
Tembo to Generate Maiden Resource Estimate

Tembo to Generate Maiden Resource Estimate

Tembo 將生成首次資源估算值
newsfile ·  2023/05/25 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 25, 2023) - Tembo Gold Corp. (TSXV: TEM) (FSE: T23A) (OTCQB: TBGPF) ("Tembo" or the "Company") - David Scott, President & CEO, is pleased to announce that the Company has initiated a maiden resource estimate on its Tembo property, and provides an update on the Company's strategy for its Tembo project in 2023, focusing initially on resource evaluation and new target testing.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年5月25日)-天寶黃金公司(TSXV:TM)(FSE:T23A)(OTCQB:TBGPF)(“天寶”或“公司”)-總裁首席執行官David·斯科特高興地宣佈,公司已對其坦博資產啟動了首次資源評估,並提供了公司2023年坦博專案戰略的最新情況,最初重點是資源評估和新目標測試。



  • Three targets, Ngula 1, Nyakagwe Village and Nyakagwe East, have returned a significant number of both high-grade, and in places wide, gold intersections: 22.18g/t Au over 15.00m from 299.00m; 6.55g/t Au over 7.46m from 370.46m; 12.96g/t Au over 5.54m from 89.01m; 16.58g/t Au over 3.55m from 43.88 and 27.88g/t Au over 3.00m from 65.90m.
  • Ngula 1、Nyakagwe村和Nyakagwe East這三個目標已返回大量高品位和寬地方的黃金交叉點:15.00米以上的金22.18克/噸,299.00米;7.46米以上的金6.55克/噸,89.01米的12.96克/噸;3.55米以上的16.58克/噸金,65.90米的27.88克/噸。
  • The work has begun. These intersections and the improved geological understanding from recent drilling have provided confidence that there is the potential for a substantial resource at all three targets that warrants modeling and quantification.
  • 這項工作已經開始。這些交叉點和最近鑽探對地質認識的改善使人們相信,在所有三個目標都有大量資源的潛力,需要進行建模和量化。
  • The Tembo Project shares a contiguous geology with Bulyanhulu Mine and the project boundary is within 5km of the mine's shaft, with the host structures at the mine trending directly into Tembo's ground.
  • Tembo專案與Bulyanhulu礦處於毗連的地質環境中,專案邊界距離礦井不到5公里,礦場的主體構造直接指向Tembo的地面。
  • An important conclusion of the most recent drill program is that aside from the immediate extension of the Bulyanhulu Mine host structural zone extending into Tembo's ground, numerous parallel and oblique gold bearing structures host gold on the Tembo Project.
  • 最新鑽探計劃的一個重要結論是,除了Bulyanhulu礦主構造帶立即延伸到Tembo的地面外,Tembo專案上還有許多平行和傾斜的含金構造承載著金礦。
  • Ongoing surface exploration activities on the remainder of the project area are underway to improve target prioritization, identifying those that are mineralized and that will warrant drilling in the future.
  • 目前正在進行專案區其餘部分的地面勘探活動,以改進目標優先順序,確定哪些礦化專案和未來需要鑽探的專案。

Maiden Resource Estimate


The detailed review of the historical drill database, reinforced by the new information generated by the most recent drill campaign, has now positioned Tembo to undertake its first resource estimation with a high degree of confidence. In-house interpretation of the host-rock and structural controls of gold distribution within the mineralized shear zones has been undertaken and preliminary wireframes have been created.


It is expected that a resource statement will be released within six to eight weeks.


The next steps will then be to implement the drill programs to upgrade the confidence levels of these resources in terms of being 43-101-compliant and then if warranted undertake a preliminary economic assessment, leading to prefeasibility and feasibility studies, and ultimately to mining license applications.


Tembo Historical Exploration


A total of US$28mm has been spent to date on exploration on the Tembo Gold Property. From the substantial and comprehensive body of work that has been developed, the Company has focused on three targets Ngula 1, Nyakagwe Village and Nyakagwe East. All three targets have shown to comprise multiple (up to eight), subparallel shear structures hosting gold mineralization within broad shear zones up to 250m wide, interpreted as interconnecting, anastomosing shears. The structures are noted to persist along strike and dip but gold grades and widths are noted to fluctuate due to pinch and swell of the gold-bearing veins.

