
South Star Battery Metals Announces Santa Cruz Graphite Mine Construction and Licensing Updates As Well As Filing of NI 43-101 Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate Report for the BamaStar Graphite Project in Coosa County Alabama, USA

South Star Battery Metals Announces Santa Cruz Graphite Mine Construction and Licensing Updates As Well As Filing of NI 43-101 Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate Report for the BamaStar Graphite Project in Coosa County Alabama, USA

South Star Battery Metals宣佈了聖克魯斯石墨礦建設和許可的最新情況,並提交了美國阿拉巴馬州庫薩縣BamaStar石墨項目的NI 43-101首次礦產資源估算報告
Accesswire ·  2023/04/27 20:11
  • Santa Cruz Phase 1 construction is on-time and on schedule for commercial production at the EOY 2023.
  • All documents for Santa Cruz Phases 2 and 3 environmental permits and mining licenses have been submitted for review.
  • 520,000 tonnes of contained graphite with an open pit-constrained mineral resource estimate of 22M tonnes of inferred resources at an average grade of 2.4% (Cg), based on a 1.1% cut-off grade.
  • Estimate is based on 12 drill holes totaling 506m of HQ diamond drilling completed in 2022.
  • The mineral resource estimate confirms the significant potential of this historical mine with graphite mineralization open at depth and in both directions (NE & SW).
  • The mineral resource estimate and initial open pit optimization confirms the deposit is amenable to open pit mining operations with at-surface mineralization and low strip ratios.
  • Grant of RSUs.
  • 聖克魯斯第一階段的施工正在按時按計劃在EOY 2023年投入商業生產。
  • 聖克魯斯第二階段和第三階段環境許可證和採礦許可證的所有文件均已提交審查。
  • 520,000噸含石墨,根據1.1%的臨界品位,露天礦坑受限的礦產資源估計爲2200萬噸,平均品位爲2.4%(Cg)。
  • 估算基於2022年完成的總部鑽石鑽探共計506米的12個鑽孔。
  • 礦產資源估算證實了這個歷史礦的巨大潛力,石墨礦化在深度和雙向(東北和西南)開放。
  • 礦產資源估算和初步的露天礦優化證實,該礦牀適合露天採礦作業,具有較低的表面礦化率和較低的條帶比率。
  • RSU 的授予。

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 27, 2023 / South Star Battery Metals Corp. ("South Star" or the "Company") (TSXV:STS) (OTCQB:STSBD), is pleased to announce a construction and permitting update for the Santa Cruz Graphite Mine currently in construction on the Phase 1 installations in Brazil, as well as the filing of the NI 43-101 technical report ("TR") of its maiden mineral resource estimate ("MRE") for the BamaStar Graphite Project located in Coosa County, Alabama, United States (the "Project").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 4 月 27 日/ South Star Battery Metals Corp.(“South Star” 或 “公司”)(TSXV: STSBD)欣然宣佈巴西第一期設施上目前在建的聖克魯斯石墨礦的施工和許可最新情況,並提交了BamaStar石墨項目首次礦產資源估算(“MRE”)的NI 43-101技術報告(“TR”)位於美國阿拉巴馬州庫薩縣(“項目”)。

Richard Pearce, CEO of South Star, commented, "Santa Cruz construction on the Phase 1 plant and mine installations is on time and on schedule through the end March 2023. All our licensing and permitting documents for Phases 2 and 3 for up to 50,000 of graphite concentrate have been submitted and are in technical evaluation. We are planning to have all our licenses and permits in hand by the end of 2023 so we can start the financing process for the future expansions. The BamaStar NI 43-101 technical report with the maiden mineral resource estimate is a fantastic result and confirms the potential for a significant deposit at this historical mine with at-surface mineralization that should be amenable to open pit mining techniques and low strip ratios. It's one of two projects in the continental United States with a defined mineral resource estimate. The drillers are set to get back out there in May 2023, and we are planning to get a NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) completed by Q1 of 2024. The PEA will present our strategic plan of two mines, each producing 50,000 tonnes per year of concentrates, feeding a centrally located, value-add plant in the southeast United States and producing active anode material for electric vehicles, as well as purified/micronized and expandable graphite products. South Star has two scalable assets in strategic, stable, mining-friendly jurisdictions and the team to build and operate them in a safe responsible manner in partnership with communities and stakeholders. It's happening at the perfect time, when supply is constrained and demand is outstripping supply. This dynamic will be putting significant pressure on the graphite price in 2023 and for the foreseeable future. Santa Cruz will have the first new graphite production in the Americas since 1996 this year, and BamaStar is expected to be producing in 2027. Congratulations to the team for all the hard work!"

