
Quantum Computing Inc. Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire Privately Held Artificial Intelligence Platform Millionways

Quantum Computing Inc. Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire Privately Held Artificial Intelligence Platform Millionways

Quantum Computing Inc. 簽署收購私人人工智能平臺Millionways的意向書
PR Newswire ·  2023/05/22 20:00

LEESBURG, Va., May 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Quantum Computing Inc. ("QCI" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: QUBT), the first-to-market full-stack photonic-based quantum computing and solutions company, today announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously approved the signing of a non-binding Letter of Intent (LOI) to acquire up to 100% of the AI firm, millionways, creator of the world's first emotionally-intelligent AI platform, pending the completion of due diligence by independent third party valuation and fairness opinion firms. The LOI follows the teaming and combining of millionways' AI sensing algorithms with QCI's quantum photonics computing power, including substantive progress made since the Company's initial testing engagement announced in April 2023.

弗吉尼亞州利斯堡2023年5月22日 /PRNewswire/ — 首家上市的基於光子的全棧量子計算和解決方案公司Quantum Computing Inc.(“QCI” 或 “公司”)(納斯達克股票代碼:QUBT)今天宣佈,其董事會一致批准簽署一份不具約束力的意向書(LOI),以收購這家人工智能公司millionways多達100%的股份,該公司是世界上第一個待定情感智能人工智能平臺的創建者,獨立第三方估值和公平意見公司完成盡職調查。LOI遵循了millionways的人工智能傳感算法與QCI的量子光子學計算能力的結合和組合, 包括自公司宣佈首次測試以來取得的實質性進展 2023 年 4 月

Based in New York City, millionways is a leader in the development of AI algorithms used to effectively provide next-gen feedback to users on their emotional state and personality insights. Millionways' advanced emotionally-intelligent AI platform uniquely combines analysis and matchmaking algorithms based upon various forms of user-generated text or audio-to-text data with at least 500 words. The technology offers quick-turnaround analysis. Unlike other machine learning platforms such as ChatGPT, Alexa, or Siri, the millionways proprietary methodology and algorithms make behavorial predictions based on psychological patterns driven by underlying emotions. The methodology, known as Personality Systems Interactive (PSI) theory, is a recognized and validated model for studying the dynamics of personality development and emotional state. The millionways AI model delivers human behavior personality assessments that have clear applications in making the most informed decisions in healthcare, hiring, dating, customer relations, and general applications where social interactions drive behavorial outcomes.

基於 紐約市,millionways是開發人工智能算法的領導者,這些算法可以有效地向用戶提供有關其情緒狀態和個性見解的下一代反饋。Millionways先進的情感智能人工智能平臺獨特地結合了分析和匹配算法,這些算法基於用戶生成的各種形式的文本或音頻到文本數據,至少包含500個單詞。該技術提供了快速週轉的分析。與ChatGPT、Alexa或Siri等其他機器學習平臺不同,millionways的專有方法和算法根據潛在情緒驅動的心理模式做出行爲預測。這種方法被稱爲人格系統交互式(PSI)理論,是研究人格發展和情緒狀態動態的公認和驗證模型。millionways 人工智能模型提供人類行爲個性評估,在醫療保健、招聘、約會、客戶關係以及社交互動推動行爲結果的一般應用中做出最明智的決策。

Over the past year, QCI has built and tested multiple hybrid AI hardware systems using photonics and quantum mechanics to boost machine learning efficiency, reduce the power consumption, and significantly speed up the training. Those systems have demonstrated substantial advantages over existing digital electronic hardware for many AI applications. Upon those successes, the QCI near-term strategy includes (1) offering laptop/desktop-size devices for sale, (2) seeking industry partnerships to explore various applications in different application domains, and (3) partnering with millionways to demonstrate/highlight the Company's commitment to AI and accelerate its entrance into the industry.

