
CANEX Closes Equity Financing and Increases Drill Program at Gold Range, Arizona

CANEX Closes Equity Financing and Increases Drill Program at Gold Range, Arizona

CANEX 關閉亞利桑那州黃金區的股票融資並增加鑽探計劃
Accesswire ·  2023/04/04 01:20



CALGARY, AB / ACCESSWIRE / April 3, 2023 / CANEX Metals Inc. ("CANEX" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced C$600,000 million private placement. The Company will use the proceeds of the financing to advance its Gold Range Project located in northern Arizona, including a significant expansion to the Reverse Circulation (RC) drill program that is currently in progress.

卡爾加裡,AB/ACCESSWIRE/2023年4月3日/CANEX Metals Inc.(以下簡稱“CANEX”或“本公司”)欣然宣佈,已完成此前宣佈的6億加元私募。該公司將利用融資所得推進其位於亞利桑那州北部的Gold Range專案,包括對目前正在進行的反向迴圈(RC)鑽探計劃的重大擴展。



  • Strong investor support to expand CANEX's current exploration efforts at Gold Range
  • Multiple insiders participated in the financing with insiders beneficial ownership on a partially diluted basis increasing to 21.1% of the Company
  • Mr. Michael Gentile, CFA, CANEX's lead investor, has increased his ownership in the Company and now owns 10.9% on a partially diluted basis
  • Mr. Blair Schultz, Director of the Company has also increased his ownership to 6.3% on a partially diluted basis
  • The current financing will allow CANEX to significantly expand its exploration efforts while doubling its planned drilling program from 15 to 30 drill holes, allowing further testing of priority exploration and expansion targets
  • 投資者大力支持擴大CANEX目前在Gold Range的勘探努力
  • 多名內部人參與了融資,內部人在部分稀釋的基礎上受益所有權增加到21.1%對公司的影響
  • CANEX的主要投資者、首席財務官Michael Gentile先生增持了公司的股份,現在擁有10.9%部分稀釋的基礎上
  • 董事的布萊爾·舒爾茨先生也將他的持股比例增加到6.3%部分稀釋的基礎上
  • 目前的融資將使CANEX能夠顯著擴展其勘探工作同時將計劃中的鑽探計劃從15個鑽孔增加一倍至30個鑽孔,從而允許進一步測試優先勘探和擴張目標

The Company is very pleased to announce Mr. Michael Gentile, CFA, has increased his percentage ownership in the Company and remains a strong supporter with 10.9% ownership. Mr. Blair Schultz, Director of the Company has increased his ownership from 5.3% to 6.3%. Insiders now own 21.1% of the Company on a partially diluted basis.

本公司非常高興地宣佈,首席財務官Michael Gentile先生增加了他在本公司的持股比例,並以10.9%的持股比例繼續堅定支持本公司。布萊爾·舒爾茨先生,董事公司的持股比例從5.3%增加到6.3%。在部分稀釋的基礎上,內部人士現在擁有公司21.1%的股份。

Terms of Financing


The non-brokered private placement consisted of 10,000,000 Shares ("Shares") at a price of $0.06 per Common Unit for gross proceeds of $600,000.


The Shares were offered to accredited investors and all securities issued under the offering will be subject to a hold period of four months plus one day or until August 4, 2023. No finder fees were paid in connection with the financing.


In connection with the Private Placement, insiders purchased a total of 3,430,500 Shares. The Company has relied on exemptions from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 contained in Sections 5.5(a) and 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101 as the fair market value of the subject matter of the Private Placement does not exceed 25% of the market capitalization of the Company as calculated in accordance with MI 61-101.

在定向增發方面,內部人士共購買了3,430,500股。本公司依據MI 61-101第5.5(A)及5.7(1)(A)條所載豁免遵守MI 61-101的正式估值及小股東批准規定,因私募標的的公平市值不超過按照MI 61-101計算的本公司市值的25%。

Proceeds of the financing will be used to drill test and further explore the Gold Range Property and for general working capital.

融資所得將用於鑽探、測試和進一步勘探Gold Range物業以及一般營運資金。

Expanded Drilling Program


Reverse circulation drilling is underway at the Company's Gold Range Project in Arizona. The drill program has been expanded from 15 holes to approximately 30 holes. The expanded drill program will allow more tests of key exploration targets and allow the Company to expedite expansion drilling at the main Excelsior Zone.

該公司在亞利桑那州的Gold Range專案正在進行反迴圈鑽探。鑽探計劃已經從15個孔擴大到大約30個孔。擴大的鑽探計劃將允許對關鍵勘探目標進行更多測試,並使公司能夠加快在主要精益區的擴大鑽探。

As part of this program CANEX will drill test the WestGold Target which contains the strongest gold in soil anomaly identified on the project to date, extending over an area 425 metres by 150 metres and containing gold in soil values ranging from about 0.1 to 0.6 g/t. Drilling will also test multiple parallel mineralized zones recently identified immediately east of Excelsior and defined by surface mapping and gold mineralization in rock and soil samples. Some of these parallel mineralized zones have been traced on surface for 600 metres and are open under cover along strike. With success either one of these exploration targets could significantly increase the size potential of the Gold Range Project. Drilling is also planned on the Shaft Target where a single drill hole recently discovered 27.4 metres grading 1.1 g/t gold within a mostly covered area (previously released, January 23, 2023).

