
Universal Technical Institute , Inst Holders, 1Q 2019 (UTI)

Universal Technical Institute , Inst Holders, 1Q 2019 (UTI)

道琼斯 ·  2019/04/23 16:23

DJ Universal Technical Institute , Inst Holders, 1Q 2019 (UTI)


The following table shows the largest shareholders in UNIVERSAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE COM (UTI) for the quarter ended March 31, 2019, listed by holding size. The list represents up to 50 of the largest holders in the company.


Note: Unless otherwise mentioned the reporting date is 03/31/2019


Institution Shares Shares % Last
Held Changed Held Report

Coliseum Capital Management LL 3,601,724 0 14.301 12/31
Pacific View Asset Management 2,292,487 59,498 9.103 12/31
22NW LP 2,249,966 1,005,000 8.934 12/31
Renaissance Technologies LLC 1,429,156 10,138 5.675 12/31
The Vanguard Group Inc. 842,650 235,900 3.346 12/31
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 794,062 (4,803) 3.153 12/31
Royce & Associates LP 774,032 0 3.073 12/31
Alyeska Investment Group LP 602,000 67,709 2.390 12/31
Stadium Capital Management LLC 565,475 (897,801) 2.245 12/31
BlackRock Fund Advisors 516,347 17,878 2.050 12/31
GAMCO Asset Management Inc. 282,000 0 1.120 12/31
RBF Capital LLC 221,437 0 0.879 12/31
McClain Value Management LLC 204,778 0 0.813 12/31
Northern Trust Investments In 143,804 89,307 0.571 12/31
Teton Advisors Inc. (Investme 130,000 0 0.516 12/31
Geode Capital Management LLC 116,958 0 0.464 12/31
Bridgeway Capital Management 98,600 (58,400) 0.392 12/31
Gabelli Funds LLC 95,000 0 0.377 12/31
White Pine Capital LLC 89,014 (2,000) 0.353 12/31
The California Public Employee 80,000 0 0.318 12/31
Menta Capital LLC 68,601 0 0.272 12/31
Jacobs Levy Equity Management 34,925 34,925 0.139 12/31
Connor Clark & Lunn Investmen 31,050 (200) 0.123 12/31
DWS Investment GmbH 31,000 (912) 0.123 12/31
The Bank of New York Mellon Co 25,482 5,824 0.101 12/31
BMO Asset Management Corp. 22,952 0 0.091 12/31
Two Sigma Advisers LP 16,713 (300) 0.066 12/31
SSgA Funds Management Inc. 12,718 0 0.050 12/31
Parallel Advisors LLC 12,426 12,426 0.049 12/31
Valley National Advisers Inc. 9,450 0 0.038 12/31
Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co. 7,962 7,962 0.032 12/31
Tower Research Capital LLC 7,339 7,025 0.029 12/31
BlackRock Investment Managemen 3,635 0 0.014 12/31
JPMorgan Investment Management 2,920 (312) 0.012 12/31
UBS Securities LLC 973 973 0.004 12/31
JPMorgan Securities LLC (Inves 517 0 0.002 12/31
PanAgora Asset Management Inc 456 (5,765) 0.002 12/31
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LL 370 0 0.001 12/31
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC 204 117 0.001 12/31
Wells Fargo Clearing Services 203 0 0.001 12/31
Barclays Capital Inc. 66 0 0.000 12/31
Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. 54 54 0.000 12/31
Bedel Financial Consulting In 11 0 0.000 12/31
Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner 0 (1,065) 0.000 12/31
QCM LLC 0 (460,217) 0.000 12/31
RBC Global Asset Management (U 0 (19,100) 0.000 12/31
RBC Dominion Securities Inc. 0 (47) 0.000 12/31
Robertson Opportunity Capital 0 (206,967) 0.000 12/31

13F data provided by: Factset Research Systems Inc.;
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機構股票上一次百分比已保留更改的已保留報告體育館資本管理LL 3,601,724 0 14.301 12/31太平洋視圖資產管理公司2,292,487 59,498 9.103 12/3122西北盧比2,249,966 1,005,000 8.934 12/31萬麗科技有限公司1,429,156 10,138 5.675 12/31先鋒集團842,650 235,900 3.346 12/31維基基金顧問公司LP 794,062(4,803)3.153 12/31羅伊斯律師事務所LP 774,032 0 3.073 12/31阿萊斯卡投資集團LP 602,000 67,709 2.390 12/31體育場資本管理有限責任公司565,475(897,801)2.245 12/31貝萊德基金顧問516,347 17,878 2.050 12/31Gamco Asset Management Inc.282,000 0 1.120 12/31RBF Capital LLC 221,437 0 0.879 12/31麥克萊恩價值管理有限責任公司204,778 0 0.813 12/31北方信託投資143,804 89,307 0.571 12/31Teton Advisors Inc.(投資130,000 0 0.516 12/31Geode Capital Management LLC 116,958 0 0.464 12/31布里奇韋資本管理公司98,600(58,400)0.392 12/31加貝利基金有限責任公司95,000 0 0.377 12/31白松資本有限責任公司89,014(2,000)0.353 12/31加州公務員報80,000 0 0.318 12/31曼塔資本有限責任公司68,601 0 0.272 12/31雅各布·利維股票管理公司34,925 34,925 0.139 12/31康納·克拉克和倫恩投資公司31,050(0.123)0.123 12/31DWS Investment GmbH31,000(912)0.123 12/31紐約梅隆銀行25,4825824 0.101 12/31蒙特利爾銀行資產管理公司22,952 0 0.091 12/31二西格瑪顧問LP 16,713(300)0.066 12/31SSGA基金管理公司12,718 0 0.050 12/31並行顧問有限責任公司12,426 12,426 0.049 12/31硅谷國家顧問公司9,450 0 0.038 12/31先鋒信託公司7,962 7,962 0.032 12/31Tower Research Capital LLC 7,339 7,025 0.029 12/31貝萊德投資經理3,635 0 0.014 12/31摩根大通投資管理公司2,920(312)0.012 12/31瑞銀證券有限責任公司973 973 0.004 12/31摩根大通證券有限責任公司(Inves 517 0 0.002 12/31Panagora資產管理公司456(5,765)0.002 12/31摩根士丹利美邦LL 370 0 0.001 12/31摩根士丹利有限責任公司204 117 0.001 12/31富國銀行結算服務203 0 0.001 12/31巴克萊資本公司66 0 0.000 12/31德意志銀行證券公司54 54 0.000 12/31貝德爾金融諮詢公司11 0 0.000 12/31美林皮爾斯·芬納0(1,065)0.000 12/31QCM LLC 0(460,217)0.000 12/31加拿大皇家銀行環球資產管理公司(U 0(19,100)0.000 12/31加拿大皇家銀行道明證券公司0(47)0.000 12/31羅伯遜機會資本0(206,967)0.000 12/3113F數據由:FactSet Research Systems Inc.提供;請將問題發送到。版權所有,FactSet Research Systems,2019年。版權所有。

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


April 23, 2019 04:23 ET (08:23 GMT)


