
Reported Late Monday March 27, DG Media Network Offers New Ad Solutions For Meta Platforms

Reported Late Monday March 27, DG Media Network Offers New Ad Solutions For Meta Platforms

報導 3 月 27 日週一下旬,DG 媒體網絡為元平台提供新的廣告解決方案
Benzinga ·  2023/03/28 12:45

First to Market to Offer Closed-Loop Measurement of In-Store Sales


Dollar General's media network, DGMN, has completed testing of a new partnership with Meta. DG is the first retailer to offer this solution, allowing advertisers to reach the hard-to-reach consumer and close the loop with in-store sales. The new partnership enables advertisers to reach DG's more than 90 million unique customer profiles across the Meta ecosystem via an array of placements including Facebook and Instagram News Feeds, Stories and Reels.

美元通用的媒體網絡 DGMN 已經完成了與 Meta 的新合作夥伴關係的測試。DG 是第一家提供此解決方案的零售商,使廣告商能夠觸及難以觸及的消費者,並與店內銷售緊密關係。這項新的合作關係使廣告客戶能夠通過一系列廣告位置(包括 Facebook 和 Instagram 新聞源,故事和捲軸)觸及 DG 在 Meta 生態系統中的超過 9000 萬個獨特客戶個人資料。

"We are thrilled to debut this market first initiative, allowing our advertisers to reach Dollar General customers via Meta placements while utilizing our opted-in first-party data," said Charlene Charles, head of DG Media Network Operations. "Our team provides full end-to-end campaign support and creative services while measuring closed-loop, attributable store sales. We look forward to extending the reach of DGMN through the world's largest social platform to deliver even more effective media for our advertisers."

DG 媒體網路營運負責人 Charlene Charles 表示:「我們很高興能夠首次推出這項市場優先計畫,讓我們的廣告客戶能夠透過 Meta 展示位置接觸美元一般客戶,同時利用我們選擇加入的第一方資料。「我們的團隊提供完整的端到端營銷活動支持和創意服務,同時衡量可歸因商店的閉環銷售額。我們期待通過全球最大的社交平台擴展 DGMN 的覆蓋範圍,為我們的廣告客戶提供更有效的媒體。」

Meta's Advanced Analytics enables SQL-based custom measurement and analysis in a secure environment. Using this measurement and analysis, DGMN is able to evaluate the business impact of Meta marketing investments to a particular brand, uncovering new insights, inclusive of quantifiable metrics such as return on ad spend, as compared to more traditional and directional metrics such as intent to buy.

Meta 的進階分析可在安全的環境中啟用以 SQL 為基礎的自訂量測和分析。使用此測量和分析,DGMN 能夠評估 Meta 營銷投資對特定品牌的業務影響,發現新的見解,包括可量化的指標,例如廣告支出回報率,與購買意圖等更傳統和定向性指標相比。

"We are excited to partner with Dollar General as they expand their product offering and deliver more solutions that help meet the consumer in desirable environments," said Jen Bryce, Head of U.S. Retail Media at Unilever, a DGMN advertising partner. "The first to market, closed loop measurement on Meta is exciting as we gain more valuable insights and data on our campaign performance."

DGMN 廣告合作夥伴聯合利華美國零售媒體負責人 Jen Bryce 表示:「我們很高興能與 Dollar General 合作,因為他們擴展產品方案並提供更多解決方案,以幫助在理想的環境中滿足消費者需求。隨著我們獲得更多有價值的見解和有關廣告活動成效的數據,因此在 Meta 上首次進入市場的閉環測量令人興奮。」

Early results demonstrate the power of DGMN's ability to reach customers across 1,400 derived attributes. DG Media Network aims to create more meaningful experiences for advertisers that resonate with consumers in their shopping journey and deliver measurable outcomes.

早期的結果證明了 DGMN 能夠觸及 1,400 個衍生屬性的客戶的力量。DG Media Network 旨在為廣告客戶創造更有意義的體驗,在購物過程中與消費者產生共鳴並實現可衡量的成果。

To learn more about the DG Media Network visit

要了解有關 DG 媒體網絡的更多信息,請訪問網站。