作為該計劃的一部分,CANEX將對WestGold Target進行鑽探測試,該目標區在該專案迄今發現的土壤異常中含有最強的金,面積為425米乘150米,土壤含金量約為0.1至0.6克/噸。鑽探還將測試最近在Excelsior以東發現的多個平行礦化帶,這些礦化帶由地表測繪和岩石和土壤樣品中的金礦化確定。其中一些平行礦化帶已經在地表追蹤了600米,並沿著走向在掩護下開放。如果成功,這兩個勘探目標中的任何一個都可以顯著提高Gold Range專案的規模潛力。還計劃在豎井目標上進行鑽探,最近在一個主要覆蓋的區域內發現了一個27.4米的鑽孔,黃金品位為1.1克/噸(此前發佈,2023年1月23日)。

To date seven holes have been completed during the current drill program, with 5 holes completed at the WestGold Target and 2 at the Shaft Zone. The deepest hole CANEX has drilled on the property to date was successfully completed at WestGold to a depth of 286.5 metres. Five holes have been sent for assay and results will be released as soon as they are received and interpreted.

到目前為止,在當前的鑽井計劃中已經完成了7個孔,其中5個孔在WestGold Target完成,2個在豎井區域完成。到目前為止,CANEX在該物業上鑽的最深的井在WestGold成功完成,深度為286.5米。已經送去五個洞進行化驗,一旦收到並解釋結果,就會立即公佈。

About Gold Range

關於Gold Range

The Gold Range project is a new bulk-tonnage oxide-gold target located within an underexplored metamorphic terrain in Northern Arizona. CANEX controls 5 kilometres of strike length along a highly prospective district scale structure where mineralization is being defined through surface sampling, mapping, and reverse circulation drilling. The main exploration target defined by surface work is 3800 metres long by up to 500 metres wide with multiple subparallel exploration targets identified. The target zone remains open along strike under basin cover. Drilling by CANEX has returned strong results including 1 g/t gold over 59.5 metres, 1.6 g/t gold over 35.1 metres, 2.2 g/t gold over 24.4 metres, and 0.3 g/t gold over 62.5 metres.

Gold Range專案是一個新的大噸位氧化金目標,位於亞利桑那州北部一個未被勘探的變質地帶。CANEX控制著沿著一個極具遠景的地區規模構造的5公里走向長度,該構造正在通過地表採樣、測繪和反迴圈鑽探確定礦化。地面工作確定的主要勘探目標長3800米,寬達500米,並確定了多個次平行勘探目標。目標區域在盆地覆蓋下沿走向保持開放。CANEX的鑽探獲得了強勁的結果,包括超過59.5米的1克/噸黃金,超過35.1米的1.6克/噸黃金,超過24.4米的2.2克/噸黃金,以及超過62.5米的0.3克/噸黃金。

About CANEX Metals

關於CANEX Metals

CANEX Metals (TSX.V:CANX) is a Canadian junior exploration company with a new gold discovery at the Gold Range Project in Northern Arizona, and high grade silver and gold mineralization at the Gibson property in British Columbia. CANEX is led by an experienced management team which has made three notable porphyry and bulk tonnage discoveries in North America and is sponsored by Altius Minerals (TSX: ALS) a significant shareholder.

CANEX Metals(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CANX)是一家加拿大初級勘探公司,在亞利桑那州北部的Gold Range Project發現了新的金礦,在不列顛哥倫比亞省的Gibson礦發現了高品位的銀和金礦。CANEX由經驗豐富的管理團隊領導,該團隊在北美發現了三處值得注意的斑岩和散裝噸位,並由大股東Altius Minerals(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ALS)贊助。

Dr. Shane Ebert P.Geo., is the Qualified Person for CANEX Metals and has approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release.

Shane Ebert P.Geo博士是CANEX Metals的合格人士,並已批准本新聞稿中包含的技術披露。

"Shane Ebert",


Shane Ebert, President/Director


For Further Information Contact:


Shane Ebert at 1.250.964.2699 or
Jean Pierre Jutras at 1.403.233.2636


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Except for the historical and present factual information contained herein, the matters set forth in this news release, including words such as "expects", "projects", "plans", "anticipates" and similar expressions, are forward-looking information that represents management of CANEX Metals Inc. internal projections, expectations or beliefs concerning, among other things, future operating results and various components thereof or the economic performance of CANEX. The projections, estimates and beliefs contained in such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause CANEX's actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, those described in CANEX's filings with the Canadian securities authorities. Accordingly, holders of CANEX shares and potential investors are cautioned that events or circumstances could cause results to differ materially from those predicted. CANEX disclaims any responsibility to update these forward-looking statements.

除本文包含的歷史和現在的事實資訊外,本新聞稿中陳述的事項,包括“預期”、“專案”、“計劃”、“預期”和類似表述,均為前瞻性資訊,代表CANEX Metals Inc.管理層的內部預測、預期或信念,除其他外,涉及CANEX的未來經營業績及其各個組成部分或經濟表現。這些前瞻性陳述中包含的預測、估計和信念必然涉及已知和未知的風險和不確定因素,這可能會導致CANEX未來的實際業績和財務結果與此類前瞻性陳述明示或暗示的對未來業績或結果的任何預測大不相同。這些風險和不確定性包括CANEX向加拿大證券管理機構提交的檔案中描述的風險和不確定性。因此,CANEX股票的持有者和潛在投資者被告誡,事件或情況可能導致結果與預期的大不相同。CANEX不承擔更新這些前瞻性陳述的任何責任。



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