Loyalty Ventures Deadline Alert
Loyalty Ventures Deadline Alert
Securities Litigation Partner James (Josh) Wilson Encourages Investors Who Suffered Losses Exceeding $100,000 In Loyalty Ventures To Contact Him Directly To Discuss Their Options
New York, New York--(Newsfile Corp. - May 1, 2023) - Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP, a leading national securities law firm, is investigating potential claims against Alliance Data Systems Corporation n/k/a Bread Financial Holdings, Inc. ("ADS") and certain current and former executive officers of ADS and Loyalty Ventures, Inc. ("Loyalty Ventures" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: LYLT) (OTC Pink: LYLTQ) and reminds investors of the June 26, 2023 deadline to seek the role of lead plaintiff in a federal securities class action that has been filed against the Company.
紐約,紐約--(Newsfile Corp.-2023 年 5 月 1 日)- 領先的國家證券律師事務所Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP正在調查針對Alliance Data Systems Corporation n/k/a Bread Financial Holdings, Inc.(“ADS”)以及ADS和Loyalty Ventures, Inc.(“LYALTY Ventures” 或 “公司”)(納斯達克股票代碼:LYLT)(OTC Pink:LYLTQ)的某些現任和前任執行官的潛在索賠,並提醒投資者尋求該職位的最後期限爲2023年6月26日在針對公司提起的聯邦證券集體訴訟中擔任首席原告。
If you suffered losses exceeding $100,000 investing in Loyalty Ventures stock or options between November 8, 2021 and June 7, 2022 and would like to discuss your legal rights, call Faruqi & Faruqi partner Josh Wilson directly at 877-247-4292 or 212-983-9330 (Ext. 1310). You may also click here for additional information: .
如果您在2021年11月8日至2022年6月7日期間投資Loyalty Ventures股票或期權蒙受了超過10萬美元的損失 想討論你的合法權利,請致電 Faruqi & Faruqi 合夥人 直接向喬什·威爾遜 在 877-247-4292 要麼 212-983-9330(分機 1310)。您也可以單擊此處獲取更多信息: 。
There is no cost or obligation to you.
Faruqi & Faruqi is a leading minority and Woman-owned national securities law firm with offices in New York, Pennsylvania, California and Georgia.
Faruqi & Faruqi是一家領先的少數股權和女性擁有的全國性證券律師事務所,在紐約、賓夕法尼亞州、加利福尼亞州和喬治亞州設有辦事處。
Loyalty Ventures was created as the result of a November 2021 spinoff from ADS. Loyalty Ventures owns and operates the AIR MILES Reward Program ("Air Miles"), an end-to-end loyalty platform, and BrandLoyalty, a campaign-based loyalty program for grocers and other high-frequency retailers. Air Miles' participating businesses ("Sponsors") pay a fee to the Company per reward mile issued, and in return, Air Miles provides all marketing, customer service, rewards, and redemption management. Sobeys Inc., the second-largest supermarket chain in Canada, was the second-largest Sponsor in the Air Miles program.
Loyalty Ventures是2021年11月從ADS分拆的結果而創建的。Loyalty Ventures擁有並運營端到端忠誠度平臺AIR MILES獎勵計劃(“Air Miles”)和BrandLoyalty,這是一項針對雜貨商和其他高頻零售商的基於活動的忠誠度計劃。Air Miles的參與企業(“贊助商”)向公司支付每發放的獎勵里程的費用,作爲回報,Air Miles提供所有營銷、客戶服務、獎勵和兌換管理。加拿大第二大連鎖超市Sobeys Inc. 是Air Miles計劃的第二大讚助商。
On November 8, 2021, Loyalty Ventures began trading as an independent public company after being spun off from ADS. In the months leading up to the spinoff, Defendants made statements, including in ADS's SEC filings, touting Loyalty Ventures' prospects as an independent company, including its "strong" and "highly attractive" profile, and highlighting customers such as Sobeys and its "exclusive relationships." Similarly, in the months following the spinoff, Defendants assured investors of the quality of Loyalty Ventures' management team, its business strategy, and its "long-standing customer relationships."
