
No, Amazon, You Don't Need 10,000 AMC Screens, This Movie Theater Chain A Better Buy: Analyst

No, Amazon, You Don't Need 10,000 AMC Screens, This Movie Theater Chain A Better Buy: Analyst

不,亚马逊,你不需要 10,000 个 AMC 屏幕,这家连锁电影院是更好的选择:分析师
Benzinga ·  2023/03/30 02:55

AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc (NYSE:AMC) is reportedly in the crosshairs of Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN), as the e-commerce giant has long-coveted a theater chain to bolster the prestige of its movies.

AMC 娱乐控股公司 据报道,(纽约证券交易所代码:AMC)正处于十字路口 亚马逊公司 (纳斯达克股票代码:AMZN),因为这家电子商务巨头长期以来一直渴望有一家连锁影院来提高其电影的声望。

According to one analyst, it's looking at the wrong company.


"Amazon does not need 10,000 screens to enter the theater business," Wedbush analyst Alicia Reese says. In fact, Amazon "would be better off buying a piece of Cineworld," she added.

Wedbush分析师艾丽西亚·里斯说:“亚马逊不需要10,000个屏幕就能进入剧院业务。”她补充说,事实上,亚马逊 “最好买一部Cineworld”。

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Recall how Cineworld (OTC:CNNWQ), the U.K. parent company of Regal, went bankrupt in September 2022.

回想一下怎么做 Cineworld (场外交易代码:CNNWQ)是Regal的英国母公司,于2022年9月破产。

Amazon could probably acquire each of Cineworld's theaters for only $200,000, Wedbush argues.


That's 1,000 screens for $200 million, total.


"Why would Amazon instead choose to buy 10,000 screens for $8 billion?" Reese asks. "The bottom line is that Amazon has no interest in being in the theatrical exhibition space to make money. Strategically, they may want a place to exhibit their own films, but 1,000 screens is plenty, and 200 is probably enough."


Amazon founder and former CEO Jeff Bezos recently told investment advisors to look into a potential acquisition of AMC. If the company owns theaters, it can showcase Prime movies and other Amazon services.

亚马逊创始人兼前首席执行官 杰夫·贝佐斯 最近告诉投资顾问调查对AMC的潜在收购。如果该公司拥有影院,则可以放映Prime电影和其他亚马逊服务。

If Seattle-based Amazon were to ink a deal with Cineworld, it would certainly hurt AMC, whose CEO, Adam Aron, recently stressed the importance of raising cash and reducing debt for the company's survival. The Leawood, Kansas-based company burned through $830 million in cash in 2022 and posted a negative free cash flow of $105 million in the fourth quarter.

如果总部位于西雅图的亚马逊与Cineworld达成协议,那肯定会伤害AMC,其首席执行官, 亚当·阿隆,最近强调了筹集现金和减少债务对公司生存的重要性。这家总部位于堪萨斯州利伍德的公司在2022年耗尽了8.3亿美元的现金,并在第四季度公布了负1.05亿美元的自由现金流。

AMC Price Action: AMC shares dipped 3.41% Wednesday afternoon at the time of writing to $4.96, according to Benzinga Pro.

AMC 价格走势: 根据Benzinga Pro的数据,在撰写本文时,AMC股价在周三下午下跌3.41%,至4.96美元。

Next: AMC CEO Is In Touch With NYSE, FNRA About Stock Staying In 'Threshold List' For 'Failure-To-Deliver'

下一篇:AMC首席执行官正在与纽约证券交易所、FNRA就股票因 “未能交付” 而在 “阈值清单” 中保留一事保持联系

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