到目前為止,在Tembo Gold的勘探上總共花費了2800萬美元。從已經開展的大量和全面的工作中,該公司將重點放在Ngula 1、Nyakagwe村和Nyakagwe East的三個目標上。所有三個目標都被證明由多個(多達8個)次平行剪切構造組成,這些構造在寬達250米的寬闊剪切帶內承載著金礦化,解釋為相互連接的網狀剪切。人們注意到這些構造沿著走向和傾角持續存在,但由於含金礦脈的擠壓和膨脹,金的品位和寬度出現波動。

Ngula 1 Target

Ngula 1目標

Ngula 1 is a broad zone of subvertical north-dipping subparallel shears (as many as eight intersected) across a width of approximately 250m and extending 600m in an east-west direction and open at depth and both ends. The shears host zones of biotite alteration, quartz veining and sulphide mineralization dominated by pyrrhotite and pyrite. To date 64 diamond drill (DD) holes totaling 13,765m and 41 reverse circulation (RC) drill holes totaling 7,623m have been completed at the target. Multiple artisanal shafts extending down to bedrock are oriented along the shears beneath the transported alluvial and colluvial cover.

Ngula 1是一個寬闊的近垂直北傾近平行剪切帶(多達八個相交),寬度約250米,東西方向延伸600米,深度和兩端均為開口。黑雲母蝕變、石英脈和硫化物礦化的剪切賦存帶以磁黃鐵礦和黃鐵礦為主。到目前為止,已在靶區完成了總計13,765米的64個鑽石鑽(DD)孔和總計7,623米的41個反迴圈(RC)鑽孔。向下延伸到基岩的多個手工豎井沿著被輸送的沖積和堆積蓋層下的剪切機定向。

The best Ngula 1 results to date include:

到目前為止,Ngula 1的最佳結果包括:

TDD0054: 8.17g/t Au over 11.05m from 116.96m;
TDD0041: 22.18g/t Au over 15.00m from 299.00m;
TDD0004: 3.13g/t Au over 25.89m from 41.00m including 4.46g.t Au over 2.60m and 9.38g/t Au over 6.30m.

TDD0054:8.17g/t Au,11.05米以上,116.96米以上;
TDD0041:22.18g/t Au由299.00m增加到15.00m以上;

The recent 2022-2023 drilling program, in addition to providing important structural data, also showed definitively that there are mineralized oblique cross-cutting shear zones that control the geometry, grade and morphology of mineralized shoots.


Nyakagwe East Target

Nyakagwe East目標

Nyakagwe East comprises a 300m-wide zone of multiple steep southwest-dipping and southeast-striking shears host to quartz veining and pyrrhotite and pyrite sulphide mineralization. Surface laterite, alluvium and quartz rubble have been extensively mined by artisanal miners along the full 600m strike. Drilling to date comprises 25 DD holes of 7,329m and 20RC holes of 2,238m.

Nyakagwe East由一條300米寬的多個陡峭的西南傾角和東南走向的剪切帶組成,賦存著石英脈、磁黃鐵礦和黃鐵礦硫化物礦化。沿著整個600米的走向,手工礦工廣泛開採了地表紅土、沖積層和石英碎石。到目前為止,鑽探包括25個7,329米的DD孔和20個2,238米的RC孔。

The best Nyakagwe East drilling results to date include:

到目前為止,Nyakagwe East的最佳鑽探結果包括:

TDD0072: 8.44g/t Au over 1.30m from 99.90m, including 25.00g/t Au over 0.42m;
TDD0074: 6.55g/t Au over 7.46m from 370.46m;
TRC234: 5.46g/t Au over 2.00m from 109.0m.

TDD007299.90m處1.30m以上含金8.44g/t,0.42米以上含Au 25.00g/t;
TDD0074:6.55g/t Au,7.46m以上,370.46m;

Nyakagwe Village Target


Nyakagwe Village consists of up to eight subparallel south-dipping mineralized structures along a 600m strike trending east-southeast across a zone width of 150 to 200m, and open at depth and along strike in both directions. 19 diamond drill holes totaling 4,257m and 11 RC drill holes of 1,315m have been drilled to date.


The best Nyakagwe Village drilling results to date include:


TDD0071: 9.64g/t Au over 3.95 m from 85.25m, including 24.72g/t Au over 1.45m;
TDD0101: 78.1g/t Au over 1.00m from 294m;
TDD0162: 12.96g/t Au over 5.54m from 89.01m, including 29.67g/t Au over 2.35m from 91.44m;
TDD0163: 5.76g/t Au over 1.22m from 105.97m and 37.43g/t Au over 0.30m from 115.72m;
TDD0164: 7.06g/t Au over 2.69m from 57.28m including 57.23g/t Au over 0.30m from 57.28m.

