
KWG Resources Inc.: Magnetotelluric Survey Completed, Confirms Chromite Targets

KWG Resources Inc.: Magnetotelluric Survey Completed, Confirms Chromite Targets

newsfile ·  2023/02/24 23:01

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 24, 2023) - KWG Resources Inc. (CSE: KWG) (CSE: KWG.A) ("KWG" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed its previously announced magnetotelluric survey over portions its Ring of Fire chromite Black Horse project. The survey was conducted over project areas including those shown on the property map below, including (i) 1 line over a target 1 kilometer ("km") to the northeast of the Black Horse chromite deposit; and (ii) 4 lines over a target 2 to 4 km to the northeast of the Black Horse chromite deposit.

安大略省多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年2月24日)-KWG Resources Inc.(CSE:KWG)(CSE:KWG.A)(以下簡稱“KWG”或“公司”)欣喜地宣佈,已完成之前宣佈的對其“火環”鉻鐵礦黑馬項目部分區域的大地電磁測量。對項目區域進行了調查,包括下圖所示區域,包括(I)在黑馬鉻鐵礦礦牀東北1公里(“公里”)的目標線上劃1條線;(Ii)在黑馬鉻鐵礦礦牀東北方向2至4公里處的目標線上劃4條線。

Both targets are defined by coincidental gravity and magnetic anomalies supported by multiple drilling intercepts of secondary chromite within the shear zone known as Franks Fault. The survey results over the area which has an abundance of drilling surrounding the Black Horse Chromite deposit clearly distinguished the ultramafic host rock, known as the Ring of Fire intrusion, from the enclosing country rock. This permits the results from the two target areas to be interpreted with confidence.


The premise for the survey is the discovery during the 2013 and 2014 drilling campaigns that the Black Horse chromitite did not come to surface as a result of being truncated by Franks Fault and that it is likely that this pattern repeats itself elsewhere on the property. One line of evidence that supports this contention is that the Black Horse drilling found that chromite is smeared into the shear zone in an upwards direction only and that this relationship can be used as a vector. Two diamond drill holes previously drilled by Fancamp Exploration Ltd. ("Fancamp") that had intersected Franks Fault contained chromite. If this secondary chromite is the result of the shear zone intersecting chromitite, then it leads to the question: at what depth did that occur? A magnetotelluric survey is capable of mapping different rock types to unlimited depth and, as such, could detect the altered ultramafic rock that contains the chromitite. In the previous press release, January 16th, 2023, announcing the commencement of the magnetotelluric survey, a simplified 3-D structural model, of this thesis showing the local projects and the target area was presented (a copy of which is set out below) whereby the Ring of Fire intrusion and its contained chromitite is bisected by Franks Fault with the block of rock on the northwest side of the fault containing the Black Thor and Big Daddy chromite deposits at the northern end, and the block of rock on the southeast side of the fault containing the Black Horse and Black Bird Deposit at the southern end. The relative horizontal movement of the blocks on either side of the fault is approximately 6 kilometers. Theoretically reversing this movement reunites the Big Daddy with its fault offset counterparts, the Black Horse and Black Bird. This begs the question: where is the fault offset counterpart of the Black Thor? It should be southwest of the Big Daddy, partially on the Big Daddy claim block, but mostly on KWG's Hornby and Koper Lake claim blocks at an unknown depth. This concept is supported by the presence of coincidental gravity and magnetic anomalies, and the existence of chromite within Franks Fault at that location. Therefore, the purpose of the magnetotelluric survey is to confirm the existence at depth of the Ring of Fire intrusion and its contained chromitite, possibly the fault offset counterpart to the Black Thor deposit.

