
Breaking Barriers: Roblox's AI Tools Intend To Make Game Development Accessible To Everyone

Breaking Barriers: Roblox's AI Tools Intend To Make Game Development Accessible To Everyone

打破障礙:Roblox 的 AI 工具打算使每個人都可以訪問遊戲開發
Benzinga ·  2023/03/25 03:20

Roblox, the popular online game platform and game creation system developed by Roblox Corporation (NYSE:RBLX), has introduced new artificial intelligence (AI) tools that allow millions of player-creators to write usable game code and create in-game 2D surfaces using simple text descriptions.

Roblox,流行的在線遊戲平台和遊戲創建系統開發 罗布洛克斯公司 NYSE: RBLX) 推出了全新的人工智慧 (AI) 工具,讓數百萬玩家創作者可以撰寫可用的遊戲程式碼,並使用簡單的文字描述建立遊戲內 2D 表面。

The new tool, called Roblox Code Assist beta, was unveiled at the Game Developers Conference by the Head of Roblox Studio, Stef Corazza. As per Ars Technica, Corazza said that the release is a significant step towards "democratizing" game creation and making it accessible to everyone.

名為 Roblox 代碼輔助測試版的新工具在 遊戲開發者大會 由羅布洛克斯工作室的負責人, 斯特夫·科拉扎。根據 Ars Technica 的說法,Corazza 表示,該版本是邁向「民主化」遊戲創作並使所有人都可以訪問的重要一步。

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With Roblox Code Assist beta, users can reportedly create simple code snippets with minimum effort, while its main focus is to automate basic coding tasks to "help automate basic coding tasks so you can focus on creative work."

據報導,使用 Roblox Code Assist 測試版,用戶可以以最小的努力創建簡單的代碼片段,而其主要重點是自動化基本的編碼任務,以「幫助自動化基本的編碼任務,以便您可以專注於創造性的工作。」

However, in the future, Corazza envisions a chatbot-style interface that can be utilized as a learning tool to educate those who are still learning the basics of coding. This feature will not only explain how code works but also document functions.

但是,將來,Corazza 設想了一種聊天機器人風格的界面,該界面可以用作學習工具,以教育那些仍在學習編碼基礎知識的人。此功能不僅可以解釋代碼的工作原理,還可以解釋文檔功能。

Roblox has also unveiled a Material Generator tool alongside its AI code generator, aimed at streamlining the laborious process of producing 2D art assets that are placed on various surfaces in a game world.

Roblox 還與其 AI 代碼生成器一起推出了材料生成器工具,旨在簡化製作 2D 藝術資產的費力過程,這些資產放置在遊戲世界中的各種表面上。

In addition to creating an image, it also layers a simulated 3D normal map onto the surface, along with other maps that define properties such as albedo, roughness, and "metalness." The game engine can then utilize these attributes for precise lighting reflections and interactions with other objects.

除了建立影像之外,它還會將模擬的 3D 法線貼圖與其他定義屬性 (例如反照率、粗糙度和「金屬度」) 的地圖一起將模擬的 3D 法線貼圖層疊到曲面上。然後,遊戲引擎可以利用這些屬性進行精確的照明反射以及與其他物體的互動。

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Nevertheless, the company warns that AI system still isn't perfect. But rest easy, Corazza says, the platform's environment is the perfect place to experiment: "No catastrophic events will happen if the generation isn't good—just click the button and create another one."

儘管如此,該公司警告說,AI 系統仍然不完美。但是,Corazza 說,該平台的環境是一個完美的實驗場所:「如果這一代人不好,就不會發生災難性事件-只需單擊按鈕並創建另一個按鈕。」

Yet, as the platform continues to attract millions of users, Roblox is already planning ahead to manage the influx of AI-generated content. The company will likely need to develop more automated tools to instantly moderate "things created at runtime by tens or hundreds of millions of players," the Head of Roblox assured.

然而,隨著該平台繼續吸引數百萬用戶,Roblox 已經提前計劃管理 AI 生成的內容湧入。Roblox 負責人保證,該公司可能需要開發更多的自動化工具,以立即調節「在運行時由數千或數億名玩家創造的東西」。

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下一個:羅布洛克斯球迷歡喜!這個 Roblox 遊戲正在變成一個電視連續劇

Photo by Oberon Copeland via Unsplash

照片由奧伯倫科普蘭 @veryinformed .com 通過未飛濺

