
Gold79's Tyro Vein System Evolves to a Plus 3km Strike Gold Target

Gold79's Tyro Vein System Evolves to a Plus 3km Strike Gold Target

Gold79 的 Tyro Vein 系統進化爲 Plus 3km Strike Gold 目標
newsfile ·  2023/05/09 19:09

Ottawa, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 9, 2023) - Gold79 Mines Ltd. (TSXV: AUU) (OTCQB: AUSVF) ("Gold79" or the "Company") is pleased to share a revised geologic model for the Tyro vein system at its Gold Chain project, northwest Arizona. Recent drilling, geophysics, mapping and sampling provides the following interpretation of the Tyro vein system:

渥太華,安大略省--(Newsfile Corp.-2023年5月9日)-Gold79 Mines Ltd.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:AUU)(場外交易市場代碼:AUSVF)(以下簡稱“Gold79”或“公司”)高興地在其位於亞利桑那州西北部的金鏈專案中分享了經修訂的Tyro靜脈系統地質模型。最近的鑽探、地球物理、測繪和取樣提供了對蒂羅脈系統的以下解釋:

  • 'Bonanza' gold grades of plus 10 g/t Au have been identified along the Tyro mine segment and are hosted by classic low-sulphidation epithermal vein textures over a strike length of 800 metres.

  • A broad zone of sheeted quartz-chalcedony-adularia-calcite occupying a damage zone from 10 to 60 metres wide defines the emerging resource.

  • Transverse, intra- to post-mineral faults/veins have displaced the vein system and effectively concealed significant portions of the vein's potentially productive horizon.

  • Neighboring gold deposits, i.e. Arabian and Katherine veins, have either exploited or explored high gold grades to depths greater than 300 metres below the surface.

  • 沿Tyro礦段已發現‘Bonanza’金品位+10克/噸Au,賦存於典型的低硫化淺成熱液脈狀結構中,走向長度超過800米。

  • 寬闊的片狀石英-玉髓-玉髓-方解石帶佔據了10至60米寬的損毀帶,定義了新興資源。

  • 橫向的礦內至礦後斷層/礦脈取代了礦脈系統,有效地掩蓋了礦脈潛在生產層位的很大部分。

  • 鄰近的金礦,即阿拉伯和凱瑟琳礦脈,已開採或勘探到地表以下300米以下的高品位金礦。

Gold79 has been focused on building a plus 2 g/t Au surface mineable resource along the Tyro 'Bonanza' zone. Recent exploration studies have extended the Tyro structural corridor both to the NE and SW (Figure 1). It now appears that the Tyro vein system has a cumulative strike length of 3.4km, greater than 3x the current drilled strike length of approximately 800m. At least 7 vein segments, ranging in length from 300m to over 1km and mineral widths from 20 to 60 metres, have been mapped and sampled.


Derek Macpherson, President & CEO, stated, "Our continued work at Tyro is methodically extending the vein's strike to the northeast and southwest for over 3km. Recent drilling, highlighted by 44.2m at 2.01 g/t Au from hole GC23-24 and 9.1m at 51.09 g/t Au from hole GC23-28, demonstrated to us that Tyro's historical productive zone hosts good continuity of plus 2 g/t Au of low-sulphidation epithermal vein along strike and to depth. Drilling has demonstrated the potential for a from surface resource over the 800m drilled strike length at well above average open-pit grades at the historical Tyro mine, while our work along strike suggests that this could be a much larger gold system."

總裁首席執行官德里克·麥克弗森表示,我們在蒂羅的持續工作正在有條不紊地將礦脈的走向向東北和西南延伸超過3公里。最近的鑽探,重點是GC23-24孔44.2米的2.01克/噸Au和GC23-28孔9.1米51.09g/t Au的鑽探,向我們展示了Tyro的歷史生產區具有良好的連續性,沿走向和深度有+2 g/t的低硫化淺成熱液脈。鑽探已經證明,在歷史悠久的Tyro礦800米的鑽孔長度上,有可能在遠高於平均露天品位的情況下獲得地表資源,而我們在Strike上的工作表明,這可能是一個更大的金礦系統。



The work Gold79 completed has identified 7 vein segments totaling 3.4km of strike length. From NE to SW, these include: 1) NE Tyro Vein/Frisco Mine fault intersection; 2) NE Gap; 3) Tyro Mine; 4) Decimal Hill; 5) SW Gap; 6) Sunrise Vein; and, 7) Sunset Vein, as illustrated in Figure 1. With the exception of the two gap zones, which are under alluvium, Gold79's exploration work has identified broad zones of quartz veining typical of the upper levels of a low-sulphidation epithermal system gold system hosting significant to anomalous gold values.


