
Wall Street Loves AI: Goldman Expects A Shocking $7 Trillion Boost In Global GDP And Raises Targets For MSFT, CRM, ADBE

Wall Street Loves AI: Goldman Expects A Shocking $7 Trillion Boost In Global GDP And Raises Targets For MSFT, CRM, ADBE

華爾街熱愛人工智能:高盛預計全球 GDP 將有 7 萬億美元的震撼提振,並為 MSFT,CRM,ADBE 提高了目標
Benzinga ·  2023/03/28 00:07

Goldman Sachs Research predicted widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) will result in strong productivity gains and stronger long-term economic growth.

高盛研究 預測廣泛使用人工智能(AI)將帶來強勁的生產力提高和更強的長期經濟增長。

According to the Goldman Sachs Macro team, AI adoption could create about $7 trillion in global economic growth over a 10-year period, comparable to a 7% increase in annual global GDP.

根據高盛宏觀團隊的數據,採用人工智能可能在 10 年期間創造約 7 萬億美元的全球經濟增長,相當於全球年度 GDP 增長 7%。

After cloud computing, the next wave of innovation and monetization in corporate software will be driven by generative AI, according to the experts.

專家稱,在雲計算之後,企業軟件的下一波創新和貨幣化將由生成 AI 驅動。

While generative AI is still in its early stages, it has already made quite an impression on consumers with its human-like answers and capacity to generate original content. During business earnings calls, Goldman Sachs noted management teams are more focused on AI's opportunities and an increase in AI-related comments anticipates an increase in capex in the coming year.

雖然生成 AI 仍處於早期階段,但它已經以類似人類的答案和產生原創內容的能力給消費者留下了深刻的印象。在業務盈利電話會議期間,高盛指出,管理團隊更關注 AI 的機會,而 AI 相關評論的增加預計未來一年的資本支出將會增加。

Although the magnitude of AI's impact will ultimately be determined by its capabilities and adoption timeline, Goldman Sachs believes generative AI has an "enormous economic potential" if it delivers on its promise.

儘管人工智能的影響力最終將取決於其能力和採用時間表,但高盛相信生成 AI 具有「巨大的經濟潛力」,如果能夠實現其承諾。

See Also: Disney's New AI Revolution: Disney Unveils Emotionally Intelligent Robots to Captivate Audiences and Redefine Theme Park Magic

另請參閱: 迪士尼全新人工智能革命:迪士尼推出情感智能機器人吸引觀眾並重新定義主題公園魔術

Which Companies Are Best Positioned To Profit From AI?

哪些公司最適合從 AI 獲利?

Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT), Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOGL)(NASDAQ:GOOGL), Nvidia Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA),, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), Salesforce Inc (NASDAQ:CRM), Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ:META), Intuit Inc. (NASDAQ:INTU) and Adobe Inc (NASDAQ:ADBE) are better positioned to gain from AI and can further enhance their competitiveness, according to Goldman Sachs.

微軟公司 (納斯達克:MSFT), 字母公司(納斯達克:古爾)(納斯達克:古爾), 英偉達公司 (納斯達克:NVDA), 亞馬遜公司 (納斯達克:阿姆贊), 銷售力量公司 (納斯達克:CRM), 元平台公司 (納斯達克:元), 因泰科技股份有限公司 (納斯達克:因圖)和 Adobe 公司 (NASDAQ: ADBE) 據高盛表示,可以更好地從人工智能中獲得收益,並且可以進一步提高其競爭力。

In note released Sunday, the Goldman Sachs Equity team raised its price forecasts for a number of technology firms.


Microsoft's price target was raised from $315 to $325 as Goldman believed the recent wave of product releases, particularly Microsoft 365 Copilot, could translate into stronger revenue over time.

微軟的價格目標從 315 美元提高到 325 美元,因為高盛認為最近的產品發布浪潮,尤其是微軟 365 副駕駛員,可能隨著時間的推移轉化為更強大的收入。

Adobe's price target was raised to $480 from $475 due to a slew of new features and products that might propel the company's creative, document and marketing solutions into the next phase of growth.

Adobe 的價格目標從 475 美元提高到 480 美元,這是因為大量新功能和產品可能會推動公司的創意、文件和行銷解決方案進入下一階段的成長階段。

Goldman Sachs boosted its Salesforce price estimate to $325 from $320, citing Einstein GPT's potential to drive broader adoption throughout the Salesforce ecosystem.

高盛將其銷售額估算從 320 美元提高到 325 美元,理由是愛因斯坦 GPT 在整個 Salesforce 生態系統中推動更廣泛採用的潛力。

Read More: Will Automation And AI Destroy Jobs In The Cannabis Industry?

閱讀更多: 自動化和人工智能會破壞大麻行業的工作嗎?

Photo: Peshkova via Shutterstock


