
NESR Inaugurates Flagship Innovation Center NORI In Saudi Arabia's Dharan Techno Valley

NESR Inaugurates Flagship Innovation Center NORI In Saudi Arabia's Dharan Techno Valley

NESR 在沙烏地阿拉伯達蘭科技谷啟用旗艦創新中心 NORI
Accesswire ·  2023/02/27 22:50

DHARAN TECHNO VALLEY, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA / ACCESSWIRE / February 27, 2023 / National Energy Services Reunited Corp. ("NESR" or "the Company") (NASDAQ:NESR)(NASDAQ:NESRW), an international, industry-leading provider of integrated energy services in the Middle East and North Africa ("MENA") region, today announced the inauguration & opening of its NESR Oilfield Research & Innovation ("NORI") Center in Saudi Arabia's Dharan Techno Valley ("DTV").


The NORI facility, located in the heart of Saudi Arabia's industrial research, technology and academic hub, will enhance NESR's ability to drive energy sector research & innovation across the MENA region, while also augmenting the Company's alignment specifically with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030. A flagship student exchange program with King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals ("KFUPM") will further support NESR's leading in-country personnel development & IKTVA investment. NORI also houses the recently acquired W. D. Von Gonten state-of-the-art Reservoir Characterization lab, supporting unmatched Geological & Geophysical research with a particular focus on the burgeoning unconventional resources in Saudi Arabia and across the MENA region. Furthermore, NORI will feature an artificial intelligence ("AI") based Operational Intelligence lab that will support multiple segments, including NESR's rapidly evolving hydraulic fracturing and directional drilling product lines. Key ESG Impact decarbonization technologies and research initiatives will also be domiciled in NORI.

NORI工廠位於沙特阿拉伯工業研究、技術和學術中心的中心,將增強Nesr在整個中東和北非地區推動能源行業研究和創新的能力,同時也加強了該公司與沙特阿拉伯2030年願景的一致性。與法赫德國王石油和礦產大學(KFUPM)的旗艦學生交換項目將進一步支持Nesr領先的國內人才開發和IKTVA投資。Nori還擁有最近收購的W.D.Von Gonten最先進的儲集層表徵實驗室,為無與倫比的地質和地球物理研究提供支持,特別關注沙特阿拉伯和整個中東和北非地區新興的非常規資源。此外,Nori將擁有一個基於人工智能(“AI”)的運營智能實驗室,該實驗室將支持多個細分市場,包括Nesr快速發展的水力壓裂和定向鑽井產品線。關鍵的ESG Impact脱碳技術和研究倡議也將在Nori註冊。

NESR CEO & Chairman Sherif Foda commented, "With the ushering in of a new activity upcycle in the MENA region, NESR is proud to inaugurate a world class R&D center that will both deepen the NESR commitment to in-country investment in Saudi Arabia, and also strengthen key strategic initiatives across the entire region. NORI is now the nexus for NESR in connecting investment capital to human capital and cutting-edge technology development, and I am excited that ongoing and future R&D initiatives will now emanate from this state-of-the-art facility. NORI was constructed with NESR's long-term strategy in mind, namely that of technological expansion in both the core services business and also decarbonization solutions & partnerships in the ESG Impact segment. A facility equipped with solar power and water recycling capabilities further underscores NESR's commitment to a more sustainable O&G future. I would like to thank our esteemed customer, Saudi Aramco, as well as KFUPM, DTVHC and the Ministry of Energy for their overwhelming support and attendance of this inauguration event."

Nesr首席執行官兼董事長Sherif Foda評論説:“隨着中東和北非地區迎來新的活動升級週期,Nesr很自豪地開設了一個世界級的研發中心,它將深化Nesr對沙特國內投資的承諾,並加強整個地區的關鍵戰略舉措。NORI現在是NESR在連接投資資本和人力資本以及尖端技術開發方面的紐帶,我很高興正在進行的和未來的研發活動將來自這個最先進的設施。NORI的構建考慮到了Nesr的長期戰略,即在核心服務業務和脱碳解決方案方面的技術擴張,以及ESG Impact領域的合作伙伴關係。配備太陽能和水回收能力的設施進一步強調了Nesr對更可持續的O&G未來的承諾。我要感謝我們尊敬的客户沙特阿美,以及KFUPM、DTVHC和能源部,感謝他們對這次就職活動的壓倒性支持和出席。“

Mr. Nasir K. Al-Naimi, Aramco Executive Vice President of Upstream, commented "NESR's commitment to building a collaborative, open technology platform is powerful testament to its alignment with Saudi Vision 2030 and IKTVA. Thanks to this milestone, I have no doubt that NESR, in partnership with Saudi Aramco and KFUPM, will be able to scale new heights of technological innovation."


Dr. Muhammad Al-Saggaf, KFUPM President, commented "The NORI facility stands in a class of its own, and I look forward to seeing the many innovations that emerge over the coming decades. We see NESR as a rising leader in terms of the positive engagement that the O&G industry can have with younger generations of engineering graduates. Through NESR's commitment to the KFUPM Student Early Employment and Development Program, we hope to solidify our relationship with NESR and further strengthen our relationship by providing skilled graduates to join the job market."

