
Woodside Energy Group Ltd Announces Q1 2023 Report; Delivered Quarterly Production Of 46.8 MMboe (520 Mboe/day), Down 9% From Q4 2022

Woodside Energy Group Ltd Announces Q1 2023 Report; Delivered Quarterly Production Of 46.8 MMboe (520 Mboe/day), Down 9% From Q4 2022

伍德賽德能源集團有限公司公佈2023年第一季度報告;交付的季度產量爲46.8百萬桶/日(520 mBOE/日),較2022年第四季度下降9%
Benzinga ·  2023/04/21 20:16

Delivering reliable production


· Delivered quarterly production of 46.8 MMboe (520 Mboe/day), down 9% from Q4 2022 due to planned turnaround and maintenance activities. Full-year production guidance remains unchanged.

· 由於計劃中的週轉和維護活動,季度產量爲46.8 mBoE(520 mBOE/日),較2022年第四季度下降9%。全年產量指引保持不變。

· Delivered sales volume of 50.4 MMboe, down 4% from Q4 2022, primarily due to lower production.

· 交付的銷售量爲50.4百萬桶/日,較2022年第四季度下降4%,這主要是由於產量下降。

· Delivered revenue of $4,330 million, down 16% from Q4 2022, due to lower production and lower realised prices.

· 由於產量下降和實際價格降低,交付收入爲43.3億美元,較2022年第四季度下降16%。

· Production, sales volume and revenue increased 122%, 112% and 81% respectively from Q1 2022, driven by the expanded operations portfolio post-merger.

· 受合併後業務組合擴大的推動,產量、銷量和收入較2022年第一季度分別增長了122%、112%和81%。

· Achieved high LNG reliability of 99.9% at Pluto LNG and 98.3% at North West Shelf (NWS) Project.

· 在冥王星液化天然氣項目中實現了99.9%的液化天然氣高可靠性,在西北陸架(NWS)項目實現了98.3%的液化天然氣高可靠性。

· Achieved a portfolio average realised price of $85 per barrel of oil equivalent.

· 實現了每桶石油當量85美元的投資組合平均已實現價格。

· Sold 32% of produced LNG at prices linked to gas hub indices.

· 以與天然氣樞紐指數掛鉤的價格出售了已生產的液化天然氣的32%。

