
BCM Intercepts 510 Ft @ 0.66% Cu in Phase 3 Drilling at Thompson Knolls Greenfield Cu-Au Porphyry Project, Utah, USA

BCM Intercepts 510 Ft @ 0.66% Cu in Phase 3 Drilling at Thompson Knolls Greenfield Cu-Au Porphyry Project, Utah, USA

BCM 在美國猶他州 Thompson Knolls Greenfield Cu-Au Porphyry 項目的第三階段鑽探中截獲了 510 英尺 @ 0.66% 的銅
Accesswire ·  2023/05/24 19:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 24, 2023 / BCM Resources Corp ("B" or "Company") is pleased to update its shareholders on the progress at Thompson Knolls (TK) greenfield Cu-Au-Ag-Mo porphyry project in southwestern Utah, USA. Phase 3 drilling at TK (see Company previous NR BCM Resources Corp. | News)envisaged drilling of seven core holes. "B" reports that, to date, four drill holes have been completed. Assay results have been received for three of these drillholes (TK7, TK8, and TK9). The highlight of the assay results is a significant mineral intercept of 510 ft (155.4 m) @ 0.66% Cu, 0.12 g/t Au, and 7.4 g/t Ag in drillhole TK8, with 8 sample intervals containing values greater than 1% Cu over 80 ft (24.3 m).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2023年5月24日/BCM Resources Corp(“B”或“Company”)欣然向其股東通報美國猶他州西南部Thompson Knolls(TK)綠地銅-金-銀-鉬斑岩專案的最新進展。TK的第三階段鑽探(見公司以前的NR BCM Resources Corp.|新聞)設想鑽7個岩心孔。“B”報告說,到目前為止,已完成四個鑽孔。已收到其中三個鑽孔(TK7、TK8和TK9)的檢測結果。化驗結果的亮點是顯著的礦物截留510英尺(155.4米)@0.66%銅,0.12g/t Au和7.4g/t Ag,在80英尺(24.3m)以上的8個採樣間隔中包含大於1%的銅值

President & CEO Dr. Sergei Diakov stated, "I am very excited about this very encouraging mineralized intercept in drillhole TK8 as it indicates significant potential for the TK project to host a sizable copper-gold porphyry system with skarn mineralization. We continue testing TK project potential focusing our exploration porphyry Cu expertise to vector-in on the discovery of the greenfield porphyry system copper core."


Summary of Drillhole TK8


TK8 was collared between TK3 and TK5 drillholes (see map BCM Resources Corp. | News). It was drilled vertically, reaching a downhole depth of 3,062.5 ft (933.45 m). The hole was designed to test the north-western flank of the TK magnetic anomaly and continuity of mineralization from TK3. At 1,915 ft (583.7 m) depth, TK8 intercepted mineralized diopside-marble skarn oxidized to a 2,040 ft (621.8 m) depth and then encountered primary magnetite-chalcopyrite mineralization that was documented for an extended interval from 2,040 ft (621.8 m) to 3,050 ft (929.6 m), a total of 1,010 ft (307.8 m). Sampling returned assay results averaging 0.40% Cu, 0.08 g/t Au and 4.92 g/t Ag, including a more intensely mineralized interval from 2,040 ft (621.8 m) to 2,550 ft (777.2 m) of total 510 ft (155.4 m) @ 0.66% Cu, 0.12 g/t Au and 7.4 g/t Ag, with 8 sample intervals containing values greater than 1% Cu over 80 ft (24.3 m).

TK8被套在TK3和TK5鑽孔之間(見BCM Resources Corp.|News地圖)。它是垂直鑽探的,井下深度為3062.5英尺(933.45米)。該孔的設計是為了測試TK磁異常的西北側和TK3的礦化連續性。在1,915英尺(583.7米)深處,TK8截獲了礦化的透輝石-大理石矽卡巖氧化至2,040英尺(621.8米)深處,然後遇到了原生磁鐵礦-黃銅礦礦化,記錄的間隔從2,040英尺(621.8米)延長到3,050英尺(929.6米),總計1,010英尺(307.8米)。採樣返回的化驗結果平均為0.40%銅、0.08g/t Au和4.92g/t Ag,包括從2,040英尺(621.8米)到2,550英尺(777.2米)的更強烈的礦化區間510英尺(155.4米),0.66%的銅,0.12克/噸的金和7.4g/t的銀,在80英尺(24.3m)以上的8個樣品間隔中含有大於1%的銅值。