在過去的一年中,QCI 使用光子學和量子力學構建和測試了多個混合人工智能硬件系統,以提高機器學習效率、降低功耗並顯著加快訓練速度。在許多人工智能應用中,與現有的數字電子硬件相比,這些系統已顯示出顯著的優勢。在這些成功的基礎上,QCI的短期戰略包括(1)提供筆記本電腦/臺式機大小的設備供出售,(2)尋求行業合作伙伴以探索不同應用領域的各種應用,以及(3)與millionways合作,展示/強調公司對人工智能的承諾並加快其進入該行業的步伐。

Robert Liscouski, QCI's CEO and co-founder commented that, "The strategic integration with QCI's Reservoir Computing systems will "supercharge" millionways' algorithms to ingest audio files, adding a significant new capability to overlay context and tonal information to the existing natural language processing to text conversion data used by the system today. Emotionally-intelligent AI can be continuously fed with voice entries and ultimately live video to recognize patterns and unconscious moods directly within speech and body, thus returning a more accurate and comprehensive personality analysis of a user."

羅伯特·利斯庫斯基,QCI首席執行官兼聯合創始人評論說:“與QCI的Reservor Computing系統的戰略整合將 “增強” millionways採集音頻文件的算法,從而增加一項重要的新功能,可以將上下文和色調信息疊加到現有的自然語言處理中,再到當今系統使用的文本轉換數據。情感智能的人工智能可以通過語音條目和最終的實時視頻持續提供信息,直接識別語音和身體中的模式和潛意識情緒,從而返回對用戶的更準確、更全面的個性分析。”

Mr. Liscouski continued, "The rise of AI applications relies on the fast expansion of computing power and lowering its voracious need for electricity. QCI's hybrid hardware solutions meet the evolving needs of AI and delivers remarkable computing speed, low electric power needs with minimal heat dispersion and supports large-scale parallel processing and thereby the agility to compete with large data centers on big data challenges. This particular partnership will enable the development of new personality algorithms that can be trained and adapted much faster, more accurately and at lower cost."

利斯庫斯基繼續說:“人工智能應用的興起取決於計算能力的快速擴張及其對電力的大量需求的降低。QCI 的混合硬件解決方案可滿足不斷變化的 AI 需求,以最小的熱分散提供卓越的計算速度和低電力需求,支持大規模並行處理,從而靈活地與大型數據中心競爭應對大數據挑戰。這種特殊的夥伴關係將使新的個性算法的開發成爲可能,這些算法可以更快、更準確和更低的成本進行訓練和調整。”

Mr. Liscouski noted, "It is our long term stated mission to democratize quantum technologies and bring this power to AI companies, affording them the ability to compete at levels that heretofore have only been open to large and well-funded companies. Importantly, we recognize that the field of AI is quickly evolving and has come under significant scrutiny. QCI and millionways are aligned to demonstrate that the combination of our technologies will be able to ensure the integrity of the output of AI systems and determine if text, speech or video is fake or real."


According to the terms of the LOI, QCI will provide a series of three bridge loans to millionways starting at $125,000 and potentially aggregating up to $2,000,000, at QCI's discretion. Upon the completion of the first bridge loan, QCI will have the right of first refusal ("RoFR") to purchase millionways for a one-year period. Upon completion of the final bridge loan, QCI's RoFR will include a predetermined maximum valuation. The bridge loans would carry an interest rate of 10% per annum, a term of 12 months and will be pari passu to all other existing debt of millionways, excluding any payables to the key internal stakeholders. In the event QCI enters into the proposed three bridge loans and decides not to proceed with an acquisition of millionways, the bridge loans would become senior to all existing debt with the exception of short-term bank lines and similar short-term obligations. Furthermore, QCI has the option to convert the bridge loans at any time into SAFE notes, which would not carry an interest rate, but would be convertible into shares of millionways common stock at the lowest discount provided to other investors.

根據意向書的條款,QCI將向millionways提供一系列三筆過渡貸款,起價爲 125,000 美元 並可能彙總到 2,000,000 美元,由 QCI 自行決定。第一筆過渡貸款完成後,QCI將擁有優先拒絕權(“RoFR”),在爲期一年的時間內購買millionways。最後一筆過渡貸款完成後,QCI的RoFR將包括預先確定的最大估值。過渡貸款的年利率爲10%,期限爲12個月,將與millionways的所有其他現有債務相同,不包括向主要內部利益相關者支付的任何應付賬款。如果QCI簽訂了擬議的三筆過渡貸款並決定不繼續收購millionways,則過渡貸款將優先於所有現有債務,短期銀行額度和類似的短期債務除外。此外,QCI可以隨時選擇將過渡貸款轉換爲SAFE票據,該票據不計利率,但可以以提供給其他投資者的最低折扣轉換爲millionways普通股。

