
First National Bank of South Miami Has $466,000 Position in NVIDIA Co. (NASDAQ:NVDA)

First National Bank of South Miami Has $466,000 Position in NVIDIA Co. (NASDAQ:NVDA)

南邁阿密第一國民銀行在 NVIDIA 有限公司 $466,000 位置。(納斯達克:NVDA)
Financial News Live ·  2023/03/21 06:12

First National Bank of South Miami lowered its holdings in NVIDIA Co. (NASDAQ:NVDA – Get Rating) by 15.0% during the fourth quarter, reports. The fund owned 3,186 shares of the computer hardware maker's stock after selling 561 shares during the period. First National Bank of South Miami's holdings in NVIDIA were worth $466,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

南邁阿密的第一國民銀行降低了在 NVIDIA 公司的持有權。(納斯達克:NVDA — 獲得評分) 在第四季度通過 15.0%, 控股通道網的報告.在此期間,該基金在出售 561 股股份後,擁有該電腦硬體製造商股票 3,186 股。南邁阿密的第一國民銀行在 NVIDIA 的持有價值 $466,000 在最近的報告期結束.

A number of other institutional investors and hedge funds have also added to or reduced their stakes in NVDA. Corundum Group Inc. grew its stake in NVIDIA by 87.6% during the fourth quarter. Corundum Group Inc. now owns 6,724 shares of the computer hardware maker's stock worth $983,000 after buying an additional 3,140 shares during the last quarter. Moser Wealth Advisors LLC grew its stake in NVIDIA by 3.2% during the fourth quarter. Moser Wealth Advisors LLC now owns 8,889 shares of the computer hardware maker's stock worth $1,299,000 after buying an additional 275 shares during the last quarter. Green Alpha Advisors LLC grew its stake in NVIDIA by 33.3% during the fourth quarter. Green Alpha Advisors LLC now owns 8,479 shares of the computer hardware maker's stock worth $1,239,000 after buying an additional 2,116 shares during the last quarter. KMG Fiduciary Partners LLC grew its stake in NVIDIA by 7.1% during the fourth quarter. KMG Fiduciary Partners LLC now owns 45,566 shares of the computer hardware maker's stock worth $6,659,000 after buying an additional 3,004 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Bath Savings Trust Co grew its stake in NVIDIA by 50.3% during the fourth quarter. Bath Savings Trust Co now owns 8,339 shares of the computer hardware maker's stock worth $1,219,000 after buying an additional 2,790 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors own 61.80% of the company's stock.

許多其他機構投資者和對沖基金也增加或減少了他們在 NVDA 的股份。剛玉集團在第四季度將其在 NVIDIA 的股份增長了 87.6%。剛玉集團在上一季度額外購買 3,140 股股票後,現在擁有該電腦硬體製造商的 6,724 股股票,價值 983,000 美元。莫澤財富顧問有限責任公司在第四季度增長了 3.2% 在 NVIDIA 的股份。莫澤財富顧問有限責任公司現在擁有 8,889 股價值 1,299,000 美元的計算機硬件製造商的股票,在上一季度額外購買 275 股之後。綠色阿爾法顧問有限責任公司在第四季度增長了 33.3% 在 NVIDIA 的股份。綠色阿爾法顧問有限責任公司現在擁有該計算機硬件製造商的 8,479 股股票,價值 1,239,000 美元,在上一季度額外購買 2,116 股股票後。在第四季度,KMG 受信合作夥伴有限責任公司在 NVIDIA 的股份增加了 7.1%。KMG 受託合作夥伴有限責任公司現在擁有 45,566 股價值 6,659,000 美元的計算機硬件製造商股票在上一季度額外購買 3,004 股股票後。最後,巴斯儲蓄信託公司在第四季度增長了 50.3% 在 NVIDIA 的股份。巴斯儲蓄信託公司在上一季度額外購買 2,790 股股票後,現在擁有這家電腦硬件製造商的 8,339 股股票,價值 1,219,000 美元。機構投資者擁有公司股票的 61.80%。


