
44,632 Shares in Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF (NYSEARCA:FLBR) Bought by Private Advisor Group LLC

44,632 Shares in Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF (NYSEARCA:FLBR) Bought by Private Advisor Group LLC

Private Advisor Group LLC收購了富蘭克林富時巴西ETF(NYSEARCA: FLBR)44,632 股股票
Defense World ·  2023/04/07 16:12

Private Advisor Group LLC bought a new stake in Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF (NYSEARCA:FLBR – Get Rating) during the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor bought 44,632 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $769,000. Private Advisor Group LLC owned 0.25% of Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF as of its most recent filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission.

Private Advisor Group LLC在向美國證券交易委員會提交的最新13F表格中表示,該公司在第四季度收購了富蘭克林富時巴西ETF(NYSEARCA: FLBR — 獲取評級)的新股份。該機構投資者購買了該公司44,632股股票,價值約769,000美元。截至最近向美國證券交易委員會提交文件,Private Advisor Group LLC擁有富蘭克林富時巴西ETF0.25%的股份。

Several other institutional investors and hedge funds have also bought and sold shares of FLBR. Jane Street Group LLC lifted its stake in shares of Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF by 96.5% in the 1st quarter. Jane Street Group LLC now owns 147,533 shares of the company's stock worth $3,473,000 after purchasing an additional 72,471 shares during the period. Citadel Advisors LLC raised its position in Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF by 173.5% in the second quarter. Citadel Advisors LLC now owns 61,980 shares of the company's stock worth $1,034,000 after acquiring an additional 39,320 shares during the period. Lumbard & Kellner LLC boosted its stake in shares of Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF by 15.7% during the 1st quarter. Lumbard & Kellner LLC now owns 279,271 shares of the company's stock worth $6,574,000 after acquiring an additional 37,806 shares during the last quarter. Prudential Financial Inc. bought a new stake in shares of Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF during the 3rd quarter valued at $185,000. Finally, Advisor Group Holdings Inc. grew its position in shares of Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF by 1,942.6% during the 1st quarter. Advisor Group Holdings Inc. now owns 2,349 shares of the company's stock valued at $56,000 after acquiring an additional 2,234 shares during the period.

其他幾家機構投資者和對沖基金也買入和賣出了FLBR的股票。Jane Street Group LLC在第一季度將其在富蘭克林富時巴西ETF的股份提高了96.5%。Jane Street Group LLC在此期間又購買了72,471股股票後,現在擁有該公司147,533股股票,價值3,473,000美元。Citadel Advisors LLC在第二季度將其在富蘭克林富時巴西ETF的頭寸提高了173.5%。Citadel Advisors LLC在此期間又收購了39,320股股票後,現在擁有該公司61,980股股票,價值1,034,000美元。Lumbard & Kellner LLC在第一季度將其在富蘭克林富時巴西ETF的股份增加了15.7%。Lumbard & Kellner LLC在上個季度又收購了37,806股股票後,現在擁有該公司279,271股股票,價值6,574,000美元。保誠金融公司在第三季度收購了富蘭克林富時巴西ETF的新股份,價值18.5萬美元。最後,Advisor Group Holdings Inc.在第一季度將其在富蘭克林富時巴西ETF的股票頭寸增長了1,942.6%。Advisor Group Holdings Inc. 在此期間又收購了2,234股股票後,現在擁有該公司價值56,000美元的234股股票。

Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF

Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF Stock Performance


Shares of Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF stock opened at $16.66 on Friday. The stock has a market cap of $266.56 million, a P/E ratio of 5.97 and a beta of 0.98. The stock's fifty day moving average is $17.03 and its 200 day moving average is $18.00. Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF has a one year low of $15.35 and a one year high of $23.81.


Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF Company Profile


(Get Rating)


The Franklin FTSE Brazil ETF (FLBR) is an exchange-traded fund that is based on the FTSE Brazil RIC Capped index. The fund tracks a market cap-weighted index of Brazilian large- and mid-cap stocks. FLBR was launched on Nov 3, 2017 and is managed by Franklin Templeton.

富蘭克林富時巴西ETF(FLBR)是一種基於富時巴西RIC封頂指數的交易所交易基金。該基金追蹤巴西大盤股和中盤股的市值加權指數。FLBR 於 2017 年 11 月 3 日推出,由富蘭克林鄧普頓管理。

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