
QMC Supports Canada-U.S. Critical Minerals Supply Chain

QMC Supports Canada-U.S. Critical Minerals Supply Chain

QMC 支持加拿大-美國關鍵礦物供應鏈
newsfile ·  2023/03/30 21:01

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 30, 2023) - QMC Quantum Minerals Corp., (TSXV: QMC) (FSE: 3LQ) (OTC Pink: QMCQF) ("QMC" or "the Company") is encouraged by the recently announced 2023 Canadian Federal Budget ("Federal Budget") and its endorsement of investment in the green economy. The Federal Budget features multiple measures aimed at combatting climate change, transforming the nation's economy and fostering the development of future net-zero industries. The latest federal measures include investment tax credits, low-cost strategic financing, and targeted investments and programs to address the distinct requirements of industries or projects with national economic importance. Of particular importance to the Company is the newly introduced Investment Tax Credit for Clean Technology Manufacturing, estimated to cost CAD $11.1 billion over a 12-year period.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年3月30日)-QMC Quantum Minerals Corp.,(TSXV:QMC)(FSE:3LQ)(場外粉色:QMCQF)(“QMC”或“本公司”)加拿大對最近公佈的2023年加拿大聯盟預算(“聯盟預算”)及其對綠色經濟投資的認可感到鼓舞。聯盟預算以多項措施為特色,旨在應對氣候變化、轉變國家經濟並促進未來淨零產業的發展。最新的聯盟措施包括投資稅收抵免、低成本戰略融資,以及有針對性的投資和計劃,以滿足具有國家經濟重要性的行業或專案的不同要求。對該公司特別重要的是新推出的清潔技術製造投資稅收抵免,估計在12年內將花費111億加元。

The Federal Budget builds on last week's meeting between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and United States President Joe Biden, reaffirming that Canada and the United States will work together to create a strong, environmentally responsible, and resilient North American critical mineral supply chain. Through the Canadian Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund, CAD $1.5 billion will be made available to support clean energy and transportation infrastructure projects necessary to accelerate critical minerals production. An additional CAD $1.5 billion will be made available through the Strategic Innovation Fund to support advanced manufacturing, processing, and recycling.


The Federal Budget also highlights the importance of establishing major battery manufacturing in Canada. Further information about the incentives offered to Powerco, a Volkswagen subsidiary, which plans to construct a battery gigafactory in St. Thomas, Ontario, will be released in due course. This facility constitutes a substantial part of the North American manufacturing industry.


"We at QMC are thrilled with the 2023 Canadian Federal Budget's emphasis on green economy investments. The variety of measures introduced demonstrates the government's commitment to addressing climate change and progressing towards net-zero emissions. Our Irgon Lithium Mine project will be an important part of Canada's critical mineral supply chain."




  • Historic Resource: Between 1953 and 1954, the Lithium Corporation of Canada Limited ("LCOC") reported a historical resource estimate on the Irgon Dike of 1.2 million tons grading 1.51% Li20 over a strike length of 365 metres and to a depth of 213 metres. This historical resource is documented in a 1956 Assessment Report by B. B. Bannatyne for LCOC (Manitoba Assessment Report No. 94932). This historical resource estimate is believed to be based on reasonable assumptions and both the Company and QP has no reason to contest the document's relevance and reliability.

  • Existing Underground Development: During 1956/1957 a complete mining plant was installed, and since removed, on site designed to process 500 tons of ore per day and a three-compartment shaft was sunk to a depth of 74 metres. On the 61-metre level, lateral development was extended off the shaft for a total of 366 metres of drifting from which six crosscuts transected the dike.

  • Excellent Historic Recoveries: Historic metallurgical tests reported an 87% recovery from which a concentrate averaging 5.9% Li2O was obtained.

  • Excellent Local Infrastructure: The Irgon Property is transected by Manitoba Highway 314 with access to hydro, water, nearby rail head and is located only 20 kilometres north of the Sinomine Rare Metal Resources Group's TANCO Mine which is currently mining spodumene and producing a lithium concentrate on site.

  • Pending NI 43-101 Report: A NI 43-101 technical report is nearing completion which will update the historical lithium resource to current NI 43-101 standards.

  • 歷史資源在1953至1954年間,加拿大鋰公司(LCOC)報告稱,Irgon堤壩的歷史資源量估計為120萬噸,鋰品位為1.51%。2.0在365米的走向長度和213米的深度上。這一歷史資源被記錄在B.B.Bannatyne為LCOC撰寫的1956年評估報告(馬尼託巴省評估報告94932號)中。這一歷史資源估計被認為是基於合理的假設,公司和QP都沒有理由質疑該檔案的相關性和可靠性。

  • 現有的地下開發專案在1956/1957年間,安裝了一個完整的採礦廠,並在現場拆除,設計每天處理500噸礦石,一個三個隔間的豎井被挖到74米深。在61米的水準,側向發展延伸出豎井,總共有366米的漂移,其中六個橫切橫穿堤壩。

  • 卓越的歷史性恢復:歷史冶金試驗報告了87%的回收率,精礦平均鋰含量為5.9%2.獲得了O。

  • 卓越的本地基礎設施:Irgon礦藏由馬尼託巴省314號高速公路橫穿而過,可到達附近的鐵道頭,並位於Sinomine稀有金屬資源集團的Tanco礦以北僅20公里處,該礦目前正在開採鋰輝石,並在現場生產鋰精礦。

  • 待定NI 43-101報告:一份NI 43-101技術報告即將完成,它將把歷史上的鋰資源更新到當前的NI 43-101標準。

The mineral reserve cited above is presented as a historical estimate and uses historical terminology which does not conform to current NI43-101 standards. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. Although the historical estimates are believed to be based on reasonable assumptions, they were calculated prior to the implementation of National Instrument 43-101. These historical estimates do not meet current standards as defined under sections 1.2 and 1.3 of NI 43-101; consequently, the issuer is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves.

上面引用的礦產儲量是作為歷史估計提出的,使用的歷史術語不符合當前的NI43-101標準。有資格的人沒有做足夠的工作來將歷史估計歸類為當前礦產資源或礦產儲量。儘管歷史估計數據信是基於合理的假設,但它們是在實施國家文書43-101之前計算的。這些歷史估計不符合NI 43-101第1.2和1.3節所界定的現行標準;因此,發行人沒有將該歷史估計視為當前礦產資源或礦產儲量。

Qualified Person and NI 43-101 Disclosure
The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Daniel Leroux, P. Geo. who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

合格人員和NI 43-101披露
本新聞稿的技術內容已由P.Geo的Daniel Leroux審查和批准。世界衛生組織是美國國家標準43-101所界定的合格人員。

About the Company
QMC is a British Columbia based company engaged in the business of acquisition, exploration and development of resource properties. Its objective is to locate and develop economic precious, base, rare metal resource properties of merit. The Company's properties include the Irgon Lithium Mine Project and two VMS properties, the Rocky Lake and Rocky-Namew, known collectively as the Namew Lake District Project. Currently, all of the company's properties are located in Manitoba.

QMC是一家總部位於不列顛哥倫比亞省的公司,從事資源資產的收購、勘探和開發業務。其目標是尋找和開發具有經濟價值的貴金屬、賤金屬、稀有金屬資源。該公司的資產包括Irgon鋰礦專案和兩個VMS物業,Rocky Lake和Rocky-Namew,統稱為Namew湖區專案。目前,該公司的所有物業都位於馬尼託巴省。

On behalf of the Board of Directors of




"Balraj Mann"


Balraj Mann
President and Chief Executive Officer


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