TDD0071:3.95m以上Au 9.64g/t,85.25m以上,1.45m以上24.72g/t Au;
TDD0162:5.54m以上Au 12.96g/t,89.01m以上,2.35m以上29.67g/t Au 91.44m;
TDD0163:1.22m以上Au 5.76g/t,105.97m;0.30m以上Au 37.43g/t,115.72m;

The recent drilling provided additional structural data and extended the zone a further 300m in a southeasterly direction.


2022-2023 Drilling Program


The Barrick-Bulyanhulu licence transaction led to remobilization of the Tembo exploration team in the 2nd quarter of 2022. All data was reviewed and a drilling program designed that would improve the geological understanding of the structural controls of mineralization within previously drilled targets (particularly Ngula 1, Nyakagwe East and Nyakagwe Village) and provide the necessary database to potentially undertake a maiden resource and generate follow-up deeper drill programs on current targets as well as new targets.

Barrick-Bulyanhulu許可證交易導致Tembo勘探團隊在2發送2022年的第四季度。審查了所有數據,並設計了鑽探方案,以提高對以前鑽探目標(特別是Ngula 1、Nyakagwe East和Nyakagwe村)內礦化構造控制的地質認識,並提供必要的資料庫,以潛在地開展初步資源,並就當前目標和新目標制定後續更深層次的鑽探方案。

The 2022-2023 drilling program returned the following significant results:


Ngula 1 Target

Ngula 1目標

TDD0153: 3.55g/t Au over 3.11m from 44.25m;
TDD0157: 4.95g/t Au over 1.67m from 120.12m;
TDD0158: 17.60g/t Au over 1.48m from 31.12m;
TDD0160: 5.22g/t Au over 1.93m from 107.18m;
TDD0172: 4.14g/t Au over 3.85m from 118.49m;
TDD0174: 19.90g/t Au over 0.45m from 39.55m.

TDD0153:3.55g/t Au由44.25m增加到3.11m;
TDD0157:4.95g/t Au由120.12m增加到1.67m以上;
TDD0172:4.14g/t Au由118.49m增加到3.85m以上;

Nyakagwe East Target

Nyakagwe East目標

TDD0167: 4.12g/t Au over 2.29m from 102.24m.


Nyakagwe Village Target


TDD0162: 12.96g/t Au over 5.54m from 89.01m;
TDD0163: 5.76g/t Au over 1.22m from 105.97m and 37.43g/t Au over 0.30m from 115.72m;
TDD0164:7.06g/t Au over 2.69m from 57.28m
TDD0165: 1.35g/t Au over 31.07m from 34.00m and 2.68g/t Au over 2.69m from 155.23m;
TDD0178: 4.59g/t Au over 2.96m from 148.68m; 4.79g/t Au over 0.99m from 181.31m.

TDD0163:1.22m以上Au 5.76g/t,105.97m;0.30m以上Au 37.43g/t,115.72m;
TDD0165:31.07米以上Au 1.35 g/t,34.00 m以上2.68 g/t Au,155.23 m 2.69 m以上2.68 g/t Au;

The drilling program, most importantly, improved the geological confidence in, and understanding of, the factors controlling the distribution of the gold, in particular the key structural parameters that are critical to the design of next-stage resource and exploration drill programs.


Ongoing Target Evaluation


The long-held view of the Company has always been that the Tembo licence area has the potential to host multiple high-quality orebodies, proximity to the 20M oz Bulyanhulu Mine adding an extra dimension to this belief. Consequently, in tandem with the resource estimation now underway, the Company is now commencing a program of pitting, trenching, and shallow RAB drilling on those prioritized targets that have not yet been investigated. The GoldSpot study identified 38 of these within the current Tembo licence. Initial positive results will then be followed up by both RC and DD drilling. This systematic approach will ensure that no potential target remains untested in this highly prospective licence area.


The scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by David Scott, Pr. Sci. Nat., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.


About Tembo


Tembo Gold is a Canadian public company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSX-V") under the symbol TEM. The Company has a 100% interest in the Tembo Gold Project, which has over forty thousand meters of drilling and is located adjacent to Barrick's 20Moz Bulyanhulu Mine in Tanzania's prolific Lake Victoria Goldfield. Tembo recently completed a transaction with Barrick (who is now an approximately 5% shareholder in Tembo), whereby Tembo sold six of its non-core licenses to Barrick for $6mm USD, and Barrick is committed to spending $9mm USD over the first four years. Additionally, Tembo will receive contingent payments of up to $45MM USD on the first five million ounces discovered by Barrick. The company has assembled a highly experienced team with a track record of developing, financing, and operating mining projects in Africa. Tembo is focused on the discovery and development of world-class gold projects in Africa as well as seeking additional opportunities that can bring value to the Company and shareholders.

