
Larry Summers Suggests Short-Term Steps To Help Government Avoid Contagion — Says SVB Committed 'One Of The Most Elementary Errors...'

Larry Summers Suggests Short-Term Steps To Help Government Avoid Contagion — Says SVB Committed 'One Of The Most Elementary Errors...'

拉里·薩默斯(Larry Summers)建議短期步驟,以幫助政府避免傳染 — SVB 承諾「最基本的錯誤之一...」
Benzinga ·  2023/03/14 13:32

Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers reportedly said that Silicon Valley Bank committed one of the most elementary errors in banking — borrowing short-term funds to invest in long-tenor assets.

前財政部長 劳伦斯·萨默斯 據報導說 矽谷銀行 犯下銀行業最基本的錯誤之一 — 借入短期資金投資於長期資產。

What Happened: Summers pointed out that the government must take immediate steps to ensure depositors get their money back, in an interview with CNN.

發生了什麼事: 薩默斯指出,在接受 CNN 採訪時,政府必須立即採取措施以確保存戶拿回他們的錢。

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"In the short run, I think they need to make this facility that will provide loans to banks to enable them to pay off depositors who want to get access to their funds. They should make sure that facility is up and running and effective and actually usable," Summers said.


Elementary Error: Summers said that for the longer run, there are important lessons to be learnt about supervision and regulation as the Silicon Valley Bank committed one of the most basic errors in banking.

基本錯誤: 薩默斯表示,從長遠來看,有關監管和監管的重要教訓,因為矽谷銀行犯下了銀行業最基本的錯誤之一。

"It has committed kind of one of the most elementary errors in banking of borrowing money in a very short term way and then investing it in a long term way. And then when interest rates went up, those assets lost their value. That put the institution in a problematic situation," Summers highlighted.


The former treasury secretary also said the government needs to inspect institutions that are clearly struggling.


"There may be others like Signature (that) need to be closed. But it will represent only a very small fraction of the country's banking system," Summers noted.


The crisis commenced with the winding down of the Silicon Valley Bank last week following which Signature Bank was closed by New York regulators.

危機開始於清盤 矽谷銀行 上週之後哪個 簽名銀行 被紐約監管機構關閉。

Banking and financial stocks have been taking a hard beating despite assurances from President Joe Biden himself to do whatever it takes to address the threat to the banking system.

儘管總統的保證,但銀行和金融股一直在遭受嚴重毆打 乔·拜登 他自己做任何事情來解決對銀行系統的威脅。

Price Action: JPMorgan Chase & Co (NYSE:JPM) shares closed 1.8% lower, Bank of America Corp (NYSE:BAC) lost 5.81% while Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) shares ended 2.29% lower. Western Alliance Bancorporation (NYSE:WAL) shares lost 47.06% while PacWest Bancorp (NASDAQ:PACW) lost 21.05%.

價格行動: 摩根大通 (紐約證交所代碼:JPM) 股票收跌 1.8%, 美國銀行 紐約證交所代碼:BAC)同時損失了 5.81% 摩根士丹利 (紐約證交所代碼:MS) 股票下跌 2.29%。 西方聯盟銀行 紐約證券交易所代號:WAL) 股票虧損 47.06%,而 帕克威斯特 (納斯達克:帕克)損失了 21.05%。

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