
Sentinel Trust Co. LBA Lowers Holdings in IShares MSCI Emerging Markets Ex China ETF (NASDAQ:EMXC)

Sentinel Trust Co. LBA Lowers Holdings in IShares MSCI Emerging Markets Ex China ETF (NASDAQ:EMXC)

Sentinel Trust Co.LBA 減少了 iShares 摩根士丹利資本國際新興市場 ETF 的持股量(納斯達克股票代碼:EMXC)
Financial News Live ·  2023/05/01 22:43

Sentinel Trust Co. LBA reduced its stake in shares of iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF (NASDAQ:EMXC – Get Rating) by 59.6% during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm owned 56,700 shares of the company's stock after selling 83,700 shares during the period. Sentinel Trust Co. LBA owned 0.09% of iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF worth $2,692,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.

Sentinel Trust Co.LBA在向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交的最新13F文件中表示,LBA在第四季度將其在iShares MSCI除中國以外的新興市場ETF(納斯達克股票代碼:EMXC — 獲取評級)的股份減少了59.6%。該公司在此期間出售了83,700股股票後,擁有該公司56,700股股票。Sentinel Trust Co.截至美國證券交易委員會最近向美國證券交易委員會提交文件,LBA擁有除中國以外的iShares MSCI新興市場ETF的0.09%。

A number of other institutional investors have also recently bought and sold shares of EMXC. Legacy Financial Advisors Inc. acquired a new stake in shares of iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF in the fourth quarter valued at about $16,260,000. Flow Traders U.S. LLC grew its position in iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF by 35.6% in the 3rd quarter. Flow Traders U.S. LLC now owns 967,024 shares of the company's stock valued at $42,820,000 after buying an additional 253,984 shares in the last quarter. Baird Financial Group Inc. boosted its stake in iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF by 124.2% during the 3rd quarter. Baird Financial Group Inc. now owns 252,239 shares of the company's stock valued at $11,169,000 after purchasing an additional 139,743 shares in the last quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors grew its holdings in iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF by 47.5% during the third quarter. Captrust Financial Advisors now owns 285,262 shares of the company's stock worth $12,631,000 after acquiring an additional 91,861 shares during the period. Finally, Arkansas Financial Group Inc. acquired a new position in shares of iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF in the 4th quarter worth approximately $2,895,000.

其他一些機構投資者最近也買入和賣出了EMXC的股票。Legacy Financial Advisors Inc. 在第四季度收購了iShares MSCI新興市場(不包括中國)ETF的新股份,價值約爲16,26萬美元。Flow Traders U.S. LLC在第三季度將其在除中國以外的iShares MSCI新興市場ETF中的頭寸增長了35.6%。Flow Traders U.S. LLC在上個季度又購買了253,984股股票後,現在擁有該公司967,024股股票,價值42,82萬美元。貝爾德金融集團公司在第三季度將其在除中國以外的iShares MSCI新興市場ETF的股份增加了124.2%。貝爾德金融集團公司在上個季度又購買了139,743股股票後,現在擁有該公司252,239股股票,價值11,169,000美元。Captrust Financial Advisors在第三季度將其在除中國以外的iShares MSCI新興市場ETF的持股量增加了47.5%。Captrust Financial Advisors在此期間又收購了91,861股股票後,現在擁有該公司285,262股股票,價值12,631,000美元。最後,阿肯色金融集團公司在第四季度收購了iShares MSCI新興市場(不包括中國)股票的新頭寸,價值約28.95萬美元。

iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF
iShares MSCI 新興市場(不包括中國)ETF

iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF Stock Performance

iShares 摩根士丹利資本國際除中國外新興市場 ETF 股票表現

Shares of NASDAQ EMXC traded down $0.03 during trading on Monday, hitting $49.87. The company had a trading volume of 142,021 shares, compared to its average volume of 641,914. The business's 50-day moving average is $49.51 and its 200 day moving average is $49.46. The company has a market cap of $3.65 billion, a P/E ratio of 11.29 and a beta of 0.88. iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF has a 52 week low of $43.73 and a 52 week high of $55.42.

納斯達克EMXC的股價在週一的交易中下跌了0.03美元,觸及49.87美元。該公司的交易量爲142,021股,而平均成交量爲641,914股。該公司的50天移動平均線爲49.51美元,其200天移動平均線爲49.46美元。該公司的市值爲36.5億美元,市盈率爲11.29,beta值爲0.88。iShares MSCI除中國以外的新興市場ETF創下52周低點43.73美元,創52周高點55.42美元。

iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF Profile

iShares 摩根士丹利資本國際除中國以外的新興市場 ETF 簡介

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The iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ex China ETF (EMXC) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the MSCI Emerging Markets ex China index. The fund tracks a market-cap- weighted index of emerging-market firms, excluding China. The index covers 85% of the universe by market cap. EMXC was launched on Jul 18, 2017 and is managed by BlackRock.

iShares MSCI 新興市場(不包括中國)ETF(EMXC)是一隻基於摩根士丹利資本國際新興市場(中國除外)指數的交易所交易基金。該基金追蹤新興市場公司(不包括中國)的市值加權指數。按市值計算,該指數覆蓋了全球 85% 的面積。EMXC 於 2017 年 7 月 18 日推出,由貝萊德管理。

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