Ranger Equity Bear ETF (NYSEARCA:HDGE) Share Price Passes Above 200 Day Moving Average of $26.64
Ranger Equity Bear ETF (NYSEARCA:HDGE) Share Price Passes Above 200 Day Moving Average of $26.64
Ranger Equity Bear ETF (NYSEARCA:HDGE – Get Rating)'s share price crossed above its two hundred day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of $26.64 and traded as high as $26.91. Ranger Equity Bear ETF shares last traded at $26.86, with a volume of 54,535 shares traded.
在周三的交易中,Ranger Equity Bear ETF(NYSEARCA: HDGE — 获取评级)的股价突破了其两百天移动平均线。该股的两百天移动平均线为26.64美元,交易价格高达26.91美元。Ranger Equity Bear ETF股票最后一次交易价格为26.86美元,交易量为54,535股。
Ranger Equity Bear ETF Trading Up 0.4 %
Ranger 股票熊市ETF交易上涨0.4%
The business has a 50-day moving average price of $25.76 and a 200-day moving average price of $26.64.
Institutional Inflows and Outflows
An institutional investor recently bought a new position in Ranger Equity Bear ETF stock. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC purchased a new position in shares of Ranger Equity Bear ETF (NYSEARCA:HDGE – Get Rating) in the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the SEC. The institutional investor purchased 77,256 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock, valued at approximately $2,221,000. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC owned approximately 1.28% of Ranger Equity Bear ETF as of its most recent filing with the SEC.
一位机构投资者最近购买了Ranger Equity Bear ETF股票的新头寸。詹尼·蒙哥马利·斯科特有限责任公司在向美国证券交易委员会提交的最新文件中称,该公司在第四季度收购了Ranger Equity Bear ETF(NYSEARCA: HDGE — Get Rating)的新股份。该机构投资者购买了该交易所交易基金的77,256股股票,价值约为22.21万美元。截至最近向美国证券交易委员会提交文件,詹尼·蒙哥马利·斯科特有限责任公司拥有Ranger Equity Bear ETF约1.28%的股份。
About Ranger Equity Bear ETF
关于 Ranger 股票熊市 ETF
(Get Rating)
The AdvisorShares Ranger Equity Bear ETF (HDGE) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the MSCI World index. The fund is actively-managed fund that attempts to achieve positive returns by shorting US-listed companies believed to have low earnings quality or use aggressive accounting policies. HDGE was launched on Jan 26, 2011 and is managed by AdvisorShares.
AdvisorShares Ranger Equity Bear ETF(HDGE)是一只基于摩根士丹利资本国际世界指数的交易所交易基金。该基金是积极管理的基金,试图通过做空被认为收益质量低下的美国上市公司或使用激进的会计政策来实现正回报。HDGE 于 2011 年 1 月 26 日推出,由 AdvisorShares 管理。
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