天寶黃金是一家加拿大上市公司,在多倫多證券交易所創業板(“TSX-V”)上市,交易代碼為TEM。該公司擁有Tembo金礦專案的100%權益,該專案擁有超過4萬米的鑽探,毗鄰巴裡克在坦桑尼亞多產的維多利亞湖金礦田的20Moz Bulyanhulu礦。Tembo最近完成了與Barrick(現在是Tembo約5%的股東)的交易,Tembo以600萬美元的價格將其6個非核心許可證出售給Barrick,Barrick承諾在前四年花費900萬美元。此外,Tembo將從Barrick發現的第一批500萬盎司黃金中獲得最高4500萬美元的或有付款。該公司組建了一支經驗豐富的團隊,在非洲開發、融資和運營採礦專案方面有著良好的記錄。天寶專注於在非洲發現和開發世界級金礦專案,並尋求能夠為公司和股東帶來價值的更多機會。

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain information set out in this news release constitutes forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "intend", "could", "might", "should", "believe" and similar expressions. In particular, this news release contains forward-looking statements in respect the existence of a resource on the Tembo Gold Property and the ability of the Company to ultimately advance the Tembo Gold Property into a mine. Forward-looking statements are based upon the opinions and expectations of management of the Company as at the effective date of such statements and, in certain cases, information provided or disseminated by third parties. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, and that information obtained from third party sources is reliable, they can give no assurance that those expectations will prove to have been correct. With respect to forward-looking statements contained in this news release, the Company has made assumptions regarding, among other things, the existence of a resource on the Tembo Gold Property and the ability of the Company to ultimately advance the Tembo Gold Property into a mine, and the economic climate in the jurisdictions where the Company carries on operations and commodity prices. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements contained in this document, and the assumptions on which such forward-looking statements are made, are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements included in this document, as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which the forward-looking statements are based will occur. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions, known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will not occur, which may cause actual results in future periods to differ materially from any estimates or projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, a significant drop in the price of gold, political turmoil in Tanzania and other risk factors set forth in the Company's continuous disclosure. Readers are cautioned that this list of risk factors should not be construed as exhaustive. These statements are made as at the date hereof and unless otherwise required by law, the Company does not intend, or assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿中的某些資訊屬於前瞻性資訊。前瞻性陳述常常但並非總是通過使用諸如“尋求”、“預期”、“計劃”、“繼續”、“估計”、“預期”、“可能”、“將”、“打算”、“可能”、“可能”、“應該”、“相信”等詞語來確定。特別是,本新聞稿包含有關Tembo Gold礦藏資源的存在以及公司最終將Tembo Gold礦藏開發成礦山的能力的前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述基於公司管理層在此類陳述生效之日的意見和預期,在某些情況下,還基於第三方提供或傳播的資訊。儘管公司相信這些前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是基於合理的假設,並且從第三方渠道獲得的資訊是可靠的,但他們不能保證這些預期將被證明是正確的。關於本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述,公司對Tembo Gold資源的存在和公司最終將Tembo Gold資產推進到礦山的能力,以及公司開展業務的司法管轄區的經濟氣候和大宗商品價格等做出了假設。儘管公司認為本文件中的前瞻性陳述所反映的預期以及這些前瞻性陳述所依據的假設是合理的,但不能保證這些預期將被證明是正確的。告誡讀者不要過度依賴本文件中包含的前瞻性陳述,因為不能保證前瞻性陳述所依據的計劃、意圖或預期將會發生。就其性質而言,前瞻性表述涉及許多假設、已知和未知的風險和不確定因素,這些風險和不確定性導致預測、預測、預測和其他前瞻性表述可能不會發生,這可能導致未來的實際結果與此類前瞻性表述明示或暗示的對未來業績或結果的任何估計或預測大不相同。這些風險和不確定因素包括但不限於黃金價格的大幅下跌、坦桑尼亞的政治動盪以及公司不斷披露的其他風險因素。提醒讀者,這份風險因素清單不應被解釋為詳盡無遺。這些陳述是在本新聞稿發佈之日作出的,除非法律另有要求,否則公司不打算或承擔任何義務來更新這些前瞻性陳述。





Tembo Gold Corp.


Marc Cernovitch

梅克·切爾諾維奇 董事

David Scott
CEO and Director


Simon Benstead
Director & CFO


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