South Star首席執行官理查德·皮爾斯評論說:“到2023年3月底,聖克魯斯第一階段工廠和礦山設施的建設正在按時按計劃進行。我們針對多達 50,000 種石墨精礦的第 2 階段和第 3 階段的所有許可和許可文件均已提交,正在進行技術評估。我們計劃在2023年底之前拿到所有許可證和許可證,以便我們可以開始未來擴張的融資程序。BamaStar NI 43-101 技術報告提供了首次礦產資源估算,這是一個了不起的結果,它證實了這座歷史悠久的礦山有可能出現大量礦牀,其地表礦化應適合露天採礦技術,條帶比率低。這是美國大陸兩個有明確礦產資源估算值的項目之一。鑽探人員定於2023年5月返回那裏,我們計劃在2024年第一季度之前完成NI 43-101初步經濟評估(PEA)。PEA將提出我們的兩座礦山的戰略計劃,每個礦山每年生產50,000噸濃縮物,爲位於美國東南部市中心的增值工廠供電,生產電動汽車的活性陽極材料以及提純/微粉化和可膨脹石墨產品。South Star在戰略性、穩定、採礦友好的司法管轄區擁有兩項可擴展資產,並有團隊與社區和利益相關者合作,以安全、負責任的方式建造和運營這些資產。這是在供應受到限制且需求超過供應的最佳時機發生的。這種動態將在2023年和可預見的將來給石墨價格帶來巨大壓力。今年,聖克魯斯將在美洲生產自1996年以來的首次新石墨,而BamaStar預計將在2027年生產。恭喜團隊的辛勤工作!”

Santa Cruz Construction and Licensing Update
Construction through the end of March 2023 is on schedule and on budget for Phase 1 commercial production at the EOY 2023. Q2 2023 main work programs include:

2023 年 EOY 第一階段商業化生產的施工正在按計劃和預算進行,直到 2023 年 3 月底。2023 年第二季度的主要工作計劃包括:

  • Civil construction, foundations, and retention walls for the plant area;
  • Civil Infrastructure including entrance, security, additional offices, supply chain storage warehouse and contractor support area;
  • Electrical substation and internal electrical distribution network; &
  • Delivery of approximately 35% of the major equipment.
  • 廠區的土木建築、地基和擋土牆;
  • 民用基礎設施,包括入口、安全、額外辦公室、供應鏈存儲倉庫和承包商支持區域;
  • 變電站和內部配電網絡;以及
  • 交付了大約 35% 的主要裝備。

In addition, all environmental and mining documents for permitting and licensing of Santa Cruz Phases 2 and 3 have been filed with the Municipality of Itabela and the Brazilian Mining Agency ("ANM"). The consolidated operations environmental permitting process incorporating Phases 1, 2 and 3 is similar to the approved Phase 1 process, which was previously reviewed and approved in approximately 3 months.


