
Braze Expands Partnership With Rackspace Technology Through Multi-Year Agreement Supporting Future Growth And Innovation

Braze Expands Partnership With Rackspace Technology Through Multi-Year Agreement Supporting Future Growth And Innovation

Braze 透過多年期協議擴大與 Rackspace 技術的合作夥伴關係,支援未來的成長和創新
Benzinga ·  2023/04/04 22:25

Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ:RXT) — a leading end-to-end, multicloud technology solutions company, today announced that Braze (NASDAQ:BRZE), a leading comprehensive customer engagement platform that powers interactions between consumers and brands they love, has expanded its relationship with Rackspace Technology with a multi-year agreement that will support growth and innovation for the company.

機架空間技術 (納斯達克:RXT) — 一家領先的端到端多雲端技術解決方案公司,今天宣布,Braze (NASDAQ: BRZE) 是一個領先的全面性客戶互動平台,為消費者和他們喜愛的品牌之間的互動提供支持,擴大了與 Rackspace Technology 的關係,該協議將支持公司的成長和創新。

"I am very excited about our new enterprise agreement with Rackspace Technology that we believe will support Braze's future growth," said Jon Hyman, co-founder, and CTO of Braze. "Our mutually beneficial structure is intended to help Braze achieve improved cost predictability and economies of scale while providing Rackspace Technology predictable growth and the ability to make long-term investments in Braze and the ObjectRocket solution."

Braze 的聯合創始人兼首席技術官 Jon Hyman 表示:「我們與 Rackspace 技術的新企業協議感到非常興奮,我們相信這些協議將支持 Braze 的未來增長。我們的互惠互利結構旨在幫助 Braze 實現提高成本可預測性和規模經濟效益,同時提供 Rackspace 技術可預測的增長以及對 Braze 和 ObjectRocket 解決方案進行長期投資的能力。」

Braze has been a Rackspace ObjectRocket customer for several years and relies on Rackspace Technology to manage the company's MongoDB databases with disaster recovery, replication, fault tolerance, and high availability for Braze's databases.

Braze 多年來一直是機架空間客戶,並依靠 Rackspace 技術來管理公司的 MongoDB 數據庫,並為 Braze 的數據庫提供災難恢復,複寫,容錯和高可用性。

"We demonstrated to Braze that we listened and understood their business by recognizing what was essential to their leadership and board of directors," said Josh Prewitt, Rackspace Technology Chief Product Officer. "From both a delivery and financial perspective, the alignment we built and collaboration from the top down between our organizations were key factors in working together to help meet Braze's business needs."

Rackspace 技術首席產品長 Josh Prewitt 表示:「我們向 Braze 證明,我們通過認識到他們的領導力和董事會至關重要的事情來聆聽並理解他們的業務。「從交付和財務的角度來看,我們組織之間從上而下建立的一致性和協作是共同合作以滿足 Braze 業務需求的關鍵因素。」

To learn more about how Rackspace Technology helps companies unlock the power of ObjectRocket's portfolio of data stores and puts the complexity of managing your databases into expert hands click here.

若要深入瞭解 Rackspace 技術如何協助公司發揮 ObjectRocket 資料存放區產品組合的力量,並將資料庫管理的複雜性納入專家手中,請按一下這裡。