Martin Cordsmeier, CEO of millionways stated, "The market for a low-cost ability to objectively analyze individual personalities en mass is an extremely large and lucrative market. In the quantum space, QCI has established itself as a leader in hardware innovation and commercialization. Like QCI, millionways has already begun commercialization. As of last summer, we have conducted preliminary integration of use cases with over 50 major US companies. Also, like QCI, we have a core technology that can be easily and affordably flexed to solve major business challenges in any industry, which makes the idea of combining our two teams even more attractive. Within the first few days of our launching our testing engagement in April, it became apparent that using QCI's unique hybrid systems of quantum, photonics, and electronics would allow our AI developers the ability to extend our already vast capabilities using the massive increase in processing power with amazingly low electricity costs. Even more impressive, given the predictive and virtually simultaneous processing capability of QCI in all matters of rich media, future applications of our combined technology could be endless."

millionways首席執行官Martin Cordsmeier表示:“能夠大規模客觀分析個人個性的低成本市場是一個非常龐大且利潤豐厚的市場。在量子領域,QCI 已確立自己作爲硬件創新和商業化領導者的地位。像QCI一樣,millionways已經開始商業化。截至去年夏天,我們已經與50多家美國主要公司進行了用例的初步整合。此外,與QCI一樣,我們的核心技術可以輕鬆且經濟地靈活運用,以解決任何行業的重大業務挑戰,這使得合併我們兩個團隊的想法更具吸引力。在我們於四月份啓動測試活動的最初幾天內,很明顯,使用QCI獨特的量子、光子學和電子混合系統將使我們的人工智能開發人員能夠利用處理能力的大幅增加來擴展我們本已強大的能力,同時電力成本低得驚人。更令人印象深刻的是,鑑於 QCI 在所有富媒體事務中的預測和幾乎同步處理能力,我們的組合技術的未來應用可能無窮無盡。”

For additional information on the companies' solutions, please visit: Quantum Computing Inc. (QCI) and millionways.

有關公司解決方案的更多信息,請訪問: 量子計算公司 (QCI)百萬富翁

About millionways

關於 millionway

millionways created the world's first emotionally-intelligent A.I. assessment tools, providing next-gen personality insights. Founded in New York, NY in 2021, millionways' disruptive technology is based on first time-digitalized PSI theory, natural language processing, meets several "zeitgeist topics" and can be utilized for B2B and B2C, which makes it a potential - currently untouched - billion dollar market opportunity. millionways was developed, and is continually evolving, through its team of renowned scientists, developers, psychologists, philosophers, deep thinkers, and people who use it. For more information, visit

millionways創建了世界上第一個情感智能人工智能評估工具,提供下一代個性見解。成立於 紐約,紐約 2021年,millionways的顛覆性技術基於首次數字化的PSI理論,即自然語言處理,符合多個 “時代精神話題”,可用於B2B和B2C,這使其成爲潛在的數十億美元市場機會。millionways是通過其由著名科學家、開發人員、心理學家、哲學家、深刻思想家和使用它的人組成的團隊開發並不斷髮展。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問

About Quantum Computing Inc. (QCI)

關於量子計算公司 (QCI)

Quantum Computing Inc. is a full-stack quantum hardware and software company on a mission to accelerate the value of quantum computing for real-world business solutions, delivering the future of quantum computing, today. The company delivers accessible and affordable full-stack solutions with real-world industrial applications, using photonic-based quantum entropy, which can be used anywhere and with little to no training, operates at normal room temperatures and low power. QCI is competitively advantaged delivering its quantum solutions at greater speed, accuracy, and security at less cost QCI's core entropy computing capability, the Dirac series, delivers solutions for both binary and integer-based optimization problems using over 11,000 qubits for binary problems and over 1000 (n=64) qudits for integer-based problems, each of which are the highest number of variables and problem size available in quantum computing today. Using the Company's core quantum methodologies, QCI has also developed specific quantum applications for AI, cybersecurity and remote sensing, including its Reservoir Quantum Computing, reprogrammable and non-repeatable Quantum Random Number Generator and LiDAR products. For more information about QCI, visit .

