
The Necessity Retail REIT, Inc. (NASDAQ:RTLPP) Plans $0.47 Quarterly Dividend

The Necessity Retail REIT, Inc. (NASDAQ:RTLPP) Plans $0.47 Quarterly Dividend

必要性零售房地產信託基金有限公司(納斯達克:RTLPP)計劃 $0.47 季度股息
Financial News Live ·  2023/03/29 06:32

The Necessity Retail REIT, Inc. (NASDAQ:RTLPP – Get Rating) declared a quarterly dividend on Tuesday, March 28th, Wall Street Journal reports. Shareholders of record on Thursday, April 6th will be given a dividend of 0.4688 per share on Monday, April 17th. This represents a $1.88 annualized dividend and a yield of 9.07%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Wednesday, April 5th.

零售房地產投資信託基金的必要性 (納斯達克:RTLPP — 獲得評級) 宣布季度股息週二, 3 月 28 日, 華爾街日報報導.4 月 6 日(星期四)記錄股東將於 4 月 17 日(星期一)派發每股 0.4688 股股息。這代表 1.88 美元的年化股息和 9.07% 的收益率。本股息的除息日期為 4 月 5 日星期三。

Necessity Retail REIT Stock Up 0.3 %


Necessity Retail REIT stock traded up $0.07 during trading hours on Tuesday, hitting $20.68. The stock had a trading volume of 6,817 shares, compared to its average volume of 11,882. The company's 50-day simple moving average is $22.23. Necessity Retail REIT has a fifty-two week low of $18.70 and a fifty-two week high of $26.00.

必要性零售房地產投資信託基金股票在周二交易時間內上漲 0.07 美元,觸及 20.68 美元。該股的交易量為 6,817 股,與其平均交易量為 11,882 股相比。該公司的 50 天簡單移動平均線為 22.23 美元。必要性零售房地產投資信託基金擁有五十兩周低點 18.70 美元,五十二周高點為 26.00 美元。

Necessity Retail REIT

About Necessity Retail REIT

關於必要性零售 REIT

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The Necessity Retail REIT (Nasdaq: RTL) is a publicly traded real estate investment trust listed on Nasdaq focused on acquiring and managing a diversified portfolio of primarily service-oriented and traditional retail and distribution related commercial real estate properties in the U.S. Additional information about RTL can be found on its website at .

必要性零售房地產投資信託基金(Nasdaq:RTL)是一家在納斯達克上市的公開交易房地產投資信託基金,專注於收購和管理美國主要以服務為導向和傳統零售和分銷相關的商業房地產物業的多元化投資組合。有關 RTL 的其他信息可以在其網站上找到。

Further Reading


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