Analyst Ratings Changes


Several analysts have weighed in on the stock. Raymond James reaffirmed a "strong-buy" rating and set a $290.00 price objective on shares of NVIDIA in a research note on Thursday, March 2nd. Needham & Company LLC increased their price target on shares of NVIDIA from $230.00 to $270.00 and gave the company a "buy" rating in a research note on Thursday, February 23rd. Wedbush reissued a "neutral" rating and set a $216.00 price target on shares of NVIDIA in a research note on Thursday. began coverage on shares of NVIDIA in a report on Thursday. They issued a "hold" rating on the stock. Finally, Craig Hallum increased their price objective on shares of NVIDIA from $165.00 to $190.00 and gave the company a "hold" rating in a report on Thursday, February 23rd. Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, eight have given a hold rating, twenty-six have issued a buy rating and one has assigned a strong buy rating to the company's stock. According to, the stock presently has a consensus rating of "Moderate Buy" and a consensus target price of $247.22.

一些分析師對股票進行了權衡。雷蒙德·詹姆斯(Raymond James)在 3 月 2 日(星期四)的一份研究報告中重申了「強買入」評級,並在 NVIDIA 的股票上設置了 290.00 美元的價格目標。李約翰公司有限責任公司增加了他們對 NVIDIA 股票的目標價格從 230.00 美元到 270.00 美元,並在 2 月 23 日星期四的研究報告中給該公司一個「買入」評級。伏特布什重新發出了「中性」的評級,並在週四的研究報告中設置了對 NVIDIA 股票 216.00 美元的價格目標。股票新聞網開始覆蓋 NVIDIA 的股份在週四的一份報告。他們對股票發出了「持有」評級。最後,克雷格·哈勒姆將其對 NVIDIA 股票的價格目標從 165.00 美元提高到 190.00 美元,並在 2 月 23 日(星期四)的一份報告中給予該公司「持有」評級。兩位分析師對該股票進行了賣出評級,八人給出了持有評級,二十六人發布了買入評級,其中一名分析師為該公司的股票分配了強大的買入評級。根據 的數據,該股目前的共識評級為「中度買入」,共識目標價為 247.22 美元。

NVIDIA Stock Performance


NVIDIA stock traded down $1.21 during midday trading on Monday, hitting $256.04. The company's stock had a trading volume of 13,524,442 shares, compared to its average volume of 50,051,508. NVIDIA Co. has a 1-year low of $108.13 and a 1-year high of $289.46. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.44, a current ratio of 3.52 and a quick ratio of 2.73. The company has a 50-day moving average price of $210.84 and a two-hundred day moving average price of $167.11. The company has a market cap of $632.42 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 147.84, a PEG ratio of 4.57 and a beta of 1.76.

英偉達股票週一中午交易期間下跌了 1.21 美元,觸及了 256.04 美元。該公司的股票的交易量為 13,524,442 股,與其平均交易量為 50,051,508 股相比。英達有限公司擁有 1 年低點 108.13 美元,一年新高為 289.46 美元。該公司的債務與權益比率為 0.44,流動比率為 3.52,快速比率為 2.73。該公司擁有 50 天的移動平均價格為 210.84 美元,兩百日移動平均價為 167.11 美元。該公司的市值為 63,242 億美元,股價與收益比率為 147.84,掛鉤比率為 4.57,測試版為 1.76。

NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA – Get Rating) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, February 22nd. The computer hardware maker reported $0.88 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.81 by $0.07. NVIDIA had a net margin of 16.19% and a return on equity of 26.61%. The company had revenue of $6.05 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $6.02 billion. During the same period in the previous year, the firm posted $1.14 EPS. The firm's revenue was down 20.8% on a year-over-year basis. As a group, sell-side analysts predict that NVIDIA Co. will post 3.21 earnings per share for the current year.

NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA — 取得評分) 上次公佈其季度業績將於 2 月 22 日星期三公佈。計算機硬件製造商報告了本季度每股收益 0.88 美元,超過了 0.81 美元的共識估計值 0.07 美元。英達的淨利潤率為 16.19%,股本回報率為 26.61%。該公司本季度的營收為 6.05 億美元,而分析師估計為 6.02 億美元。在上一年同期,該公司每股收益 1.14 美元。公司的收入較去年同期下降了 20.8%。作為一個集團,賣方分析師預測,NVIDIA 公司將在本年度公佈每股 3.21 收益。

NVIDIA Announces Dividend


The business also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Wednesday, March 29th. Shareholders of record on Wednesday, March 8th will be paid a $0.04 dividend. This represents a $0.16 annualized dividend and a yield of 0.06%. The ex-dividend date is Tuesday, March 7th. NVIDIA's dividend payout ratio (DPR) is currently 9.20%.

