
Why Are Histogen Shares Trading Higher Today?

Why Are Histogen Shares Trading Higher Today?

Benzinga ·  2023/03/17 22:26
  • The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued US Patent providing broad coverage for Histogen Inc's (NASDAQ:HSTO) portfolio of anti-inflammatory caspase inhibitors, including CTS-2090.
  • This patent includes information that CTS-2090 has demonstrated potent oral activity in a well-characterized model of ulcerative colitis.
  • CTS-2090 provided statistically significant protection against inflammation-driven damage to the lining of the GI tract and protected against weight loss.
  • While CTS-2090 is a potent inflammatory, it had no effect in well-accepted cellular and in vivo models of apoptosis, confirming its high selectivity as an anti-inflammatory caspase inhibitor, the company said.
  • "We are pleased that this important patent has issued. It builds upon Histogen's growing proprietary caspase inhibitor portfolio that includes the U.S. patent No. 11,447,497 issued in September of 2022. This previously issued patent discloses a broad class of novel pan-caspase inhibitors with unique chemical properties," stated Alfred Spada, EVP and Chief Scientific Officer of Histogen.
  • Price Action: HSTO shares are up 59% at $1.37 on the last check Friday.
  • 美國專利及商標局 (USPTO) 已發佈美國專利,涵蓋範圍廣泛 组织原公司 (納斯達克:HSLO) 抗炎卡帕酶抑製劑的組合, 包括 CTS-2090.
  • 該專利包括 CTS-2090 在潰瘍性結腸炎的良好特徵模型中證明了強大的口服活性的信息。
  • CTS-2090 提供了統計上顯著的保護,防止胃腸道內層的炎症導致的損傷,並防止體重減輕。
  • 該公司表示,儘管 CTS-2090 是一種有效的炎症,但它在廣受認可的細胞和體內細胞凋亡模型中沒有作用,從而確認了其作為抗炎卡斯帕酶抑製劑的高選擇性。
  • 他說:「我們很高興這項重要專利已經發出。它建立在歷史原不斷增長的專有卡斯帕酶抑制劑產品組合的基礎上,其中包括 2022 年 9 月發布的美國專利第 11,447,497 號專利。這項先前發佈的專利揭露了一系列具有獨特化學性質的新穎泛卡斯帕酶抑制劑。」
  • 價格行動: 上次檢查星期五,恒生辦股份上漲 59%,為 1.37 美元。

