Apple iOS 17 Could Be The Grim Reaper For Your Outdated IPhone: Here's Why
Apple iOS 17 Could Be The Grim Reaper For Your Outdated IPhone: Here's Why
Apple Inc.'s (NASDAQ:AAPL) upcoming iOS 17 update could force iPhone users to upgrade or risk being left in the dust.
蘋果公司 's (納斯達克:AAPL) 即將推出 iOS 版 更新可能會強制 蘋果手機 用戶升級或風險被留在灰塵中。
What Happened: Apple is expected to release iOS 17 during its upcoming annual Worldwide Developers Conference or WWDC and could drop support for iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, reported MacRumors, citing a source "with a proven track record for software updates."
發生了什麼事: 蘋果預計將在其即將到來的年度期間發布 iOS 17 全球開發者大會 或 WWDC 並可能放棄對 iPhone 8,iPhone 8 加和 iPhone X 的支持,報導加拿大家園,援引一個來源「與軟件更新一個行之有效的記錄。」
Additionally, first-generation 9.7-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro and fifth-generation iPad could also lose support for iPadOS 17.
此外,第一代 9.7 吋和 12.9 吋專業版 iPad 和第五代 iPad 也可能失去對 iPadOS 17 的支援。
See Also: Windows Users, Wave Away Those Apple AirDrop Envy Blues With Google's 'Nearby Share'
另請參閱: Windows 用戶,揮走那些蘋果空投羨慕藍調與谷歌的「附近分享」
If this rumor turns out to be accurate, most Apple devices equipped with the A11 Bionic chip or earlier would be rendered incompatible with iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.
如果這個謠言是準確的,大多數配備 A11 仿生芯片或更早版本的 Apple 設備將與 iOS 17 和 iPadOS 17 不兼容。
The only exception to this will be sixth and seventh-generation iPad models sporting the A10 Fusion chip and the second-generation 10.5-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro featuring the A10X Fusion chip, the report noted.
報告指出,唯一的例外是第六代和第七代 iPad 機型,採用 A10 融合芯片以及配備 A10X 融合芯片的第二代 10.5 英寸和 12.9 英寸 iPad Pro。
Why It's Important: Last year, Apple iOS 16 and iPadOS 16 terminated support for numerous devices, including the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, first-generation iPhone SE, last iPod touch, second-generation iPad Air and fourth-generation iPad mini.
為什麼它很重要: 去年, 蘋果 iOS 16 和蘋果 16 終止支持眾多設備, 包括 iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S 加, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 加, 第一代 iPhone SE, 最後的 iPod 觸摸, 第二代 iPad 空氣和第四代 iPad 迷你.
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