The Company has also submitted the Planned Economic Analysis ("PAE") and the request for the final mining license ("concessão de lavra") for all 13 areas to the Brazilian Mining Authority ("ANM"). The proposed PAE doubles the Santa Cruz production capacity presented in the previously released PFS (March 2020) and incorporates a third phase of project development. The approval of the PAEs and mining licenses is the final step in securing the LOM mining license for each of the exploration claims and converting them to mining concessions. The planned production schedule follows:

該公司還向巴西礦業管理局(“ANM”)提交了計劃經濟分析(“PAE”)和所有13個區域的最終採礦許可證申請(“concessao de lavra”)。擬議的PAE是先前發佈的PFS(2020年3月)中提出的聖克魯斯產能的兩倍,幷包括項目開發的第三階段。PAE和採礦許可證的批准是爲每項勘探索賠獲得LOM採礦許可證並將其轉換爲採礦特許權的最後一步。計劃生產時間表如下:

  • 2 years with 5,000 tonnes per year ("tpy") of concentrates (Phase 1);
  • 2 years with 25,000 tpy of concentrates (Phase 2); &
  • Life of mine ("LOM") with 50,000 tpy of concentrates (Phase 3).
  • 2 年使用每年 5,000 噸(“tpy”)的濃縮物(第一階段);
  • 2 年使用 25,000 噸濃縮物(第 2 階段);
  • 每年 50,000 噸濃縮物的礦物壽命(“LOM”)(第 3 階段)。

BamaStar NI 43-101 Technical Report with Maiden Mineral Resource Estimate
The independent mineral resource estimate was prepared by Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc. in accordance with Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101. There are no material differences between the Company's March 13, 2023 press release and the filed TR. The TR is available under the Company's SEDAR profile and on the Company's website.

BamaStar NI 43-101 包含首次礦產資源估算的技術報告
獨立的礦產資源估算由Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc.根據加拿大證券管理人國家儀器43-101編制。公司2023年3月13日的新聞稿與提交的TR之間沒有實質性差異。TR可在公司的SEDAR簡介下和公司網站上查閱。

Notes to Table 1 and Table 2 (#7 does not apply to Table 2):

表 1 和表 2 的註釋(#7 不適用於表 2):