To date, exploration work has focused on the Tyro Mine and Decimal Hill segments only. Going forward, to support a maiden resource, Gold79 plans to complete a systematic trenching program which will target the NE Gap, Tyro Mine, Decimal Hill and SW Gap segments over the exposed strike length of approximately 1 km and complete follow-up drilling, targeting the gaps between current drill holes and where the Tyro Vein intersects the White Spar fault (Figure 4).

到目前為止,勘探工作僅集中在蒂羅礦和十進位山段。展望未來,為了支持首個資源,Gold79計劃完成一項系統的挖溝計劃,目標是東北裂谷、蒂羅礦山、十進位山口和西南裂谷區段,其外露的走向長度約為1公里,並完成後續鑽探,目標是當前鑽孔之間的空隙和Tyro礦脈與White Spar斷層的交叉點(圖4)。

Structural Model


Geologic studies, along with drilling in 2021 and 2023 conducted by Gold79, suggest that the historical Tyro vein is a segment of a much more extensive epithermal, gold-rich vein system (Figure 1). The vein system is characterized by abrupt changes in veins styles, vein textures, vein mineralogy and gold grades. Ongoing mapping supports a conclusion that these changes reflect intra- to post-mineral faulting which has dissected the vein system by down-dropping portions of the vein on the SW and NE extensions and relatively elevating central portions (axis of the Katherine Horst) where 'bonanza'-type gold values have been observed along surface vein exposures (Figure 1). The Tyro vein system shares several similarities to the historically productive Katherine and Arabian veins (Arizona Silver), NW and SE, respectively, of the Gold Chain project.

地質研究以及Gold79在2021年和2023年進行的鑽探表明,歷史上的蒂羅礦脈是更廣泛的淺成熱液、富含金礦的礦脈系統的一部分(圖1)。礦脈系統以礦脈樣式、礦脈結構、礦脈礦物學和金品位的突變為特徵。正在進行的測繪支持這樣一個結論,即這些變化反映了礦物內部到礦物後的斷裂作用,通過在西南和東北延伸上的礦脈部分下落和相對抬升的中央部分(Katherine Horst軸)來解剖礦脈系統,在那裡已經觀察到沿地表礦脈暴露的‘富礦’型金礦價值(圖1)。蒂羅礦脈系統與歷史上產量豐富的凱瑟琳礦脈和阿拉伯礦脈(亞利桑那州銀礦)有許多相似之處,分別位於金鏈專案的西北部和東南部。

The individual segments comprising the Tyro model include (Figure 1):


NE Tyro Vein/Frisco Mine fault intersection - Extensive argillic alteration along the Frisco Mine fault (>3km) which serves as the SW boundary of the Frisco Graben; gold values <10ppb.

Ne Tyro礦脈/Frisco礦斷層交匯處 -沿Frisco礦山斷層(>3公里)廣泛的泥化蝕變,該斷層是Frisco地塊的西南邊界;金價

NE Gap - The Tyro structure is concealed for about 400m where it passes beneath a broad alluvium-filled drainage.

Ne Gap-蒂羅結構被隱藏在大約400米的地方,在那裡它通過一個寬闊的沖積層填充的排水系統。

Tyro Mine - Shallow mine workings have been developed along the Tyro Mine segment for about 800m. This is a 20 to 40m wide zone of parallel quartz-chalcedony-adularia-calcite veins and hydrothermal breccia hosted in Precambrian granite. Gold grades across the entire zone average about 2 g/t Au and range up to 15 g/t Au.


Decimal Hill - Immediately south of the Tyro pit, vein mineralization occurs as NE- to NW-trending veins, veinlets and breccia in both Precambrian granite and silicified rhyolite. The zone can be traced for about 350m with gold values generally less than 1 g/t Au. The vein package is up to 50m wide.

小數山-就在蒂羅礦坑南側,脈狀礦化在前寒武紀花崗巖和矽化流紋巖中都以NE-NW向的脈狀、細脈和角礫巖的形式出現。該帶可追蹤約350米,金值一般低於1g/t Au。靜脈套裝的寬度可達50米。

SW Gap - Veining between Decimal Hill and the Sunrise Vein diminishes in Precambrian granite to nil although widely concealed by talus deposits.


Sheep Trail Ledge and Sunrise Vein - The broad zone of gold-bearing quartz of the Sheep Trail Ledge terminates against the Sunrise Vein which can be traced to the S-SW for about 400m where it terminates against the calcite veins of the Red Hill Ledge. Gold values are typically less than 1 g/t but locally range up to several grams.


Red Hill Ledge and the Sunset Vein - The Red Hill Ledge (RHL) is a broad west-trending zone of silicified rhyolite and Precambrian granite cut by quartz-chalcedony veinlets, stockwork and breccia up to 40m thick and invaded by a late, gray calcite which likely reflects late or post-mineral movement. The broad zones of calcite along the RHL support late-stage, right-lateral movement between 300 to 400 metres (Figure 1). The Sunset Vein is truncated against the RHL and extends to the S-SW for about 1km. The vein/breccia ranges from 20 to 50m wide and consists of mostly banded chalcedony veinlets and breccia. Surface and drill hole samples are generally less than 0.2 g/t Au with a few values up to 11 g/t Au.