Quantum Computing Inc. 是一家全棧量子硬件和軟件公司,其使命是加速量子計算在現實世界商業解決方案中的價值,爲當今的量子計算帶來未來。該公司爲現實世界的工業應用提供易於使用且經濟實惠的全棧解決方案,使用 基於光子的 量子熵可以在任何地方使用,幾乎無需訓練,可在正常室溫和低功率下運行。QCI 具有競爭優勢,以更低的成本提供更快的速度、精度和安全性的量子解決方案 QCI 的核心熵計算能力 Dirac 系列,爲二進制和基於整數的優化問題提供解決方案,使用超過 11,000 個量子比特來解決基於整數的問題,每個量子比特都是當今量子計算中可用的最大變量數量和問題大小。利用公司的核心量子方法,QCI還爲人工智能、網絡安全和遙感開發了特定的量子應用程序,包括其水庫量子計算、可重編程和不可重複的量子隨機數生成器和激光雷達產品。有關 QCI 的更多信息,請訪問。

About QI Solutions, Inc. (QIS)

關於 QI Solutions, Inc. (QIS)

QI Solutions, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Quantum Computing Inc., is a supplier of quantum technology solutions and services to the government and defense industries. With a team of qualified and cleared staff, QIS delivers a range of solutions from entropy quantum computing to quantum communications and sensing, backed by expertise in logistics, manufacturing, R&D and training. The company is exclusively focused on delivering tailored solutions for partners in various government departments and agencies.

QI Solutions, Inc. 是量子計算公司的全資子公司,是爲政府和國防工業提供量子技術解決方案和服務的供應商。QIS擁有一支由合格且經過認證的員工組成的團隊,提供從熵量子計算到量子通信和傳感的一系列解決方案,並以物流、製造、研發和培訓方面的專業知識爲後盾。該公司專門爲各政府部門和機構的合作伙伴提供量身定製的解決方案。

Important Cautions Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. By their nature, forward-looking statements and forecasts involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the near future. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Quantum Computing Inc. (the "Company"), and members of its management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,定義見經修訂的1933年《證券法》第27A條和經修訂的1934年《證券交易法》第21E條。就其本質而言,前瞻性陳述和預測涉及風險和不確定性,因爲它們與事件有關並取決於在不久的將來發生的情況。這些陳述包括關於Quantum Computing Inc.(“公司”)及其管理層成員的意圖、信念或當前預期的陳述,以及此類陳述所依據的假設。提醒潛在投資者,任何此類前瞻性陳述都不能保證未來的業績,涉及風險和不確定性,實際結果可能與此類前瞻性陳述所設想的結果存在重大差異。

The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed conditions. Statements in this press release that are not descriptions of historical facts are forward-looking statements relating to future events, and as such all forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements may contain certain forward-looking statements pertaining to future anticipated or projected plans, performance and developments, as well as other statements relating to future operations and results. Any statements in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be considered to be forward-looking statements. Words such as "may," "will," "expect," "believe," "anticipate," "estimate," "intends," "goal," "objective," "seek," "attempt," "aim to," or variations of these or similar words, identify forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those described in Item 1A in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K, which is expressly incorporated herein by reference, and other factors as may periodically be described in the Company's filings with the SEC.

公司沒有義務更新或修改前瞻性陳述以反映情況的變化。本新聞稿中未描述歷史事實的陳述是與未來事件有關的前瞻性陳述,因此,所有前瞻性陳述均根據1995年《證券訴訟改革法》作出。陳述可能包含與未來預期或預計計劃、業績和發展有關的某些前瞻性陳述,以及與未來運營和業績有關的其他陳述。本新聞稿中任何非歷史事實陳述的陳述均可被視爲前瞻性陳述。諸如 “可能”、“將”、“期望”、“相信”、“預期”、“估計”、“打算”、“目標”、“目標”、“尋求”、“嘗試”、“目標” 之類的詞語或這些或類似詞語的變體都可識別前瞻性陳述。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於公司10-K表年度報告第1A項中描述的風險和不確定性,該報告以引用方式明確納入此處,以及公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中可能定期描述的其他因素。

SOURCE Quantum Computing, Inc

來源 Quantum Compu

