
Mangoceuticals, Inc. Appoints Amanda Hammer As New Chief Operating Officer

Mangoceuticals, Inc. Appoints Amanda Hammer As New Chief Operating Officer

Mangoceuticals, Inc. 任命阿曼达·哈默尔为新任首席运营官
Benzinga ·  2023/05/04 21:36

Mangoceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:MGRX) ("MangoRx" or the "Company"), a company focused on developing, marketing, and selling a variety of men's health and wellness products via a secure telemedicine platform, including its uniquely formulated erectile dysfunction (ED) drug branded "Mango," is pleased to announce the appointment of Amanda Hammer as Chief Operating Officer ("COO").

Mangoceuticals, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:MGRX)(“MangoRx” 或 “公司”)欣然宣布任命阿曼达·哈默尔为首席运营官(“COO”),该公司专注于通过安全的远程医疗平台开发、营销和销售各种男性健康和保健产品,包括其独特配方的勃起功能障碍(ED)药物。

As COO, Hammer will be responsible for helping MangoRx work to scale its operations and expand its presence in the US market. Hammer will manage the day-to-day operations of MangoRx as well as oversee its eCommerce channels, marketing, web services, human resources, compliance, and communications departments.


"We couldn't be more excited to place our future in the very capable hands of a top tier person like Amanda," commented Jacob Cohen, the Company's Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, who continued, "The objective now is scaling up and delivering rapid growth to our stakeholders. Amanda has delivered on that objective in the past and we believe that she understands what needs to be done at MangoRx to repeat that success. She brings to our team a truly unique combination of business expertise across e-commerce operations, customer focused product innovation, web development, and brand asset management."

公司联合创始人兼首席执行官雅各布·科恩评论说:“将我们的未来交到像阿曼达这样非常有能力的顶级人才手中,我们再兴奋不过了。” 他继续说,“现在的目标是扩大规模,为我们的利益相关者带来快速增长。Amanda 过去曾实现过这一目标,我们相信她明白 MangorX 需要做些什么才能重获成功。她为我们的团队带来了电子商务运营、以客户为中心的产品创新、网络开发和品牌资产管理等业务专业知识的真正独特组合。”

Hammer has been a member of the MangoRx team since late 2022 and has been instrumental in launching and optimizing MangoRx's eCommerce platform. She is a proven leader with a track record of success having recently completed a 4-year tenure at D Magazine Partners, a Dallas based multimedia company, where she held roles leading Audience Development, Brand, and Digital Operations, quickly rising to become the company's first named Chief Operations Officer. Prior to that, Amanda worked in private equity consulting and assisting newly acquired business verticals with optimizing sales and marketing processes, improving subscription retention, and training new talent to enhance productivity and maximize revenue streams.

自 2022 年底以来,Hammer 一直是 MangoRx 团队的一员,在启动和优化 MangorX 的电子商务平台方面发挥了重要作用。她是一位久经考验的领导者,拥有成功的往绩,最近在总部位于达拉斯的多媒体公司D Magazine Partners完成了4年的任期,在那里她担任过受众开发、品牌和数字运营的领导职务,并迅速升任该公司的第一位首席运营官。在此之前,Amanda曾在私募股权咨询领域工作,协助新收购的垂直业务领域优化销售和营销流程,提高订阅保留率,培训新人才,以提高生产力和最大化收入来源。

"Having worked nearly 15 years almost exclusively in fast-paced entrepreneurial environments serving customers through online platforms, I know I have the skills and experience to hit the ground running in this new role," stated Hammer, who continued, "I have already had time to gain a firm grasp of our assets and strategic roadmap and to build strong chemistry with the rest of the team."

哈默尔继续说:“我几乎完全在快节奏的创业环境中工作了将近15年,通过在线平台为客户提供服务,我知道我有技能和经验可以在这个新职位上崭露头角,” 哈默尔继续说,“我已经有时间牢固地掌握了我们的资产和战略路线图,并与团队其他成员建立了强烈的化学反应。”

Hammer obtained dual Bachelor of Arts degrees-in Graphic Design and Communication Studies-from the University of Iowa. She has also obtained a Negotiation and Leadership Certificate from Harvard Law School and is a recent graduate of the Texas Women's Foundation Leadership Institute.

Hammer 从爱荷华大学获得了平面设计和传播研究双文学学士学位。她还获得了哈佛法学院的谈判和领导力证书,并且是德克萨斯妇女基金会领导力学院的应届毕业生。

