
ATI Physical Therapy (NYSE:ATIP) Announces Quarterly Earnings Results

ATI Physical Therapy (NYSE:ATIP) Announces Quarterly Earnings Results

ATI 物理治療(紐約證交所代碼:ATIP)公佈季度業績
Defense World ·  2023/03/18 19:53

ATI Physical Therapy (NYSE:ATIP – Get Rating) announced its quarterly earnings data on Thursday. The company reported ($0.07) earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of ($0.06) by ($0.01), Yahoo Finance reports. ATI Physical Therapy had a negative net margin of 61.82% and a negative return on equity of 8.81%. The firm had revenue of $161.76 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $163.46 million.

ATI 物理治療(紐約證交所代碼:ATIP-獲取評級)週四公佈其季度收益數據。雅虎財經報告說,該公司報告了該季度每股盈利(0.07 美元),缺少了(0.06 美元)(0.01 美元)的共識估計。ATI 物理治療的負淨利潤率為 61.82%,負資產回報率為 8.81%。該公司本季度的收入為 16,176 億美元,而共識估計為 163.46 億美元。

ATI Physical Therapy Price Performance

ATI 物理治療價格表現

NYSE:ATIP opened at $0.41 on Friday. The firm has a market capitalization of $84.06 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -0.20 and a beta of 0.41. ATI Physical Therapy has a 52-week low of $0.22 and a 52-week high of $2.26. The stock has a fifty day moving average of $0.38 and a 200 day moving average of $0.62. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 3.15, a quick ratio of 1.35 and a current ratio of 1.35.

紐約證券交易所:ATP 週五以 0.41 美元開市。該公司的市值為 8,406 萬美元,價格與盈利比為 -0.20,測試值為 0.41。ATI 物理治療的 52 周低點為 0.22 美元,52 周高點為 2.26 美元。該股票的五十天移動平均線為 0.38 美元,200 日移動平均線為 0.62 美元。該公司的債務與權益比率為 3.15,快速比率為 1.35,流動比率為 1.35。

ATI Physical Therapy
ATI 物理治療

Institutional Investors Weigh In On ATI Physical Therapy

機構投資者權衡 ATI 物理治療

A number of large investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Vanguard Group Inc. raised its position in ATI Physical Therapy by 124.5% during the first quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 3,703,627 shares of the company's stock valued at $6,963,000 after purchasing an additional 2,053,912 shares in the last quarter. Geode Capital Management LLC increased its holdings in shares of ATI Physical Therapy by 2.7% in the fourth quarter. Geode Capital Management LLC now owns 1,242,055 shares of the company's stock worth $378,000 after buying an additional 32,416 shares during the period. State Street Corp grew its stake in shares of ATI Physical Therapy by 2.2% in the third quarter. State Street Corp now owns 989,223 shares of the company's stock worth $989,000 after purchasing an additional 20,868 shares during the last quarter. BlackRock Inc. grew its stake in shares of ATI Physical Therapy by 1.5% in the first quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 578,020 shares of the company's stock worth $1,087,000 after purchasing an additional 8,799 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Northern Trust Corp grew its stake in shares of ATI Physical Therapy by 562.5% in the second quarter. Northern Trust Corp now owns 571,031 shares of the company's stock worth $805,000 after purchasing an additional 484,838 shares during the last quarter. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 89.57% of the company's stock.

一些大型投資者最近增加或減少了他們在公司的股份。領航集團股份有限公司在第一季度提高了 124.5% 在 ATI 物理治療中的地位。領航集團股份有限公司在上一季度額外購買 2,053,912 股股份後,擁有該公司股票價值 6,963,000 美元的 3,703,627 股股份。GEODE 資本管理有限責任公司在第四季度增加了其 ATI 物理療法股份的持有量 2.7%。在此期間額外購買 32,416 股股票後,巨德資本管理有限責任公司現在擁有該公司股票的 1,242,055 股,價值 378,000 美元。國街公司在第三季度增加了 ATI 物理療法股份的股份 2.2%。在上一季度額外購買 20,868 股股票後,州街公司現在擁有該公司股票的 989,223 股股票,價值 989,000 美元。貝萊德公司在第一季度增加了其 ATI 物理治療股份的股份 1.5%。在上一季度額外購買 8,799 股股票後,貝萊德公司現在擁有該公司股票的 578,020 股股票,價值 1,087,000 美元。最後,北方信託公司在第二季度增加了其 ATI 物理治療股份的股份 562.5%。北方信託公司在上一季度額外購買 484,838 股股票後,現在擁有該公司股票的 571,031 股價值 805,000 美元。對沖基金和其他機構投資者擁有該公司股票的 89.57%。

ATI Physical Therapy Company Profile

ATI 物理治療公司簡介

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ATI Physical Therapy, Inc operates as an outpatient physical therapy provider that specializes in outpatient rehabilitation and adjacent healthcare services in the United States. It offers a range of services to its patients, including physical therapy to treat spine, shoulder, knee, and neck injuries or pain; work conditioning and work hardening; and hand therapy, aquatic therapy, functional capacity assessment, and wellness programs.

ATI 物理治療, Inc. 是一家門診物理治療提供商,專門從事門診康復和鄰近的醫療保健服務在美國。它為患者提供一系列服務,包括物理治療脊柱,肩膀,膝蓋和頸部損傷或疼痛;工作調節和工作硬化; 和手療法,水療,功能能力評估和健康計劃。

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