
Cepton, Inc. (NASDAQ:CPTNW) Short Interest Down 11.8% in February

Cepton, Inc. (NASDAQ:CPTNW) Short Interest Down 11.8% in February

切普頓公司(納斯達克:CPTNW)2 月份短倉利息下降 11.8%
kopsource ·  2023/03/07 23:53

Cepton, Inc. (NASDAQ:CPTNW – Get Rating) was the target of a large decline in short interest in February. As of February 15th, there was short interest totalling 1,500 shares, a decline of 11.8% from the January 31st total of 1,700 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 17,500 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is presently 0.1 days.

切普頓, 公司. (NASDAQ: CPTNW — 獲取評級) 是在短期利率大幅下降的目標在二月份.截至 2 月 15 日,總共有 1,500 股的短期利息,較 1 月 31 日的 1,700 股總額下降 11.8%。以 17,500 股的平均每日成交量計算,日數佔覆蓋率目前為 0.1 天。

Institutional Trading of Cepton


An institutional investor recently bought a new position in Cepton stock. Walleye Capital LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Cepton, Inc. (NASDAQ:CPTNW – Get Rating) during the 1st quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor acquired 53,540 shares of the company's stock, valued at approximately $26,000.

一名機構投資者最近購買了 Cepton 股票的新頭寸。根據該公司在最近的 13F 向證券交易委員會(SEC)提交的文件中,華勒眼資本有限責任公司在第一季度收購了塞普頓公司(NASDAQ:CPTNW-獲得評級)的新股份。機構投資者收購了該公司股票的 53,540 股,價值約 26,000 美元。


Cepton Price Performance


CPTNW stock remained flat at $0.10 during trading on Tuesday. The company had a trading volume of 5,419 shares, compared to its average volume of 16,069. The company's 50 day moving average price is $0.11 and its 200 day moving average price is $0.15. Cepton has a 12 month low of $0.07 and a 12 month high of $0.66.

週二交易期間,CPTNW 股票維持平穩於 0.10 美元。該公司的交易量為 5,419 股,相比於 16,069 的平均交易量。該公司的 50 天移動平均價格為 0.11 美元,其 200 日移動平均價格為 0.15 美元。西普頓擁有 12 個月低點 0.07 美元,12 個月高點為 0.66 美元。

Cepton Company Profile


(Get Rating)


Cepton, Inc provides lidar-based solutions for automotive, smart cities, smart spaces, and smart industrial applications in the United States, Japan, and internationally. The company offers auto grade lidar sensors, including Vista-X, a compact lidar solution with a range of up to 200m for long-range applications in ADAS L2+/L3, AV L4/L5, and suitable for smart infrastructure applications; Vista-T, a lidar solution with a range of up to 300m for ultra-long-range applications in ADAS L2+/L3 and AV L4/L5; and Nova, an ultra-small form factor lidar solution with a range of up to 30m for near-range applications in ADAS L2+/L3, AV L4/L5, and suitable for smart infrastructure applications.

Cepton, Inc 為美國、日本和國際上的汽車、智慧城市、智慧空間和智慧工業應用提供雷達解決方案。該公司提供汽車級雷射雷達感測器,包括 Vista-X 是一款緊湊型雷射雷達解決方案,範圍可達 200 米,適用於 ADAS L2+/L3、AV L4/L5 的長距離應用,適用於智慧基礎設施應用;Vista-T 是一款高達 300 米的雷射雷達解決方案,適用於 ADAS L2+L5 的超長距離應用;Vista-T 是一款可達 300 米的雷射雷達解決方案,適用於 ADAS L2+L5、AV L4 和 AV L3、AV L5 和 AV L3、AV L5 和 AV L3;超小尺寸雷射雷達解決方案,範圍高達 30 米,適用於 ADAS L2+/L3、AV L4/L5 等近距離應用,適用於智慧基礎架構應用。

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