  1. The independent Qualified Person for the Mineral Resource Estimate, as defined by NI 43-101, is Mr. Simon Mortimer, (FAIG #7795) of Atticus Geoscience Consulting S.A.C., working with Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc. The effective date of the Mineral Resource Estimate is March 7, 2023.
  2. These Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves as they do not have demonstrated economic viability. The quantity and grade of reported Inferred Resources in this Mineral Resource Estimate are uncertain in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define these Inferred Resources as Indicated. However, it is reasonably expected that the majority of Inferred Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration. Slight differences may occur due to rounding.
  3. Mineralized domains were based on lithological contacts. A cut-off grade of 1.0% graphitic carbon (Cg) was used for defining the mineralised domain, which was determined on the basis of core, surface trench, and surface sample pit assay geostatistics and drill core lithologies for the deposit.
  4. Geological and block models for the Mineral Resource Estimate used data from a total of 12 surface diamond drill holes (core), 29 trenches, and 90 surface sample pits. The drill hole database was validated prior to resource estimation and QA/QC checks were made using industry-standard control charts for blanks, core duplicates and commercial certified reference material inserted into assay batches by South Star Battery Metals.
  5. Quantities and grades in the Mineral Resource Estimate are rounded to an appropriate number of significant figures to reflect that they are estimations. Slight differences may occur due to rounding.
  6. An economic cut-off grade of 1.1% graphitic carbon (Cg) was calculated and applied to the resource block model for reporting purposes.
  7. The mineral resource estimates (Central and North zones) were constrained by conceptual pit envelopes using the following optimization parameters, as provided by South Star Battery Metals, and agreed to by the QP. Commodity prices used were (US$) $7,770/t graphite, pit slopes of 34 degrees in oxide and 54 degrees in fresh rock. Mining and processing costs (US$) were based on benchmarking from similar deposit types, utilizing a mining cost of $2.25/t (oxide) and $2.75/t (fresh rock), recovery of 97.2% graphite, with processing cost of $76.12/t (oxide) and $78.10/t (fresh rock), and a G&A cost of $2.00/t. Pit optimization was performed using Datamine's Studio NPVS software.
  8. The geological model comprises one mineralized domain split into five solids due to faulting, they are hosted by quartzites and sillimanite gneisses both with quartz veins and graphite lenses up to 40 m wide. Individual wireframes were created for each domain.
  9. The block model was prepared using Leapfrog Edge. A 15 m x 15 m with variable height block model was created and samples were composited at 1.0 m intervals. Grade estimation for graphite used data from trench and drill hole data and was carried out using Inverse Distance Squared Weighting.
  10. Grade estimation was validated by comparison of input and output statistics (Nearest Neighbour method), swath plot analysis, and by visual inspection of the assay data, block model, and grade shells in cross-sections.
  11. Density assignation was carried out for the mineralization domain using flat density by weathering domain, on the basis of 37 specific gravity measurements collected in 14 surface locations, and 51 specific gravity measurements collected during the core logging process, the average estimated density value within the strong weathering is 2.32 g/cm3 (t/m3), moderate weathering is 2.47 g/cm3 (t/m3), weak weathering is 2.62 g/cm3 (t/m3), while the fresh rock domain of the resource model yielded 2.80 g/cm3 (t/m3).
  12. The Mineral Resource Estimate was prepared following the CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources & Mineral Reserves Best Practice Guidelines (November 29, 2019).
  13. The NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate and Technical report will be filed on Sedar within 45 days of this press release.
  1. 根據NI 43-101的定義,礦產資源估算的獨立合格人員是Atticus Geoscience Consulting S.A.C. 的西蒙·莫蒂默先生(FAIG #7795),他與Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc.合作。礦產資源估算的生效日期爲2023年3月7日。
  2. 這些礦產資源不是礦產儲量,因爲它們沒有顯示出經濟可行性。本礦產資源估算中報告的推斷資源的數量和等級本質上是不確定的,勘探不足以將這些推斷資源定義爲指示性資源。但是,有理由預計,通過繼續勘探,大多數推斷的礦產資源可以升級爲指示礦產資源。由於四捨五入,可能會出現細微差異。
  3. 礦化區域以巖性接觸爲基礎。使用了 1.0% 的石墨碳 (Cg) 的臨界等級來定義礦化域,該礦化域是根據礦牀的岩心、地表溝槽和地表樣本坑分析地質統計學和鑽芯巖性確定的。
  4. 礦產資源估算的地質和區塊模型共使用了來自12個地表金剛石鑽孔(岩心)、29個溝槽和90個地表樣本坑的數據。在資源估算之前,對鑽孔數據庫進行了驗證,質量保證/質量控制檢查是使用行業標準控制圖對空白、岩心副本和經商業認證的參考材料進行的 South Star Battery Metals 分析批次中插入的經商業認證的參考材料。
  5. 礦產資源估算中的數量和等級四捨五入到適當數量的有效數字,以反映它們是估計值。由於四捨五入,可能會出現細微差異。
  6. 爲了報告目的,計算了1.1%的石墨碳(Cg)的經濟臨界等級,並將其應用於資源區塊模型。
  7. 礦產資源估算(中部和北部區域)受到概念性礦坑包絡的限制,這些參數由South Star Battery Metals提供並得到QP同意,使用了以下優化參數。使用的商品價格爲(美元)每噸石墨7,770美元,氧化物的礦山坡度爲34度,新鮮岩石的礦山坡度爲54度。採礦和加工成本(美元)基於類似礦牀類型的基準,採用的採礦成本爲2.25美元(氧化物)和2.75美元/噸(新鮮岩石),回收97.2%的石墨,加工成本爲76.12美元/噸(氧化物)和78.10美元(新鮮岩石),G&A成本爲2.00美元/噸。礦坑優化是使用Datamine的Studio NPVS軟件進行的。
  8. 地質模型包括一個因斷層而分成五個固體的礦化域,它們由石英岩和硅線巖片麻岩組成,兩者都有石英脈和石墨透鏡,寬度可達 40 m。爲每個域創建了單獨的線框。
  9. 方塊模型是使用 Leapfrog Edge 準備的。創建了具有可變高度的 15 m x 15 m 方塊模型,並以 1.0 m 的間隔對樣本進行了合成。石墨的等級估算使用了來自溝槽和鑽孔數據的數據,並使用反向距離平方加權進行的。
  10. 通過比較輸入和輸出統計數據(最近鄰法)、掃描圖分析以及對分析數據、區塊模型和橫截面中的坡度殼進行目視檢查,對等級估算進行了驗證。
  11. 礦化域的密度分配是使用按風化域劃分的平坦密度,基於在14個地表位置收集的37個比重測量值以及在岩心測井過程中收集的51項比重測量結果,強風化過程中的平均估計密度值爲2.32 g/cm3(t/m3),中度風化爲2.47 g/cm3(t/m3),弱風化爲2.62 g/cm3(t/m3),而資源模型的新鮮巖域產量爲 2.80 g/cm3 (t/m3)。
  12. 礦產資源估算是根據CIM礦產資源和礦產儲量估算最佳實踐指南(2019年11月29日)編制的。
  13. NI 43-101礦產資源估算和技術報告將在本新聞稿發佈後的45天內在Sedar上提交。

