
Golden Goliath Acquires Option for 100% On Quebec Rare Earth Element Prospect: Ernest REE

Golden Goliath Acquires Option for 100% On Quebec Rare Earth Element Prospect: Ernest REE

金歌利亞在魁北克稀土元素前景中獲得 100% 的選擇權:歐內斯特 REE
newsfile ·  2023/03/02 22:35

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 2, 2023) - Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. (TSXV GNG) (OTC Pink: GGTHF) (FSE: GGZ)

温哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年3月2日)-Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.(TSXV GNG)(場外粉色代碼:GGTHF)(FSE:GGZ)

Golden Goliath Resources is pleased to announce that they have signed an option agreement to acquire 100 percent of the Ernest Rare Earth Element (REE) prospect in Quebec. The project is in east-central Quebec located just off highway 389 200 km north of Baie Comeau. The property is less that 20 km south of the Manicouagan Impact Crater, one of the most recognizable geographic features on earth.

Golden Goliath Resources很高興地宣佈,他們已經簽署了一項期權協議,將100%收購魁北克Ernest稀土元素(REE)探礦的權益。該項目位於魁北克中東部,距離駭維金屬加工389線不遠,距離科莫省北部200公里。這處房產位於馬尼庫阿根撞擊坑以南不到20公里處,馬尼古瓦根撞擊坑是地球上最知名的地理特徵之一。

Figure 1: Ernest REE Project Regional Map


On the Ernest property lake sediments collected in 2003 by the Quebec government returned anomalous REE values. Limited sampling of prospective granitic outcrops returned encouraging REE values including Cerium 2605 ppm, Lanthanum 1466 ppm, Neodymium 965 ppm, and Praseodymium 274 ppm, associated with elevated Thorium values.

2003年魁北克省政府採集的歐內斯特湖沉積物返回了異常的稀土元素值。對預期的花崗巖露頭進行的有限採樣顯示出令人鼓舞的稀土元素值,包括Ce 2605ppm、La 1466ppm、Nd965ppm和Pr274ppm,並伴隨着較高的Th值。

Figure 2: Property-Wide Coverage of Forestry and Access Roads


According to Ministère des Ressources Naturelles (MRN) synopses, the Property is underlain by rocks of the mesoproterozoic Canyon Complex. It covers a panel of migmatitic, gneissic gabbronorites with subordinate felsic material, which is surrounded by mangerites cut by granitic dykes and intrusions.

據《自然資源概論》(Sector̀Re des RESOURCES NETURCES NETRILES)的提要,該屬性被中元古代峽谷雜巖覆蓋。它覆蓋了一片具有從屬長英質物質的混合巖類、片麻狀輝長巖板,周圍被被花崗巖牆和侵入體切割的輝長巖所包圍。

These Canyon Complex rocks also host panels and rafts of metasediments associated with the older Plus-Value Complex.


Mineralization was located by MRN geologists in granitic pegmatite near the contact between the gabbronorite-dominated and the mangerite-dominated members of the Canyon Complex.


The Company is planning exploration programs to be conducted this summer. Various avenues of investigation suggest themselves for moving this property forward. Initial examination of the government showing could be followed up by detailed prospecting and hand-trenching to determine extents, orientations and geometries of any similar dykes in the area. An examination of the potential for rheologically-controlled pegmatite dyke emplacement between gabbronoritic and mangeritic units would also be of value. Given the clear association with Thorium in the anomalous zone, the use of radiometric surveys may yield valuable insights into extending known mineralization.


Figure 3: Ernest REE Property over Provincial MAG Data

圖3:省MAG數據上的Ernest REE屬性

Subject to regulatory approval, consideration for the Property consists of $130,000, 1,850,000 shares and a work commitment of $300,000 over a period of 4 years. There is a 1% net smelter return payable, of which half may be purchased for $1,000,000.


Golden Goliath CEO Paul Sorbara said, "Quebecʻs potential for REE deposits is quickly becoming apparent. We are very excited to have been able to acquire this early-stage exploration project in a fascinating geological setting with such great access in the area of other REE deposits in one of Canada's most favourable mining jurisdictions."

Golden Goliath首席執行官Paul Sorbara表示:“魁北克ʻ的稀土礦藏潛力正在迅速顯現。我們非常高興能夠在一個迷人的地質環境中收購這一早期勘探項目,並在加拿大最有利的礦業管轄區之一的其他稀土礦藏區域擁有如此大的通道。”

This news release has been reviewed by Gordon MacKay, P.Geo., who is acting as QP under the NI 43-101 requirements.

根據NI 43-101的要求,擔任QP的Gordon MacKay,P.Geo審閲了本新聞稿。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Paul Sorbara, MSc, PGeo
CEO, Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.

Paul Sorbara,理科碩士,PGeo

About Golden Goliath


Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. is a junior exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol GNG). The Company is focused on exploring and developing the gold and silver potential of properties in the Red Lake District of Ontario. The Company also holds a 100% interest in the San Timoteo property, located in the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of northwestern Mexico, as well as NSR royalties on several other nearby properties.

金巨人資源有限公司是一家在多倫多證券交易所創業板(代碼:GNG)上市的初級勘探公司。該公司專注於勘探和開發安大略省紅湖區物業的金銀潛力。該公司還持有位於墨西哥西北部馬德雷山脈的San Timoteo地產的100%權益,以及附近其他幾處物業的NSR特許權使用費。

To find out more about Golden Goliath visit our website at .


Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Certain statements included herein may constitute "forward-looking statements". All statements included in this press release that address future events, conditions or results, including in connection with exploration activity, future acquisitions and any financing, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "may", "must", "plan", "believe", "expect", "estimate", "think", "continue", "should", "will", "could", "intend", "anticipate" or "future" or the negative forms thereof or similar variations. These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by management in light of their experiences and their perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors they believe are appropriate in the circumstances. These statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including those mentioned in the Company's continuous disclosure documents, which can be found under its profile on SEDAR (). Many of such risks and uncertainties are outside the control of the Company and could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In making such forward-looking statements, management has relied upon a number of material factors and assumptions, on the basis of currently available information, for which there is no insurance that such information will prove accurate. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements set forth above. The Company is under no obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable law.


Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.
J. Paul Sorbara, M.Sc., P.Geo
President & CEO
Phone: +1(604) 682-2950 Email:

J.Paul Sorbara,M.Sc,P.Geo

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