JinkoSolar Achieves AAA Ranking in PV ModuleTech Bankability Ratings
JinkoSolar Achieves AAA Ranking in PV ModuleTech Bankability Ratings
SHANGHAI, April 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- JinkoSolar has been ranked in the highest 'AAA' category in the Q1 release of PV-Tech's ModuleTech bankability report, underlining the company's industry-leading metrics across manufacturing and financial indicators and leadership in N-type TOPCon technology.
上海, 2023年4月14日 /PRNewswire/ — 在第一季度發佈的PV-Tech的ModuleTech可融資性報告中,JinkoSolar被評爲最高的 “AAA” 類別,這突顯了該公司在製造和財務指標方面的行業領先指標以及在N型TopCon技術方面的領先地位。
According to its preliminary report for 2022, the company shipped 44.5GW of solar panels, including 10GW of its Tiger Neo N-type TOPCon product, representing an increase of 104.77% in revenue and 158.21% in net profit year on year. In the first quarter of the year 2022, the company became both the world's first to exceed 100GW in cumulative shipments and the first to reach the 150GW shipment milestone in the second quarter 2023.
根據其2022年的初步報告,該公司出貨了44.5吉瓦的太陽能電池板,其中包括10GW的Tiger Neo N型TopCon產品,收入同比增長104.77%,淨利潤同比增長158.21%。在2022年第一季度,該公司既是世界上第一家累計出貨量超過100GW的公司,也是第一個在2023年第二季度達到150GW出貨量里程碑的公司。
In order to support its technology leadership status, JinkoSolar continues to invest heavily in research and development, dedicating 10 billion RMB between 2020 and 2022 to areas including advanced cell and module technology and specialty processes.
爲了支持其技術領先地位,JinkoSolar繼續在研發上投入大量資金,致力於 100 億人民幣 在2020年至2022年之間,擴展到包括先進電池和模塊技術以及專業工藝在內的領域。
The company's new ranking also highlights its position as a leader in N-type TOPCon technology, which has been the catalyst for innovation and upgrade throughout the whole supply chain, from equipment to materials. This has resulted in fundamental changes to the technological advancement of the PV industry as a whole, with JinkoSolar's leadership, manufacturing excellence and open eco-system platform enabling the world's most advanced, cutting-edge technology to become commercially available for the first time.
Since its N-type TOPCon technology entered volume production in Q1 2022, the company has delivered hundreds of projects around the globe, enabling these to deliver more power and return on investment than had hitherto been possible. Building on the successful Tiger Neo's 22% platform for module efficiency, JinkoSolar has enhanced the product's mass production efficiency to 23% in 2023, with a product reaching an efficiency of 24% scheduled for 2024.
自其 N 型 TopCon 技術於 2022 年第一季度進入量產以來,該公司已在全球交付了數百個項目,使這些項目能夠提供比以往更多的電力和投資回報。在成功的Tiger Neo的22%模塊效率平臺的基礎上,晶科能源已將該產品的批量生產效率提高到2023年23%,該產品的效率計劃在2024年達到24%。
SOURCE JinkoSolar
來源 JinkoSolar