紅山邊和落日脈絡-紅山邊緣(RHL)是一個寬闊的西向矽化流紋巖和前寒武紀花崗巖帶,被厚達40米的石英玉髓細脈、網紋和角礫巖切割,並被晚期灰色方解石侵入,這可能反映了晚期或後礦物運動。沿RHL的方解石寬闊地帶支持300至400米之間的晚期右旋運動(圖1)。日落靜脈相對於RHL被截斷,並延伸到西南偏南方向約1公里。礦脈/角礫巖寬20~50米,主要由條帶狀玉髓細脈和角礫巖組成。地面和鑽孔樣品的Au含量一般低於0.2g/t,少數高達11g/t Au。

These segments collectively comprise the revised Tyro vein system model in Figure1, with a total length of at least 3.4km.


The descriptions of the Tyro vein segments above are presented below in a longitudinal view of the vein system. In summary (Figure 2), the Tyro Mine segment represents the deepest erosion into the vein system where high gold grades can be observed over several hundred metres of strike. Downward displacement of the vein both to the NE and NW has effectively concealed the 'bonanza' zone and the ultimate target of future exploration.


The segments of the Tyro vein system are shown in their estimated vertical position in the classic Buchanan epithermal vein exploration model (right side; Figure 3). Both from textural and geochemical perspectives, the Tyro vein segment is the only portion of the vein that is entirely within the 'productive horizon'. This work now suggests that Gold79's Sunset and Sunrise Vein segments are southern extensions of the Tyro vein system and supports more systematic exploration along a major mineralized structural corridor.


Economic Significance


Studies suggest that no more than one-fourth of the Tyro vein system has been eroded to the 'Bonanza' zone. Two small drilling programs have been completed for a total of 686.1 metres in 10 holes. All holes were designed to establish continuity between surface values to shallow depths. The last hole in the early 2023 campaign, hole GC23-28, identified high grades at about 50 metres below the surface of 9.2m at 51.3 g/t Au at the intersection with the White Spar fault/vein. Table 1 demonstrates that nearly all holes have encountered potentially economic grades and widths at shallow depths. Figure 5 provides a plan view of the Tyro mine and Decimal Hill segments along with planned trenches and drill holes for follow-up exploration work.

研究表明,只有不到四分之一的蒂羅靜脈系統被侵蝕到“Bonanza”地帶。已經完成了兩個小鑽探專案,在10個洞中總共鑽了686.1米。所有孔的設計都是為了在表面值和淺深度之間建立連續性。2023年初的最後一個洞,即GC23-28洞,在與White Spar斷層/礦脈的交叉處,以51.3克/噸的Au,在9.2米地表以下約50米處發現了高品位。表1表明,幾乎所有的井都在淺層遇到了潛在的經濟等級和寬度。圖5提供了蒂羅礦段和十進位山段的平面圖,以及為後續勘探工作規劃的戰壕和鑽孔。

Table 1. Summary of drill results from Phases 1 and 2 along the Tyro Mine vein segment.