Granting of RSUs
South Star reports that it has granted an aggregate of 257,436 restricted share units (the "RSUs") to an officer pursuant to the Company's Incentive plan at a deemed value of CAD $0.53. The RSUs vest over a period of one year.

South Star報告稱,根據公司的激勵計劃,它已向一名高管共授予了257,436股限制性股票單位(“RSU”),認定價值爲0.53加元。RSU 的歸屬期爲一年。

About South Star Battery Metals Corp
South Star Battery Metals Corp. is a Canadian battery metals project developer focused on the selective acquisition and development of near-term production projects in the Americas. South Star's Santa Cruz Graphite Project, located in Southern Bahia, Brazil is the first of a series of industrial and battery metals projects that will be put into production. Brazil is the second-largest graphite-producing region in the world with more than 80 years of continuous mining. Santa Cruz has at-surface mineralization in friable materials, and successful large-scale pilot-plant testing (>30t) has been completed. The results of the testing show that approximately 65% of Cg concentrate is +80 mesh with good recoveries and 95%-99% Cg. With excellent infrastructure and logistics, South Star is fully funded for Phase 1, and the 12-month construction and commissioning are underway. Santa Cruz will be the first new graphite production in the Americas since 1996 with Phase 1 commercial production projected in Q4 2023. Phase 2 production (25,000tpy) is partially funded and planned for 2026, while Phase 3 (50,000tpy) is scheduled for 2028.

South Star Battery Metals Corp. 是一家加拿大電池金屬項目開發商,專注於選擇性收購和開發美洲的短期生產項目。South Star的聖克魯斯石墨項目位於巴西巴伊亞州南部,是即將投入生產的一系列工業和電池金屬項目中的第一個。巴西是世界第二大石墨產區,擁有80多年的持續開採歷史。聖克魯斯在易碎材料中存在地表礦化,成功的大規模試點工廠測試(>30t)已經完成。測試結果表明,大約65%的Cg濃縮物爲+80目,回收率良好,Cg含量爲95%-99%。憑藉良好的基礎設施和物流,South Star已爲第一階段提供了充足的資金,爲期12個月的施工和調試正在進行中。聖克魯斯將是自1996年以來美洲的第一批新石墨生產,第一階段的商業化生產預計於2023年第四季度完成。第二階段的生產(每年25,000噸)已獲得部分資金,計劃於2026年進行,而第三階段(每年5萬噸)計劃於2028年進行。

South Star's second project in the development pipeline is strategically located in Alabama in the center of a developing electric vehicle, aerospace and defense hub in the southeastern United States. The BamaStar Project is a historic mine active during World Wars I & II. Trenching, phase 1 drilling, sampling, analysis, and preliminary metallurgical testing have been completed. The testing indicates a traditional crush/grind/flotation concentration circuit that achieved grades of approximately 94-97% Cg with approximately 86% recoveries. South Star is executing on its plan to create a multi-asset, diversified battery metals company with near-term operations in strategic jurisdictions. South Star trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol STS, and on the OTCQB under the symbol STSBF.

