EBay Expands Luxury Offering With New Brand Platform
EBay Expands Luxury Offering With New Brand Platform
"Certified by Brand" invites designers and brands to scale their resale efforts, and provides shoppers with access to an expanded selection of authentic luxury watches, handbags, and jewelry
“Certified by Brand” 邀請設計師和品牌擴大轉售力度,爲購物者提供更多的正品奢華手錶、手袋和珠寶選擇
SAN JOSE, Calif., April 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, eBay announces the launch of its new Certified by Brand program, partnering directly with brands to scale their presence in the secondary market, while providing shoppers access to a wider selection of coveted and collectible luxury goods. Through this program, new, certified pre-owned, limited-edition or exclusive 'only on eBay' inventory from top brands like Konstantin Chaykin, Zodiac Watches and Le Vian will be available, complementing eBay's Authenticity Guarantee to deliver a more trusted, confident marketplace.
加利福尼亞州聖何塞, 2023年4月27日 /PRNewswire/ — 今天,eBay宣佈啓動新的品牌認證計劃,直接與品牌合作,擴大其在二級市場的影響力,同時爲購物者提供更多令人垂涎和可收藏的奢侈品。通過該計劃,來自頂級品牌的全新、經過認證的二手、限量版或 “僅在 eBay 上” 的獨家庫存 康斯坦丁·查金,十二生肖手錶和 Le Vian 將上市,是對eBay的真品保證的補充,以提供一個更可信、更自信的市場。
The secondary market for premium and luxury goods grew significantly in 20221, propelled by consumer enthusiasm for collecting and passion investments. Luxury brands are being edged further into the resale space and many have fortified a presence by seeking partners to help compete in the secondary market. eBay's Certified by Brand program provides brands and brand-authorized sellers access to both the platform's 133 million active buyers, and consumer insights from eBay's global network of buyers.
高檔和奢侈品的二級市場在 2022 年顯著增長1,這得益於消費者對收藏的熱情和對投資的熱情。奢侈品牌正在進一步進入轉售領域,許多品牌通過尋找合作伙伴來幫助在二級市場上競爭,從而鞏固了影響力。eBay的品牌認證計劃爲品牌和品牌授權賣家提供了接觸該平臺1.33億活躍買家的機會,也爲eBay全球買家網絡提供了消費者見解。
"Certified inventory in the resale market is an undeniable opportunity for brands and authorized retailers, and eBay is the ideal partner for those looking to scale," said Tirath Kamdar, Global GM of Luxury at eBay. "eBay's Certified by Brand program broadens access to both buyers and brands to shop and sell luxury goods with confidence and certainty."
他說:“對於品牌和授權零售商來說,轉售市場的認證庫存是不可否認的機會,對於那些希望擴大規模的人來說,eBay是理想的合作伙伴。” Tirath Kamdar,eBay 全球奢侈品總經理。“eBay的品牌認證計劃拓寬了買家和品牌自信和確定地購買和銷售奢侈品的機會。”
Certified by Brand will include watches, handbags, and fine jewelry from a growing roster of luxury's foremost brands. Listings within the program will include either "Direct from Brand" or "Brand Authorized Seller" badging and information on Certified by Brand within each item listing, making it easy for buyers to identify listings in the program, similar to how eBay's Authenticity Guarantee check mark distinguishes inventory.
品牌認證將包括來自越來越多的奢侈品牌的手錶、手袋和高級珠寶。該計劃中的清單將在每件商品清單中包含 “直接來自品牌” 或 “品牌授權賣家” 徽章以及有關品牌認證的信息,使買家可以輕鬆識別該計劃中的清單,類似於 eBay 的真實性保證複選標記區分庫存。
"As a long-time customer of eBay, I have always valued discovering remarkable pieces among the platform's breadth of inventory", said Vianney Halter. "I am pleased to be partnering with eBay to bring a selection of extraordinary watches to their customer base."
他說:“作爲eBay的長期客戶,我一直很重視在平臺廣泛的庫存中發現非凡的作品。” Vianney Halter。“我很高興與eBay合作,爲他們的客戶羣帶來一系列非凡的手錶。”
With nearly 28 years of expertise fostering its global online marketplace, eBay continues to drive trust in its unmatched selection of luxury goods on a global scale. Programs like Authenticity Guarantee – which currently includes sneakers, handbags, watches, jewelry, and trading cards – have had significant impact since the service was first introduced, and luxury focus categories have had roughly double-digit annualized growth since Q4 2019. Certified by Brand signals eBay's continued dedication to bolster confidence in its shopping experience for high-passion and high value-products for brands, retailers and buyers alike.
Bringing a Wider Selection of Trusted Inventory to a Larger Audience
Certified by Brand partners will gain access to consumer insights from eBay's global network of buyers and will be able to influence pricing of their brand inventory within the secondary market. Brands and brand-authorized sellers will also be able to control their brand equity and image with access to various eBay platform channels to amplify their own messaging to help drive growth and move inventory.
Buyers will now have multiple ways to shop authentic luxury goods on eBay.com, with listings identifiable via differentiated badging:
1. Certified by Brand: Inventory will be brand-backed and all watch brands come with a minimum one year warranty, and jewelry and handbag items include a certificate of authenticity with purchase, instilling continued confidence in every transaction. Listings within the program will be represented by two badge categories:
1。 已認證 按品牌分類: 庫存將由品牌支持,所有手錶品牌均提供至少一年的保修期,珠寶和手提包商品在購買時會附帶真品證書,從而爲每筆交易注入持續的信心。該計劃中的列表將由兩個徽章類別表示:
- Direct From Brand: Listing is either new or pre-owned inventory and either comes directly from the brand's manufacturer or has been previously authenticated by the brand.
