇宙中。
The term metaverse is used to describe the evolution of human's interaction with the internet. As we spend more and more of our time on the internet, the gap between the real world and our online identities declines. Eventually, the metaverse is intended to be an immersive virtual world where people enjoy digital ownership and can interact with their peers.
Why it Matters: After Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) announced its rebrand to Meta, investors began to pay attention to platforms that are building metaverses. Smart contract blockchains can secure ownership of digital assets, so these networks play a crucial role in building out the metaverse.
它爲何重要: 在 Facebook(納斯達克股票代碼:FB)宣佈將其品牌重命名爲 Meta 之後,投資者開始關注正在構建元宇宙的平臺。智能合約區塊鏈可以保護數字資產的所有權,因此這些網絡在構建元宇宙中起着至關重要的作用。
See Also: NFT Release Calendar and Best NFT Projects of 2021
另請參閱: NFT 發佈日曆 和 2021 年最佳 NFT 項目
Data provided by OpenSea.
數據由 OpenSea 提供。
Checkout the full The Sandbox collection
查看完整的 The Sandbox 系列
You can learn more about this LAND here.
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