South Star在開發中的第二個項目戰略性地位於阿拉巴馬州,位於美國東南部一個正在發展的電動汽車、航空航天和國防樞紐的中心。BamaStar Project 是一座活躍於第一次世界大戰和第二次世界大戰期間的歷史性礦山。挖溝、第一階段鑽探、取樣、分析和初步冶金測試已經完成。測試表明,傳統的破碎/研磨/浮選濃縮回路達到了大約 94-97% 的Cg,回收率約爲 86%。South Star正在執行其計劃,即創建一家多資產、多元化的電池金屬公司,在戰略司法管轄區開展短期業務。South Star在多倫多證券交易所風險交易所上市,股票代碼爲STS,在OTCQB上交易代碼爲STSBF。

South Star is committed to a corporate culture, project execution plan and safe operations that embrace the highest standards of ESG principles based on transparency, stakeholder engagement, ongoing education, and stewardship. To learn more, please visit the Company website at .

South Star致力於在透明度、利益相關者參與、持續教育和管理的基礎上,推行符合ESG原則的最高標準的企業文化、項目執行計劃和安全運營。要了解更多信息,請訪問公司網站

The technical and scientific information related to geology and mineral resource estimate in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Simon Mortimer (FAIG #4083) of Atticus Geoscience Consulting S.A.C. and Dr. Scott Jobin-Bevans (P.Geo. #0183) of Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc. Mr. Mortimer and Dr, Jobin-Bevans are both a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and are independent of South Star Battery Metals.

本新聞稿中與地質和礦產資源估算相關的技術和科學信息已由Atticus Geoscience Consulting S.A.C. 的西蒙·莫蒂默先生 (FAIG #4083) 和 Caracle Creek International Consulting Inc.的斯科特·喬賓-貝文斯博士(P.Geo. #0183)審查和批准。根據國家儀器 43-101 的定義,莫蒂默先生和喬賓-貝文斯博士都是合格人員,獨立於南星電池金屬。

This news release has been reviewed and approved by Richard Pearce, P.E., a "Qualified Person" under National Instrument 43-101 and President and CEO of South Star Battery Metals Corp.

本新聞稿已獲得美國國家儀器43-101旗下的 “合格人士”、南星電池金屬公司總裁兼首席執行官理查德·皮爾斯的審查和批准

On behalf of the Board,
Mr. Richard Pearce
Chief Executive Officer


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South Star Investor Relations
+1 (604) 706-0212

+1 (604) 706-0212







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Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking statements relate to information that is based on assumptions of management, forecasts of future results, and estimates of amounts not yet determinable. Any statements that express predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding: moving Santa Cruz into production and scaling operations as well as advancing the Alabama project; and the Company's plans and expectations.

本新聞稿包含適用證券立法所指的 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述涉及基於管理層假設、未來業績預測和尚未確定的金額估計的信息。任何表達預測、預期、信念、計劃、預測、目標、假設或未來事件或業績的陳述都不是歷史事實陳述,可能是 “前瞻性陳述”。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於以下方面的聲明:將聖克魯斯轉向生產和擴大運營以及推進阿拉巴馬州項目;以及公司的計劃和預期。

Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and on acceptable terms; risks related to the outcome of legal proceedings; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; risks related to the maintenance of stock exchange listings; risks related to environmental regulation and liability; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of feasibility studies; the uncertainty of profitability; risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of drill results, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; risks related to the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses; results of prefeasibility and feasibility studies, and the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; risks related to commodity price fluctuations; and other risks and uncertainties related to the Company's prospects, properties and business detailed elsewhere in the Company's disclosure record. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations or projections.


SOURCE: South Star Battery Metals Corp.

來源: 南星電池金屬公司

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