- Brand-Authorized Seller: Listing is either new or pre-owned inventory from a seller who has been authorized by, and supplied inventory from, the brand.
- Participating Brands: ADPT (All Day, Purpose, Terrain), Alberto Milani, ALOR, Badgley Mischka, Diana M., Ernst Benz, I.Reiss, Judith Ripka, Konstantin Chaykin, Le Vian, Lika Behar Collection, Perrelet, RPaige, Roman+Jules, Vianney Halter and Zodiac Watches.
- 直接來自品牌: 商品可以是新品庫存或二手庫存,要麼直接來自品牌製造商,要麼之前已經過品牌認證。
- 品牌授權賣家: 上架商品是來自已獲得該品牌授權並由該品牌提供庫存的賣家的新庫存或二手庫存。
- 參與品牌: ADPT(All Day、Purpose、Terrain)、Alberto Milani、ALOR Badgley Mischka,戴安娜 M., 恩斯特·奔馳,I.Reiss, 朱迪思·裏普卡, 康斯坦丁·查金, Le Vian, Lika Behar 系列,Perrelet,Praige,Roman+Jules, Vianney Halter 和十二生肖手錶。
2. Authenticity Guarantee: Launched in the US market in 2020 with watches, eBay's Authenticity Guarantee service vets and verifies eligible watches, handbags, jewelry, sneakers and trading cards, at no cost to the buyer or seller. The service has expanded to include 5 categories on eBay available for select products in 5 countries. Certified by Brand inventory it will not qualify for eBay's Authenticity Guarantee service. Read more about Authenticity Guarantee.
2。 真實性 保證: eBay 的真品保障服務於 2020 年在美國市場推出手錶,負責審查和驗證符合條件的手錶、手袋、珠寶、運動鞋和交易卡,買家或賣家無需支付任何費用。該服務已擴展到包括eBay上的5個類別,適用於5個國家的精選產品。經品牌庫存認證,它沒有資格獲得 eBay 的真品保證服務。閱讀更多關於 真品保證。
Certified by Brand is currently available for brands and buyers located in the US. Brands and authorized sellers will continue rolling out in the next few weeks and more are slated to join the Certified by Brand program over the next year, with plans for expansion to other markets. Learn more about eBay's Certified by Brand program at ebay.com/certified-by-brand and shop the offering of watches, handbags and jewelry. For more, follow the conversation with @eBay on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.
品牌認證目前適用於位於美國的品牌和買家。品牌和授權賣家將在接下來的幾周內繼續推出,明年將有更多品牌加入品牌認證計劃,並計劃擴展到其他市場。要了解有關 eBay 品牌認證計劃的更多信息,請訪問 ebay.com/按品牌認證 然後購物 提供手錶、手袋和珠寶。欲瞭解更多信息,請關注與 @eBay 的對話 Instagram, 推特、YouTub 和 Facebook。
Luxury on eBay – By the Numbers
eBay 上的奢侈品——從數字上看
- Luxury focus categories (watches, handbags, jewelry and sneakers) have had roughly double digit annualized growth on eBay since Q4 2019.
- Across eBay's three largest markets (US, UK and Germany) for watches and handbags listed for +$500+ and jewelry listed for $300+:
- Average daily fixed price live listings grew by double digits as of March 2023 compared to the same period in the prior year.
- Over 60% of watches, over 50% handbags and over 30% of jewelry listings were categorized as pre-owned in 2022.
- There were over 170K watches, over 100K handbags and over 1 million jewelry average daily listings in 2022.
- 自 2019 年第四季度以來,eBay 上以奢侈品爲焦點的類別(手錶、手袋、珠寶和運動鞋)的年化增長率約爲兩位數。
- 橫跨eBay的三個最大市場(美國、英國和 德國) 對於標價 +500 美元以上的手錶和手提包以及售價 300 美元以上的珠寶:
- 截至當日,每日固定價格實時房源平均增長了兩位數 2023 年 3 月 與去年同期相比。
- 2022 年,超過 60% 的手錶、超過 50% 的手袋和超過 30% 的珠寶商品被歸類爲二手商品。
- 結束了 170K 手錶,結束 100K 手袋和珠寶在 2022 年平均每日上架量超過 100 萬件。
About eBay
關於 eBay
eBay Inc. (Nasdaq: EBAY) is a global commerce leader that connects people and builds communities to create economic opportunity for all. Our technology empowers millions of buyers and sellers in more than 190 markets around the world, providing everyone the opportunity to grow and thrive. Founded in 1995 in San Jose, California, eBay is one of the world's largest and most vibrant marketplaces for discovering great value and unique selection. In 2022, eBay enabled nearly $74 billion of gross merchandise volume. For more information about the company and its global portfolio of online brands, visit
eBay Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:EBAY)是全球商業領導者,致力於連接人們並建立社區,爲所有人創造經濟機會。我們的技術爲全球 190 多個市場的數百萬買家和賣家提供支持,爲每個人提供成長和繁榮的機會。成立於 1995 年 加利福尼亞州聖何塞,eBay 是世界上最大、最具活力的市場之一,用於發現物超所值和獨特的選擇。2022 年,eBay 幾乎啓用了 740 億美元 佔商品總量的百分比。有關該公司及其全球在線品牌組合的更多信息,請訪問
1Bain & Co. 2023. Renaissance in Uncertainty: Luxury Builds on Its Rebound
1Bain & Co. 2023。不確定性中的復興:奢侈品在反彈的基礎上再接再厲
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SOURCE eBay Inc.
來源 eBay Inc.