
Steakholder Foods 3D Bio-Prints First Ready-to-Cook Cultivated Grouper Fish

Steakholder Foods 3D Bio-Prints First Ready-to-Cook Cultivated Grouper Fish

Steakholder Foods 3D Bio-Prints 首款即煮型人工
PR Newswire ·  2023/04/24 19:15

Steakholder Foods 3D bio-printed the world's first cultivated fish fillet:

Steakholder Foods 3D 生物打印了世界上第一塊人工養殖的魚片:

  • The Company has reached a significant milestone by successfully customizing bio-inks utilizing grouper cells provided by Umami Meats' to print a cultivated grouper product – a significant step towards the commercialization of its 3D bioprinter.
  • By customizing its bio-inks to an external cell line, the company has opened the door to a wide variety of potential collaborations along the path to commercializing its 3D bio-printer.
  • 該公司利用Umami Meats'提供的石斑魚細胞成功定製了生物墨水來打印培育的石斑魚產品,從而達到了一個重要的里程碑,這是朝着其3D生物打印機商業化邁出的重要一步。
  • 通過將其生物墨水定製到外部細胞系,該公司爲其3D生物打印機商業化道路上的各種潛在合作打開了大門。

REHOVOT, Israel, April 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Steakholder Foods Ltd. (NASDAQ: STKH), an international deep tech food company at the forefront of the cultivated meat industry, announced that it has successfully printed the first ready-to-cook cultivated grouper fish product. As part of the strategic partnership between the two companies, Steakholder Foods customized its bio-inks utilizing grouper cells provided by Umami Meats Pte Ltd.

雷霍沃特, 以色列2023年4月24日 /PRNewswire/ — 站在培育肉類行業最前沿的國際深度科技食品公司Steakholder Foods Ltd.(納斯達克股票代碼:STKH)宣佈,它已成功印刷了第一款即煮的即煮石斑魚產品。作爲兩家公司戰略合作伙伴關係的一部分,Steakholder Foods利用Umami Meats Pte Ltd提供的石斑魚細胞定製了其生物油墨。

Local Singaporean fish dish by Chef Moran Lidor. Photo by Shlomi Arbiv

主廚 Moran Lidor 烹製的新加坡當地魚類菜餚。照片由 Shlomi Arbiv 拍攝

To celebrate this achievement, Steakholder Foods hosted Mihir Pershad (CEO of Umami Meats), Arik Kaufman (CEO of Steakholder Foods), Megumi Avigail Yoshitomi (Japan Association for Cellular Agriculture), and Adele Li (Chargée d' Affaires at the Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Israel) at a tasting event in its Israel facilities. The tasting included a "grouper fish chef's table", with piscine delicacies prepared by the Company's chef, Moran Lidor, including Singaporean-style and Israeli-style signature fish dishes. The event came hot on the heels of the visit of the Israeli Prime Minister, who also watched the fish being printed firsthand and tasted the prototype, becoming the first Prime Minister ever to taste 3D-printed cultivated fish.

爲了慶祝這一成就,Steakholder Foods 舉辦了 Mihir Pershad (Umami Meats首席執行官), 阿里克·考夫曼 (Steakholder Foods首席執行官), Megumi Avigail Yoshitomi (日本細胞農業協會)和 阿黛爾·李 (共和國大使館臨時代辦) 新加坡以色列) 在其中的品酒活動中 以色列 設施。品酒會包括 “石斑魚廚師桌”,裏面有公司廚師準備的池畔美食, Moran Lidor,包括新加坡式和以色列風格的招牌魚類菜餚。這次活動緊隨以色列總理的到訪而火熱,他還親眼目睹了魚的印刷過程並品嚐了原型,成爲有史以來第一位品嚐3D打印養殖魚類的總理。

The printing and bio-ink customization are steps on the path to commercializing Steakholder Foods' 3D printer, proving its bioprinting and bioink technologies to be a sophisticated production platform for structured hybrid and cultivated products, that can facilitate various species and therefore various companies and industry players.

打印和生物墨水定製是Steakholder Foods的3D打印機商業化之路上的步驟,證明其生物打印和生物墨水技術是結構化混合和培育產品的複雜生產平臺,可以爲各種物種提供便利,從而爲不同的公司和行業參與者提供便利。

The collaboration with Umami Meats, which is backed by a grant from the Singapore-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation, aims to develop a scalable process for producing structured cultivated fish products using Steakholder Foods' proprietary 3D bio-printing technology and customized bio-inks.

與Umami Meats的合作得到了新加坡-以色列工業研發基金會的資助,旨在開發一種可擴展的工藝,使用Steakholder Foods的專有3D生物打印技術和定製的生物墨水生產結構化養殖魚類產品。

Since receiving grouper fish cells from Umami, the Steakholder Foods team has been hard at work creating customized bio-inks and optimizing the taste and texture of its printed grouper, towards finalizing a prototype. The 3D fish printing represents a successful and meaningful milestone in the partnership between Umami Meats and Steakholder Foods.