2021年11月8日,Loyalty Ventures在從ADS分拆出來後開始以獨立上市公司的身份進行交易。在分拆前的幾個月中,被告發表了聲明,包括在ADS向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中,吹捧Loyalty Ventures作爲獨立公司的前景,包括其 “強大” 和 “極具吸引力” 的形象,並重點介紹了Sobeys等客戶及其 “獨家關係”。同樣,在分拆後的幾個月中,被告向投資者保證了Loyalty Ventures管理團隊的素質、其業務戰略和 “長期的客戶關係”。
As detailed below, the lawsuit focuses on whether the Company and its executives violated federal securities laws by making false and/or misleading statements and/or failing to disclose that: (1) the Air Miles program suffered from a lack of investment prior to the spinoff; (2) as a result, Sobeys had informed Defendants it was considering exercising its early termination rights; (3) the threat of Sobeys' departure loomed throughout 2021 including in the timeframe leading up to the spinoff; (4) Defendants expected the departure of any single large sponsor, such as Sobeys, would have "network effect" on the value of the entire Air Miles program; and (5) the high leverage and debt service obligations foisted upon Loyalty Ventures, in conjunction with the "network effect" impact on the value of the Air Miles business, threatened the Company's ability to continue operations; and (6) as a result, Defendants' positive statements about the Company's financial guidance, business, operations, and prospects were materially false and misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis at all relevant times.
如下所述,該訴訟的重點是公司及其高管是否通過作出虛假和/或誤導性陳述和/或未披露以下內容違反了聯邦證券法:(1)Air Miles計劃在分拆之前缺乏投資;(2)因此,Sobeys已通知被告正在考慮行使其提前終止權;(3)索貝斯離職的威脅在整個2021年隱約可見,包括在分拆之前的時間範圍內 off;(4) 被告預計任何單一大型贊助商都會離開,例如Sobeys,將對整個航空里程計劃的價值產生 “網絡效應”;(5) 強加給Loyalty Ventures的高槓杆率和還本付息義務,加上對航空里程業務價值的 “網絡效應” 影響,威脅到公司繼續運營的能力;(6) 因此,被告對公司財務指導、業務、運營和前景的正面陳述存在重大虛假和誤導性和/或在所有相關時間都缺乏合理的依據。
On June 8, 2022, before the markets opened, Loyalty Ventures issued a press release revealing that the Company and Air Miles Sponsor Sobeys "were unable to align on extension terms," and "consequently, Sobeys provided notice of its intent to exit the program on a region-by-region basis, beginning with Atlantic Canada, between August and the first quarter of 2023." The press release also noted that the "primary impact" of the loss of Sobeys as a customer in 2022 would be "on the number of AIR MILES reward miles issued," and that Loyalty Ventures would re-evaluate its 2022 revenue and EBITDA guidance." In response to this news, the price of Loyalty Ventures shares fell over 45%, from a closing price of $11.03 per share on June 7, 2022, to a closing price of $6.02 per share on June 8, 2022. Loyalty Ventures ultimately filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas on March 9, 2023.
2022 年 6 月 8 日,在市場開放之前,Loyalty Ventures 發佈了一份新聞稿,透露公司和 Air Miles 贊助商 Sobeys “無法就延期條款達成一致”,“因此,Sobeys 發出了通知,表示打算在8月至2023年第一季度之間逐個地區退出該計劃,首先是加拿大大西洋。”新聞稿還指出,索貝斯在2022年失去客戶身份的 “主要影響” 將是 “發放的AIR MILES獎勵里程數量”,Loyalty Ventures將重新評估其2022年的收入和息稅折舊攤銷前利潤指導。”針對這一消息,Loyalty Ventures的股價下跌了45%以上,從2022年6月7日的每股11.03美元的收盤價跌至2022年6月8日的每股6.02美元的收盤價。Loyalty Ventures最終於2023年3月9日向美國德克薩斯州南區破產法院申請了第11章破產。
The court-appointed lead plaintiff is the investor with the largest financial interest in the relief sought by the class who is adequate and typical of class members who directs and oversees the litigation on behalf of the putative class. Any member of the putative class may move the Court to serve as lead plaintiff through counsel of their choice, or may choose to do nothing and remain an absent class member. Your ability to share in any recovery is not affected by the decision to serve as a lead plaintiff or not.
Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP also encourages anyone with information regarding Loyalty Ventures' conduct to contact the firm, including whistleblowers, former employees, shareholders and others.
Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP還鼓勵任何瞭解Loyalty Ventures行爲信息的人與公司聯繫,包括舉報人、前僱員、股東和其他人。
Attorney Advertising. The law firm responsible for this advertisement is Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP (). Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your particular case. All communications will be treated in a confidential manner.
律師廣告。負責這則廣告的律師事務所是Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP ()。先前的結果並不能保證或預測未來任何事情的類似結果。我們歡迎有機會討論您的具體案例。所有通信將以保密方式處理。
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