
IMAX China Roars to RMB 28.3 Million Opening for Makoto Shinkai's Suzume

IMAX China Roars to RMB 28.3 Million Opening for Makoto Shinkai's Suzume

IMAX 中國咆哮為新海誠的鈴目開業 2830 萬人民幣
PR Newswire ·  2023/03/27 08:55

Suzume Delivers Biggest IMAX China Debut and Highest IMAX Index 8.3% for Japanese Animation Release

鈴目為日本動畫發佈最大 IMAX 中國首次亮相及最高 IMAX 指數 8.3%

SHANGHAI, March 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- IMAX China (HKSE: 1970) roared to RMB28.3 million at the box office this weekend with the debut of Toho's animation film Suzume, directed by Makoto Shikai— recording the biggest opening in China for a Japanese animation release and a non-Hollywood foreign film.

上海, 2023年3月27日 /三通社/-IMAX 中國(香港聯交所編號:1970)咆哮 人民幣 28.3 百萬元 本週末在票房首次亮相東邦的動漫電影 ,由志海誠執導 — 記錄了最大的開場 中國 對於日本動畫發行和非好萊塢 外國電影。

Following its record Chinese New Year and the stellar performance of Avatar: The Way of Water, IMAX China has reported another box office success in the first quarter. Year-to-date, IMAX delivered RMB 672 million box office in mainland China, already the second highest first quarter box office in history and a 107% increase over the same period last year.

繼其創紀錄的農曆新年和出色的表現 阿凡達:水之路IMAX 中國在第一季度又報告了另一個票房成功。本年迄今為止,IMAX 已交付 人民幣 6.72 百萬元 內地票房 中國已經是歷史上第二高的第一季票房,比去年同期增長了 107%。

IMAX delivered 8.3% of Suzume's weekend gross – the best index for IMAX China among all Japanese animation films, on only 1% of overall screens. Over the weekend, 9 out of the 10 top locations were IMAX theaters.

IMAX 交付了 8.3% 的 苏宗電子'週末總額 — IMAX 中國所有日本動畫電影中的最佳指數, 只有 1% 整體畫面.週末,10 個頂級地點中有 9 個是 IMAX 影院。

"The stunning opening of Suzume once again demonstrates the strong momentum and blossoming content supply of IMAX China's business this year," said IMAX China CEO Daniel Manwaring, "From Hollywood blockbusters, local language tentpole films to Japanese animation releases, the record-breaking IMAX box office shows that Chinese audiences' demand for the IMAX experience is not only stronger than ever, but also more diversified. Congratulations to director Makoto Shinkai and our partners at Toho and Road Pictures for the successful launch of Suzume in China. We look forward to working with filmmakers from all over the world to bring more great content to Chinese audiences and meet the diversified movie going demand of the market."

「令人驚嘆的開幕 IMAX 中國首席執行官表示今年 IMAX 中國業務的強勁勢頭和內容供應蓬勃發展。 丹尼爾·曼瓦林,「從好萊塢大片,當地語言帳篷電影到日本動畫上映,創紀錄的 IMAX 票房顯示,中國觀眾對 IMAX 體驗的需求不僅比以往任何時候都強大,而且更加多元化。恭喜董事 新海誠 以及我們在東寶和道路圖片公司的合作夥伴成功推出中國。我們期待與來自世界各地的電影製片人合作,為中國觀眾帶來更多精彩的內容,並滿足市場對電影的多元化需求。」

Building on Suzume's successful release, Paramount's Dungeons & Dragons (March 31), thriller comedy To Be Continued (March 31), Universal's The Super Mario Bros Movie (April 5), Jean Jacques Annaud's Notre-Dame Brûle (April 7), Toei's The First Slam Dunk (April 20) and Alibaba Picture's Born to Fly (April 28) are all set to debut in IMAX to audiences across China. In addition, the remastered 3D version of Titanic will return to IMAX screens in China on April 3rd.

建立在鈴目成功釋放的基礎上,派拉蒙 龍與地下城 (參月卅壹日), 驚悚喜劇 未完待續 (參月卅壹日), 环球影视 超級馬里奧兄弟世界電子 (肆月伍日)让·雅克·安诺 巴黎圣母院布鲁勒 (肆月柒日), 都營 第一次扣籃 (肆月貳拾日) 和阿里巴巴圖片 天生飛 (四月廿八日) 全部設置在 IMAX 首次亮相給各地的觀眾 中國。此外,重新製作的 3D 版本 鐵達尼號 將返回到 IMAX 屏幕 中國肆月參日

About IMAX China

關於 IMAX 中國

IMAX China is a subsidiary of IMAX Corporation, and was incorporated as a limited liability company under the laws of Cayman Islands. IMAX China was established by IMAX Corporation specifically to oversee the expansion of IMAX's business throughout Greater China. Shares of IMAX China trade on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under the stock code "1970."

IMAX 中國是 IMAX 股份有限公司的子公司,並根據以下法律註冊為有限責任公司 開曼群島。IMAX 中國由 IMAX 股份有限公司成立,專門監督 IMAX 業務在整個範圍內的擴張 大中華。IMAX 中國股份在香港聯合交易所買賣,股份代號為「1970」。

About IMAX Corporation


IMAX Corporation, an innovator in entertainment technology, combines proprietary software, architecture and equipment to create experiences that take you beyond the edge of your seat to a world you've never imagined. Top filmmakers and studios are utilizing IMAX theaters to connect with audiences in extraordinary ways, and, as such, IMAX's network is among the most important and successful theatrical distribution platforms for major event films around the globe.

IMAX Corporation 是娛樂科技的創新者,結合了專有軟體、架構和設備,創造出超越座位邊緣的體驗,進入您從未想像過的世界。頂級電影製作人和工作室正在利用 IMAX 劇院以非凡的方式與觀眾聯繫,因此,IMAX 的網絡是全球大型活動電影中最重要和最成功的戲劇發行平台之一。

IMAX Corporation is headquartered in New York, Toronto and Los Angeles, with additional offices in London, Dublin, Tokyo, and Shanghai. As of Dec 31, 2022, there were 1,716 IMAX Theater Systems (1,633 commercial multiplexes, 12 commercial destinations, 71 institutional) operating in 87 countries and territories. On October 8, 2015, shares of IMAX China, a subsidiary of IMAX Corporation, began trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under the stock code "1970".

IMAX 公司總部位於 紐約, 多倫多洛杉磯,在中設有其他辦事處 倫敦, 都柏林, 東京,和上海。截至 2022 年十二月三十一日在 87 個國家和地區共有 1,716 個 IMAX 影院系統(1,633 個商業綜合網路,12 個商業目的地,71 個機構)在 87 個國家和地區運營。開啟 二 ○ 一五年十月八日,IMAX 股份有限公司的附屬公司 IMAX 中國股份在香港聯合交易所開始買賣,股份代號為「1970」。

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