自從收到來自Umami的石斑魚細胞以來,Steakholder Foods團隊一直在努力創建定製的生物墨水,優化其印刷石斑魚的味道和質地,以最終確定原型。3D魚類打印是Umami Meats與Steakholder Foods合作中一個成功而有意義的里程碑。

Unlike fully cultivated meat products which still require incubation and maturation after printing, the grouper fish product is ready to cook after printing, thanks to Steakholder Foods' unique technology that allows the mimicking of the flaky texture of cooked fish – a technology that is the subject of a provisional patent application.

與完全培育的肉類產品不同,石斑魚產品在印刷後仍需要孵化和成熟,這要歸功於Steakholder Foods的獨特技術,可以模仿煮熟魚的片狀質地——這項技術是臨時專利申請的主題。

Arik Kaufman, CEO of Steakholder Foods: "We're excited to be working with Umami Meats to develop 3D-printed structured fish products that have the same great taste and texture as traditionally caught fish, without harming the environment. With an estimated size of $110 billion and projected growth of 3-4% annually in the near future, the seafood and fish market is a long-time part of our vision for introducing sustainable solutions that increase food security. Having created a customized bio-ink that works effectively with Umami's cells and optimized the taste and texture to meet the high standards of consumers, we anticipate expanding our collaborations to a greater variety of species with additional partners."

阿里克·考夫曼,Steakholder Foods 首席執行官: “我們很高興能與Umami Meats合作開發3D打印的結構化魚類產品,這些產品具有與傳統捕獲的魚類相同的美味和質地,同時不會對環境造成損害。估計大小爲 110 億美元 預計在不久的將來,海鮮和魚類市場每年將增長3-4%,這是我們引入提高糧食安全的可持續解決方案的願景長期的一部分。我們創造了一種可有效與Umami細胞配合使用的定製生物墨水,並優化了口感和質地以滿足消費者的高標準,我們預計將合作範圍擴大到更多種類的物種,並將合作範圍擴大到更多種類的物種。”

Mihir Pershad, CEO of Umami Meats: "We are delighted to have produced the world's first whole fillet cultivated fish in partnership with Steakholder Foods. In this first tasting, we showcased a cultivated product that flakes, tastes, and melts in your mouth exactly like excellent fish should. In the coming months, we intend to announce our plans for bringing this world-class cultivated fish to the market."

Mihir Pershad,Umami Meats 首席執行官: “我們很高興與Steakholder Foods合作生產了世界上第一條整魚養殖魚。在第一次品嚐中,我們展示了一種培育的產品,它像優質的魚一樣,可以切碎、嚐起來並在口中融化。在接下來的幾個月中,我們打算宣佈將這種世界一流的養殖魚類推向市場的計劃。”

About Steakholder Foods

關於 Steakholder Foo

Steakholder Foods Ltd., formerly MeaTech 3D Ltd., is an international deep-tech food company at the forefront of the cultured meat revolution. The company-initiated activities in 2019 and is listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker "STKH" (formerly MITC), with headquarters in Rehovot, Israel.

Steakholder Foods Ltd.,前身爲MeaTech 3D Ltd.,是一家處於養殖肉類革命前沿的國際深科技食品公司。該公司於2019年發起活動,在納斯達克資本市場上市,股票代碼爲 “STKH”(前身爲MITC),總部位於雷霍沃特, 以色列

The company is developing a slaughter-free solution for producing a variety of beef, and seafood products — both as raw materials and whole cuts — as an alternative to industrialized farming and fishing. With its membership in the UN Global Compact, Steakholder Foods is committed to act in support of issues embodied in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which include strengthening food security, decreasing carbon footprint, and conserving water and land resources.

該公司正在開發一種無需屠宰的解決方案,用於生產各種牛肉和海鮮產品,既可以作爲原材料,也可以作爲整塊牛肉,作爲工業化農業和漁業的替代方案。Steakholder Foods是聯合國全球契約的成員,致力於採取行動支持聯合國可持續發展目標(SDG)中體現的問題,包括加強糧食安全、減少碳足跡以及保護水和土地資源。

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About Umami Meats

關於 Umami Meats

Umami Meats is cultivating a sustainable seafood future by producing delicious, nutritious, affordable cultivated seafood that is better for our health, our oceans and our future. Umami Meats' cultivated, not-caught seafood offers equivalent nutrition to traditional seafood and provides a delicious culinary experience free from heavy metals, antibiotics, and microplastics.

Umami Meats正在通過生產美味、營養、經濟實惠的培育海鮮,爲我們的健康、海洋和未來創造可持續的海鮮未來。Umami Meats 經過培養、未捕撈的海鮮可提供與傳統海鮮同等的營養,並提供不含重金屬、抗生素和微塑料的美味烹飪體驗。

Umami Meats has also been recognized as a semi-finalist in the XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion competition, a finalist in the Fi Global Startup Innovation Challenge, a member of Forward Fooding's 2021 FoodTech 500 list, and as the Best Emerging Sustainable Seafood Company – Southeast Asia in the 2021 Global Green Business Awards.