Hole No. Target Total Hole
Depth (m)
Azimuth Inclination Interval (m) Width Gold Comments
From To (m)* (g/t)
GC21-13 N. Tyro 60.96 320 -50.0 32.0 44.2 12.2 1.67 L1000
GC21-14 N. Tyro 60.96 320 -50.0 29.0 48.8 19.8 1.85 L950
GC21-15 N. Tyro 54.86 320 -60.0 10.7 32.0 21.3 2.00 L900
GC21-16 N. Tyro 45.7 320 -50.0 18.3 30.5 12.2 1.73 L850
Tyro Mine 106.7 305 -50.0 57.9 102.1 44.2 2.01
Line 400 below pit
GC23-23 including 62.5 67.1 4.6 5.19
including 85.3 93.0 7.6 4.26
Tyro Mine 67.0 305 -55.0 18.3 44.2 25.9 2.27
Line 300
GC23-24 including 18.3 25.9 7.6 3.93
including 42.7 44.2 1.5 14.53
GC23-25 Tyro Mine 94.5 305 -50.0 24.4 76.6 51.8 0.28 Line 200
GC23-26 Tyro Mine 91.4 305 -50.0 3.0 35.0 32.0 0.54 Line 150
GC23-27 Tyro Mine 18.3 50 -55.0 0.0 18.3 18.3 0.13 Lost hole below void (stope?).
Tyro Mine 85.3 50 -55.0 0.0 85.3 85.3 6.23
including 0.0 61.0 61.0 0.51
GC23-28 including 59.4 68.6 9.2 51.30 Strong quartz veining
including 73.2 76.2 3.1 151.60 Strong quartz veining
including 73.2 74.7 1.5 282.00
including 68.6 83.8 15.2 0.83 Hole lost at fault
孔編號 目標 總孔數
方位角 傾角 間隔(M) 寬度 黃金 評論
從… (M)* (克/噸)
GC21-13 N.Tyro 60.96 320 -50.0 32.0 44.2 12.2 1.67 L1000
GC21-14 N.Tyro 60.96 320 -50.0 29.0 48.8 19.8 1.85 L950
GC21-15 N.Tyro 54.86 320 -60.0 10.7 32.0 21.3 2.00 L900
GC21-16 N.Tyro 45.7 320 -50.0 18.3 30.5 12.2 1.73 L850
泰羅礦 106.7 三百零五 -50.0 57.9 102.1 44.2 2.01
GC23-23 包括 62.5 67.1 4.6 5.19
包括 85.3 93.0 7.6 4.26
泰羅礦 67.0 三百零五 -55.0 18.3 44.2 25.9 2.27
GC23-24 包括 18.3 25.9 7.6 3.93
包括 42.7 44.2 1.5 14.53
GC23-25 泰羅礦 94.5 三百零五 -50.0 24.4 76.6 51.8 0.28 200號線
GC23-26 泰羅礦 91.4 三百零五 -50.0 3.0 35.0 32.0 0.54 150號線
GC23-27 泰羅礦 18.3 50 -55.0 0.0 18.3 18.3 0.13 在空洞(採場?)下面丟失了孔。
泰羅礦 85.3 50 -55.0 0.0 85.3 85.3 6.23
包括 0.0 61.0 61.0 0.51
GC23-28 包括 59.4 68.6 9.2 51.30 強烈的石英脈
包括 73.2 76.2 3.1 151.60 強烈的石英脈
包括 73.2 74.7 1.5 282.00
包括 68.6 83.8 15.2 0.83 斷層遺失的井眼

Qualified Person / Quality Control and Quality Assurance


Robert Johansing, M.Sc. Econ. Geol., P. Geo., the Company's Vice President, Exploration is a qualified person ("QP") as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical content of this press release. Mr. Johansing has also been responsible for all phases of drilling programs including sample collection, labelling, bagging and transport from the project to American Assay Laboratories of Sparks, Nevada. Samples were then dried, crushed and split, and pulp samples were prepared for analysis. Gold was determined by fire assay with an ICP finish, over limit samples were determined by fire assay and gravimetric finish. Silver plus 34 other elements were determined by Aqua Regia ICP-AES, over limit samples were determined by fire assay and gravimetric finish. Standard sample chain of custody procedures were employed during field work and the drilling campaigns until delivery to the analytical facility.

Robert Johansing,M.Sc.經濟上。地質,P.Geo.,公司副總裁總裁勘探是NI 43-101定義的合格人員(“QP”),並已審查和批准本新聞稿的技術內容。Johansing先生還負責鑽探專案的所有階段,包括樣本採集、貼標籤、裝袋以及從該專案到內華達州斯帕克斯的美國分析實驗室的運輸。然後將樣品乾燥、粉碎和裂開,並準備紙漿樣品進行分析。金的測定採用火焰試金-電感耦合等離子體光譜分析,超限樣品的測定採用火焰試劑法和重量法。用Aqua Regia電感耦合等離子體原子發射光譜儀測定銀和其他34種元素,超限樣品用火試金和重量法測定。在現場工作和鑽探活動期間使用了標準樣品監管鏈程式,直到交付到分析設施為止。

About Gold79 Mines Ltd.

關於Gold79 Mines Ltd.

Gold79 Mines Ltd. is a TSX Venture listed company focused on building ounces in the Southwest USA. Gold79 holds 100% earn-in option to purchase agreements on three gold projects: the Jefferson Canyon Gold Project and the Tip Top Gold Project both located in Nevada, USA, and, the Gold Chain Project located in Arizona, USA. In addition, Gold79 holds a 32.3% interest in the Greyhound Project, Nunavut, Canada under JV by Agnico Eagle Mines Limited.

Gold79 Mines Ltd.是一家在多倫多證券交易所創業板上市的公司,專注於在美國西南部建造盎司礦。Gold79擁有購買三個黃金專案協定的100%賺取選擇權:均位於美國內華達州的傑斐遜峽谷黃金專案和Tip Top黃金專案,以及位於美國亞利桑那州的金鏈專案。此外,根據Agnico Eagle Mines Limited的合資公司,Gold79持有加拿大努納武特灰狗專案32.3%的權益。

For further information regarding this press release contact:


Derek Macpherson, President & CEO
Phone: 416-294-6713
Website: .


Book a 30-minute meeting with our CEO here.




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