KFUPM總裁教授Muhammad Al-Saggaf博士説:“NESR的設施獨樹一幟,我期待着在未來幾十年裏看到許多創新出現。我們認為,在O&G行業與年輕一代工程畢業生的積極接觸方面,NESR是一個正在崛起的領導者。通過NESR對KFUPM學生早期就業和發展計劃的承諾,我們希望通過提供有技能的畢業生加入就業市場,鞏固我們與NESR的關係。”

About National Energy Services Reunited Corp.


Founded in 2017, NESR is one of the largest national oilfield services providers in the MENA and Asia Pacific regions. With over 5,000 employees, representing more than 60 nationalities in over 15 countries, the Company helps its customers unlock the full potential of their reservoirs by providing Production Services such as Hydraulic Fracturing, Cementing, Coiled Tubing, Filtration, Completions, Stimulation, Pumping and Nitrogen Services. The Company also helps its customers to access their reservoirs in a smarter and faster manner by providing Drilling and Evaluation Services such as Drilling Downhole Tools, Directional Drilling, Fishing Tools, Testing Services, Wireline, Slickline, Drilling Fluids and Rig Services.


Forward-Looking Statements


This communication contains forward-looking statements (as such term is defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended). Any and all statements contained in this communication that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed forward-looking statements. Terms such as "may," "might," "would," "should," "could," "project," "estimate," "predict," "potential," "strategy," "anticipate," "attempt," "develop," "plan," "help," "believe," "continue," "intend," "expect," "future," and terms of similar import (including the negative of any of these terms) may identify forward-looking statements. However, not all forward-looking statements may contain one or more of these identifying terms. Forward-looking statements in this communication may include, without limitation, statements regarding the potential scope and timing of the financial restatement, plans and objectives of management for future operations, projections of income or loss, earnings or loss per share, capital expenditures, dividends, capital structure or other financial items, the Company's future financial performance, expansion plans and opportunities, and the assumptions underlying or relating to any such statement.


The forward-looking statements are not meant to predict or guarantee actual results, performance, events or circumstances and may not be realized because they are based upon the Company's current projections, plans, objectives, beliefs, expectations, estimates and assumptions and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties and other influences, many of which the Company has no control over. Actual results and the timing of certain events and circumstances may differ materially from those described by the forward-looking statements as a result of these risks and uncertainties. Factors that may influence or contribute to the accuracy of the forward-looking statements or cause actual results to differ materially from expected or desired results may include, without limitation: the amount, scope and timing of any financial restatement that may be required, information that may be discovered in the course of the Company's completion of the reconciliations of its financial results and related analysis; the ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Company's recent business combination transaction, which may be affected by, among other things, the price of oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, competition, the Company's ability to integrate the businesses acquired and the ability of the combined business to grow and manage growth profitably; integration costs related to the Company's recent business combination; estimates of the Company's future revenue, expenses, capital requirements and the Company's need for financing; the risk of legal complaints and proceedings and government investigations; the Company's financial performance; success in retaining or recruiting, or changes required in, the Company's officers, key employees or directors; current and future government regulations; developments relating to the Company's competitors; changes in applicable laws or regulations; the possibility that the Company may be adversely affected by other economic and market conditions, political disturbances, war, terrorist acts, international currency fluctuations, business and/or competitive factors; and other risks and uncertainties set forth in the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

前瞻性陳述不是為了預測或保證實際結果、業績、事件或情況,也可能無法實現,因為它們是基於公司目前的預測、計劃、目標、信念、預期、估計和假設,受許多風險、不確定因素和其他影響的影響,其中許多是公司無法控制的。由於這些風險和不確定性,某些事件和情況的實際結果和時間可能與前瞻性陳述中描述的大不相同。可能影響或有助於前瞻性陳述的準確性或導致實際結果與預期或期望的結果大不相同的因素可能包括但不限於:可能需要的任何財務重述的數量、範圍和時間,在公司完成財務結果對賬和相關分析的過程中可能發現的信息;確認公司最近的業務合併交易的預期收益的能力,可能受石油、天然氣、天然氣液體的價格、競爭、公司整合收購業務的能力以及合併後業務的增長和管理利潤增長的能力的影響;與公司最近的業務合併相關的整合成本;對公司未來收入、支出、資本需求和公司融資需求的估計;法律投訴和訴訟以及政府調查的風險;公司的財務業績;成功留住或招聘公司高級人員,或需要更換人員, 這些風險和不確定性包括:重要員工或董事的風險;當前和未來的政府法規;與公司競爭對手有關的事態發展;適用法律或法規的變化;公司可能受到其他經濟和市場狀況、政治動盪、戰爭、恐怖主義行為、國際貨幣波動、商業和/或競爭因素的不利影響的可能性;以及公司在提交給美國證券交易委員會的最新的20-F表格年度報告(“美國證券交易委員會”)中陳述的其他風險和不確定性。

You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because of the risks and uncertainties related to them and to the risk factors. The Company disclaims any obligation to update the forward-looking statements contained in this communication to reflect any new information or future events or circumstances or otherwise, except as required by law. You should read this communication in conjunction with other documents which the Company may file or furnish from time to time with the SEC.


For inquiries regarding NESR, please contact:


Blake Gendron - VP Investor Relations & Business Development
National Energy Services Reunited Corp.

Blake Gendron-投資者關係和業務發展副總裁

SOURCE: National Energy Services Reunited Corp.


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