
Head-To-Head Review: Energy Vault (NRGV) and The Competition

Head-To-Head Review: Energy Vault (NRGV) and The Competition

Defense World ·  2023/03/31 15:11

Energy Vault (NYSE:NRGV – Get Rating) is one of 61 public companies in the "Miscellaneous electrical machinery, equipment, & supplies" industry, but how does it weigh in compared to its rivals? We will compare Energy Vault to related companies based on the strength of its analyst recommendations, dividends, earnings, valuation, risk, profitability and institutional ownership.

Energy Vault(紐約證券交易所代碼:NRGV — 獲得評級)是「雜項電氣機械,設備和用品」行業的 61 家上市公司之一,但與競爭對手相比,它的重量如何?我們將根據 Energy Vault 的分析師建議、股息、收益、估值、風險、盈利能力和機構擁有權的實力,將 Energy Vault 與相關公司進行比較。

Earnings & Valuation


This table compares Energy Vault and its rivals top-line revenue, earnings per share and valuation.

此表格比較了 Energy Vault 及其競爭對手的頂級收入、每股收益和估值。

Energy Vault
Gross Revenue Net Income Price/Earnings Ratio
Energy Vault $145.88 million -$78.30 million -3.00
Energy Vault Competitors $691.11 million $11.54 million 4.05
總收入 淨收入 市盈比率
能源庫 一億四千五百八十萬美元 -78.30 萬美元 -3.00
能源庫競爭對手 六億九十一萬 一百五十四萬美元 4.05

Energy Vault's rivals have higher revenue and earnings than Energy Vault. Energy Vault is trading at a lower price-to-earnings ratio than its rivals, indicating that it is currently more affordable than other companies in its industry.

能源庫的競爭對手擁有比能源庫更高的收入和收益。Energy Vault 的交易價格與收益比率低於競爭對手,這表明它目前比其他行業中的公司更經濟實惠。

Volatility & Risk


Energy Vault has a beta of 0.06, suggesting that its share price is 94% less volatile than the S&P 500. Comparatively, Energy Vault's rivals have a beta of 0.59, suggesting that their average share price is 41% less volatile than the S&P 500.

能源庫的測試版為 0.06,表明其股價的波動性比標普 500 低 94%。相比之下,能源庫的競爭對手的測試版為 0.59,這表明他們的平均股價比標普 500 少 41% 的波動性。

Analyst Ratings


This is a summary of current recommendations and price targets for Energy Vault and its rivals, as reported by MarketBeat.

據 MarketBeat 報導,這是能源保險庫及其競爭對手的當前建議和價格目標的摘要。

Sell Ratings Hold Ratings Buy Ratings Strong Buy Ratings Rating Score
Energy Vault 1 1 2 0 2.25
Energy Vault Competitors 73 462 994 51 2.65
銷售評級 保留評分 購買評級 強大的買入評級 評級分數
能源庫 1 1 2 0 2.25
能源庫競爭對手 73 462 994 51 2.65

Energy Vault presently has a consensus price target of $7.00, indicating a potential upside of 243.14%. As a group, "Miscellaneous electrical machinery, equipment, & supplies" companies have a potential upside of 35.51%. Given Energy Vault's higher possible upside, equities research analysts clearly believe Energy Vault is more favorable than its rivals.

能源庫目前的共識價格目標為 7.00 美元,表明潛在的上行空間為 243.14%。作為一個集團,「其他電動機械,設備和用品」公司具有 35.51% 的潛在上升空間。鑑於 Energy Vault 具有較高的上行空間,股票研究分析師清楚地認為 Energy Vault 比競爭對手更有利。

Institutional and Insider Ownership


36.4% of Energy Vault shares are held by institutional investors. Comparatively, 44.1% of shares of all "Miscellaneous electrical machinery, equipment, & supplies" companies are held by institutional investors. 26.8% of Energy Vault shares are held by insiders. Comparatively, 14.9% of shares of all "Miscellaneous electrical machinery, equipment, & supplies" companies are held by insiders. Strong institutional ownership is an indication that large money managers, hedge funds and endowments believe a company will outperform the market over the long term.

36.4% 的能源庫股票由機構投資者持有。相比之下,所有「雜項電動機械、設備和用品」公司的 44.1% 股份由機構投資者持有。26.8% 的 Energy Vault 股份由內部人士持有。相比之下,所有「雜項電動機械、設備及用品」公司佔 14.9% 的股份由內部人士持有。強大的機構擁有權表明,大型資金經理,對沖基金和捐贈基金認為公司長期的表現將超越市場。



This table compares Energy Vault and its rivals' net margins, return on equity and return on assets.

下表比較 Energy Vault 及其競爭對手的淨利潤率、權益回報率和資產回報率。

Net Margins Return on Equity Return on Assets
Energy Vault -53.67% -19.42% -16.91%
Energy Vault Competitors -85.31% -121.72% -18.97%
淨利潤 權益回報率 資產回報率
能源庫 -53.67% -19.42% -16.91%
能源庫競爭對手 -85.31% -121.72% -18.97%



Energy Vault rivals beat Energy Vault on 8 of the 13 factors compared.

能源庫競爭對手在 8 個因素中的 13 個因素中擊敗了能源庫。

About Energy Vault


(Get Rating)


Energy Vault Holdings, Inc. develops and sells energy storage solutions. The company offers gravity-based storage systems, including EVx Platform, a scalable, modular product line starting from 40-megawatt hour to multi-gigawatt hours to address grid resiliency needs in shorter durations; Energy Vault Resiliency Center, a scalable, gigawatt hour scale product line designed to address grid resiliency needs to manage energy disruptive climate events; and Energy Vault solutions. Its solutions allow utilities, independent power producers, and large energy users to manage their power portfolios and efficiently dispatch power. Energy Vault Holdings, Inc. is based in Westlake Village, California.

能源庫控股有限公司開發和銷售儲能解決方案。該公司提供以重力為基礎的儲存系統,包括 eVx Platform,這是一種可擴展的模組化產品線,從 40 兆瓦小時開始到數千兆瓦小時,可在更短的持續時間內解決電網恢復需求;Energy Vault 彈性中心是一種可擴展的千兆瓦小時規模產品線,旨在滿足管理能源破壞性氣候事件的電網恢復需求;以及 Energy Vault 解決方案。其解決方案可讓公用事業、獨立電力生產商和大型能源使用者管理其電力組合並有效率地調度電力。能源庫控股有限公司總部位於加利福尼亞州西湖村。

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