Summary of Drillhole TK7


Drillhole TK7 was drilled vertically to a depth of 1,230 ft (375 m) and located SSW of hole TK3 which was drilled vertically to a depth of 2,641 ft (805 m) and designed to test the strong part of the TK magnetic anomaly. It reached a quartz-monzonite porphyry intrusion at 1,321 ft (402.6 m) carrying weak quartz-chalcopyrite mineralization in numerous thin quartz pyrite-chalcopyrite veinlets and rare quartz stockworks. Typical alteration developed includes: i) weak potassic (biotite-K-feldspar); ii) propylitic (chlorite) with magnetite, and; iii) patchy argillic alteration. Copper grades in the sampled interval from 2,060 ft (627.9 m) to the bottom returned low copper metal values below 0.1%.


Summary of Drillhole TK9


Drillhole TK9 located ESE of TK6 1,923 ft (586 m) away was drilled to a depth of 2,322.5 ft (707.9 m) and designed to test the northern edge of the TK magnetic anomaly in carbonate rocks. It encountered strongly silicified marbleized dolomites and limestones with some patchy quartz-magnetite-hematite breccia mineralization. Assay results were low copper grades below 0.1% Cu.


Summary of Drillhole TK10


This drill hole was located ESE of TK9 1,585 ft (483 m) away to test the northern edge of the TK anomaly similarly to TK9. It was drilled vertically to a depth of 3,633 ft (1.107 m) in dolomitized marbles with no visual mineralization.


Drilling continues.


The Company is currently actively advancing hole TK14 which is strategically located between holes TK3a and TK6. Hole TK14 is designed to test the north-western extension of the TK magnetic anomaly both in carbonate rocks and underlying quartz-monzonite intrusion. Mineralized skarn lithologies have been intersected in TK14 so far and drilling is proceeding.


TK is located approximately 210 km southwest of Rio Tinto's giant Bingham Canyon porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold mine and smelter complex near Salt Lake City, Utah.


Qualified Person and QAQC


Mr. Richard R. Redfern, M.Sc., and Certified Professional Geologist, a Company "qualified person" for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101, has verified and approved the information contained in this news release. Core sampling was conducted on 10-ft mineralized intervals with standards and "blank" samples inserted in every 10 batches of samples for quality control procedures.


About BCM Resources Corporation

關於BCM Resources Corporation

BCM Resources Corporation is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the continued exploration of the Thompson Knolls Porphyry Cu-Au-Ag-Mo project. BCM also controls perspective Copper, Gold, and Molybdenum exploration projects in British Columbia. BCM Resources is managed by experienced and successful board members and technical advisors. For further information, including area maps, sections, and photos, please visit our website at or contact us by e-mail at

BCM Resources Corporation是一家多元化的加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於繼續勘探Thompson Knolls斑岩銅-金-銀-鉬專案。BCM還控制著不列顛哥倫比亞省的透視銅、黃金和鉬勘探專案。BCM Resources由經驗豐富且成功的董事會成員和技術顧問管理。欲瞭解更多資訊,包括區域地圖、橫斷面和照片,請訪問我們的網站或通過電子郵件與我們聯繫:info@bcmresource。


代表BCM Resources Corp.

Sergei Diakov
President & CEO


For further information, please contact:


Investor relations 604-646-0144 ext. 222


Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements:


This news release and related texts and images on BCM Resource Corporation's website contain certain "forward-looking statements" including, but not limited to, statements relating to interpretation of mineralization potential, drilling and assay results, future exploration work, and the anticipated results of this work. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metals prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical, governmental, social, or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the company's projects; uncertainties involved in the interpretation of sampling and drilling results and other tests; the possibility that required permits and access agreements may not be obtained in a timely manner; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions, and; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in these exploration programs.


SOURCE: BCM Resources Corporation


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