Umami Meats還被公認爲XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion競賽的半決賽選手、Fi Global 創業創新挑戰賽的決賽入圍者、Forward Fooding 2021 Fooding 的 FoodTech 500 榜單的成員,以及最佳新興可持續海鮮公司—— 東南亞 在 2021 年全球綠色商業獎中。



The Singapore Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (SIIRD) is a cooperation between the Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and the Israel Innovation Authority to promote, facilitate and support joint industrial R&D collaboration between Singapore-based companies and Israel-based companies across different industries. SIIRD seeks to promote research and development in Singapore and Israel by helping Singapore-based and Israel-based companies with R&D Partner Search, and providing up to US $1M in funding for joint R&D projects or pilot projects between them.

新加坡以色列工業研發基金會(SIIRD)是新加坡企業局(ESG)和以色列創新局之間的合作,旨在促進、促進和支持雙方的聯合工業研發合作 新加坡總部位於總部的公司和 以色列來自不同行業的公司。SIIRD 旨在促進研究和開發 新加坡以色列 通過幫助 新加坡基於和 以色列總部位於美國的公司,可搜索研發合作伙伴 100 萬美元 爲他們之間的聯合研發項目或試點項目提供資金。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning Steakholder Foods' business, operations and financial performance and condition as well as plans, objectives, and expectations for Steakholder Foods' business operations and financial performance and condition. Any statements that are not historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements reflect Steakholder Foods' current views with respect to future events and are based on assumptions and subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which change over time, and other factors that may cause Steakholder Foods' actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, any statement that may predict, forecast, indicate or imply future results, performance or achievements, and are typically identified with words such as "may," "could," "should," "will," "would," "believe," "anticipate," "estimate," "expect," "aim," "intend," "plan" or words or phases of similar meaning and include, without limitation, Steakholder Foods' expectations regarding the success of its cultured meat manufacturing technologies it is developing, which will require significant additional work before Steakholder Foods can potentially launch commercial sales; Steakholder Foods' research and development activities associated with technologies for cultured meat manufacturing, including three-dimensional meat production, which involves a lengthy and complex process; Steakholder Foods' ability to obtain and enforce its intellectual property rights and to operate its business without infringing, misappropriating, or otherwise violating the intellectual property rights and proprietary technology of third parties; and other risks and uncertainties, including those identified in Steakholder Foods' Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 4, 2023. New risks and uncertainties may emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for Steakholder Foods to predict their occurrence or how they will affect Steakholder Foods. If one or more of the factors affecting Steakholder Foods' forward-looking information and statements proves incorrect, then Steakholder Foods' actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, forward-looking information and statements contained in this press release. Therefore, Steakholder Foods cautions you not to place undue reliance on its forward-looking information and statements. Steakholder Foods disclaims any duty to revise or update the forward-looking statements, whether written or oral, to reflect actual results or changes in the factors affecting the forward-looking statements, except as specifically required by law.

本新聞稿包含有關Steakholder Foods業務、運營和財務業績和狀況的前瞻性陳述,以及對Steakholder Foods業務運營以及財務業績和狀況的計劃、目標和預期。任何非歷史事實的陳述都可能被視爲前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述反映了Steakholder Foods當前對未來事件的看法,基於假設,受已知和未知風險和不確定性的影響,這些風險和不確定性會隨着時間的推移而變化,以及可能導致Steakholder Foods的實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異的其他因素。前瞻性陳述包括但不限於任何可能預測、預測、表明或暗示未來業績、業績或成就的陳述,通常用 “可能”、“可以”、“應該”、“將”、“相信”、“預期”、“估計”、“期望”、“目標”、“打算”、“計劃” 或具有類似含義的詞語或階段來標識,包括但不限於 Steaka Holder Foods對其正在開發的養殖肉類製造技術的成功抱有期望,在此之前需要進行大量額外工作Steakholder Foods有可能啓動商業銷售;Steakholder Foods與養殖肉類製造技術相關的研發活動,包括涉及漫長而複雜的過程的三維肉類生產;Steakholder Foods在不侵犯、挪用或以其他方式侵犯第三方知識產權和專有技術的情況下獲得和執行其知識產權和經營業務的能力;以及其他風險和不確定性,包括那些在Steakholder Foods截至財年的20-F表年度報告中確定 2022年12月31日,於當天向美國證券交易委員會提交 4 月 4 日,2023。新的風險和不確定性可能會不時出現,Steakholder Foods無法預測其發生或將如何影響Steakholder Foods。如果影響Steakholder Foods前瞻性信息和陳述的一個或多個因素被證明不正確,則Steakholder Foods的實際業績、業績或成就可能與本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息和陳述中表達或暗示的業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。因此,Steakholder Foods提醒您不要過分依賴其前瞻性信息和陳述。除非法律特別要求,否則Steakholder Foods不承擔任何修改或更新前瞻性陳述的書面或口頭陳述以反映實際結果或影響前瞻性陳述的因素變化的任何責任。

Local Israeli fish dish by Chef Moran Lidor. Photo by Shlomi Arbiv

主廚莫蘭·利多爾烹製的當地以色列魚菜。照片由 Shlomi Arbiv 拍攝

Press Contact:
Maissa Dauriac
Rainier Communications

Maissa Dauriac

Investor Contacts:
Steakholder Foods


