
Stocks of the Hour: Ioneer, Magnum Min & Expl, Asra Minerals, Evergreen Lithium

Stocks of the Hour: Ioneer, Magnum Min & Expl, Asra Minerals, Evergreen Lithium

今日股票:Ioneer、Magnum Miner & Expl、Asra Minerals、Evergreen Lithi
sharecafe ·  2023/05/10 10:12

Ioneer (ASX:INR) has entered an offtake agreement to supply lithium carbonate to Dragonfly Energy. Bernard Rowe, MD and CEO at Ioneer, commented, "As the world's demand for lithium in electric vehicle and energy storage increases, the need to secure a reliable, sustainable, and domestic source of lithium is critical." Shares are trading 6.34 per cent higher at 37.75 cents.

Ioneer (ASX: INR) 已簽訂承購協議,向Dragonfly Energy供應碳酸鋰。Ioneer總經理兼首席執行官伯納德·羅評論說:“隨着電動汽車和儲能領域對鋰的需求增加,確保可靠、可持續的國內鋰來源至關重要。”股價上漲6.34%,至37.75美分。

In similar news, Magnum Mining & Exploration (ASX:MGU) announced that it has entered into a MOU with Mitsubishi Corporation to supply ore and iron concentrates. Mr Neil Goodman, CEO of Magnum stated, "This MOU gives the Buena Vista Green Iron Project a sound basis for moving forward to a Feasibility Study." Shares are trading 82.35 per cent higher to 3.1 cents.

在類似的消息中,Magnum Mining & Exploration (ASX: MGU) 宣佈已與三菱公司簽訂諒解備忘錄,供應礦石和鐵精礦。Magnum首席執行官尼爾·古德曼表示:“這份諒解備忘錄爲Buena Vista綠色鋼鐵項目提供了推進可行性研究的堅實基礎。”股價上漲82.35%,至3.1美分。

Asra Minerals (ASX:ASR) has entered into an option agreement to triple its exploration portfolio in the Leonora region of Western Australia. Asra's Executive Chairman, Paul Summers commented: "[The area is in a] tenement located adjacent to where Genesis Minerals (ASX: GMD) is leading a resurgence in gold projects to our east, and Delta Lithium (ASX: DLI) and Marquee Resources (ASX: MQR) are finding Rare Earths, to our west." Shares are flat at 1.1 cents.

Asra Minerals(ASX: ASR)已簽訂期權協議,將其在西澳大利亞州利奧諾拉地區的勘探投資組合增加三倍。阿斯拉執行主席保羅·薩默斯評論說:“[該地區位於] 公寓內,毗鄰Genesis Minerals (ASX: GMD) 引領我們東部黃金項目復甦的地方,而達美鋰業 (ASX: DLI) 和Marquee Resources (ASX: MQR) 正在我們的西部尋找稀土。”股價持平至1.1美分。

Evergreen Lithium (ASX:EG1) announced that lithium pegmatite targets have been identified at their Kenny Project in WA. Chairman, Simon Lill commented: "After a successful IPO listing based primarily on the Company's flagship Bynoe Project, it is extremely pleasing to remind the market that we have other quality projects." Shares are trading 3.9 per cent higher at 40 cents.

Evergreen Lithium (ASX: EG1) 宣佈,其位於華盛頓州的肯尼項目已經確定了鋰偉晶岩目標。董事長西蒙·里爾評論說:“在主要基於公司旗艦Bynoe Project的IPO成功上市之後,提醒市場我們還有其他優質的項目非常令人高興。”股價上漲3.9%,至40美分。