該業務最近還宣布了季度股息,將於 3 月 29 日(星期三)支付。3 月 8 日(週三)的記錄股東將獲得 0.04 美元的股息。這代表 0.16 美元的年度化股息和 0.06% 的收益率。除息日期為 3 月 7 日星期二。英達目前的股息支付比率為 9.20%。

Insiders Place Their Bets


In other news, Director Mark A. Stevens sold 60,000 shares of the company's stock in a transaction on Wednesday, December 21st. The shares were sold at an average price of $165.09, for a total value of $9,905,400.00. Following the completion of the sale, the director now owns 2,250,193 shares in the company, valued at approximately $371,484,362.37. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is accessible through this hyperlink. In related news, Director Mark A. Stevens sold 60,000 shares of NVIDIA stock in a transaction on Wednesday, December 21st. The stock was sold at an average price of $165.09, for a total transaction of $9,905,400.00. Following the sale, the director now directly owns 2,250,193 shares in the company, valued at $371,484,362.37. The sale was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is accessible through this hyperlink. Also, Director Mark A. Stevens sold 120,000 shares of NVIDIA stock in a transaction on Monday, January 9th. The stock was sold at an average price of $158.84, for a total value of $19,060,800.00. Following the sale, the director now owns 1,325,888 shares in the company, valued at $210,604,049.92. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Over the last quarter, insiders have sold 292,773 shares of company stock worth $51,181,100. Corporate insiders own 4.04% of the company's stock.

在其他消息中,導演馬克·史蒂文斯在 12 月 21 日(星期三)的一項交易中出售了該公司股票的 60,000 股。這些股票的平均價格為 165.09 美元出售,總價值為 9,905,40 美元。出售完成後,董事現在擁有該公司 2,250,193 股股份,價值約為 371,484,362.37 美元。該交易在向 SEC 提交的文件中披露,該文件可通過以下方式訪問 此超連結。在相關消息中,導演馬克·史蒂文斯在 12 月 21 日(週三)的一項交易中出售了 60,000 股 NVIDIA 股票。該股票以 165.09 美元的平均價格出售,總交易額為 9,905,40 美元。出售後,董事現在直接擁有該公司 2,250,193 股股份,價值為 371,484,362.37 美元。出售在與證券交易委員會的文件中披露,該文件可通過以下方式訪問 此超連結。此外,導演馬克·史蒂文斯在 1 月 9 日星期一的交易中出售了 12 萬股 NVIDIA 股票。該股票以 158.84 美元的平均價格出售,總價值為 19,060,80 美元。出售後,董事現擁有該公司的 1,325,888 股股份,價值為 210,604,049.92 美元。可以找到此次銷售的披露 這裡。在上一季度,內部人士已售出 292,773 股公司股票,價值 51,181,100 元。企業內部人士擁有公司股票的 4.04%。

NVIDIA Company Profile


(Get Rating)


NVIDIA Corp. engages in the design and manufacture of computer graphics processors, chipsets, and related multimedia software. It operates through the following segments: Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Tegra Processor, and All Other. The GPU segment consists of product brands, including GeForce for gamers, Quadro for designers, Tesla and DGX for AI data scientists and big data researchers, and GRID for cloud-based visual computing users.

NVIDIA 公司從事計算機圖形處理器,芯片組和相關的多媒體軟件的設計和製造。它通過以下部分進行操作:圖形處理單元(GPU),Tegra 處理器和所有其他。GPU 領域包括產品品牌,包括適用於遊戲玩家的 GeForce、適用於設計師的 Quadro、適用於 AI 資料科學家和大數據研究人員的 Tesla 和 DGX,以及適用於雲端視覺運算使用者的 GRID。

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想看看還有哪些對沖基金持有 NVDA? 瀏覽英偉達有限公司的最新 13 樓檔案和內幕交易。(納斯達克:NVDA — 獲得評分).

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