調查的前提是在2013年和2014年的鑽探活動中發現,黑馬鉻鐵礦並不是被弗蘭克斯斷層截斷而浮出水面的,而且這種模式很可能會在該地產的其他地方重複出現。支持這一觀點的一條證據是,黑馬鑽探發現鉻鐵礦只能向上塗抹到剪切帶中,這種關係可以用作載體。之前由Fancamp Explore Ltd.(“Fancamp”)鑽探的兩個與Franks斷層相交的鑽石鑽孔中含有鉻鐵礦。如果次生鉻鐵礦是剪切帶與鉻鐵礦相交的結果,那麼它就引出了一個問題:它發生在什麼深度?大地電磁測量能夠將不同類型的巖石繪製成無限深度的地圖,因此可以探測到含有鉻鐵礦的蝕變超鎂鐵質巖石。在之前的新聞稿中,1月16日這是2023年,宣佈開始進行大地電磁勘探,這是一種簡化的三維結構模型,顯示了本論文的當地項目和目標區(副本如下),據此,火環侵入體及其所含鉻鐵礦被弗蘭克斯斷層一分為二,北端是斷層西北側的巖塊,含有黑索爾和大爸爸鉻鐵礦礦牀,而斷層東南側的巖石塊則是南端的黑馬和黑鳥礦牀。斷層兩側地塊的相對水平運動約為6公里。從理論上講,逆轉這一趨勢將使《老大爺》與《黑馬》和《黑鳥》這兩部《過錯抵消》重新結合在一起。這就引出了一個問題:黑色雷神的錯誤補償在哪裏?它應該在大爸爸的西南部,部分在大爸爸索賠區塊,但主要是在KWG的霍恩比和科珀湖索賠區塊,深度未知。這一概念得到了重磁異常的存在以及該位置弗蘭克斯斷層內鉻鐵礦的存在的支持。因此,大地電磁測量的目的是確認深部是否存在火環侵入體及其所含的鉻鐵礦,可能是與黑索爾礦牀相對應的斷層錯位。

The magnetotelluric survey was conducted on a grid consisting of 4 northwest trending, 5km long lines that covers the area postulated to contain the fault offset twin of the Black Thor chromite deposit. Grid lines 1E, 1aE, 2E and 3E cover a northeast strike distance of 1.5 km at the confluence of the Koper Lake project claims, the Big Daddy claims and the adjoining 100% KWG owned Hornby claims. Quantec Geoscience Limited ("Quantec") delivered preliminary interpreted resistivity cross sections for all lines to a depth of 2.5 km. Each of these lines delineates distinct domains of low resistivity rock, similar to that found containing the Black Horse chromite deposit. They are capped by the lowest resistivity, which is likely associated with hydrothermal alteration and shearing. The upper surface of these domains ranges from 250 to 900 metres ("m") in depth, with width ranging from 1 to 2 km. The results of line 2E shown in a cross section looking southwest is shown below. This is the same range of width as the Ring of Fire intrusion at its northern extremity which contains the Black Thor and Black Label chromite deposits. This thereby confirms that this is a viable chromite deposit target that should be investigated further.

大地電磁調查是在一個網格上進行的,該網格由4條向西北方向的5公里長的線組成,覆蓋了假定包含黑索爾鉻鐵礦礦牀斷層錯開雙胞胎的區域。電網1E、1AE、2E和3E的東北走向距離為1.5公里,位於科珀湖項目主張、大爸爸主張和毗鄰的100%擁有Hornby主張的KWG的交匯處。Quantec Geoscience Limited(“Quantec”)提供了深度為2.5公里的所有線路的初步解釋的電阻率橫截面。這些線中的每一條都描繪了低電阻率巖石的不同區域,類似於發現的含有黑馬鉻鐵礦礦牀的區域。它們被最低的電阻率所覆蓋,這可能與熱液蝕變和剪切作用有關。這些區域的上表面深度為250至900米,寬度為1至2公里。在向西南方向的橫截面中顯示的2E線的結果如下所示。這與位於其北端的火環侵入體的寬度範圍相同,後者包含黑色雷神和黑色標籤鉻鐵礦礦牀。因此,這證實了這是一個可行的鉻鐵礦沉積目標,應該進一步調查。

Grid line 4E tested a second target area with similar attributes and delineated a large low resistivity domain beginning at 300 m below surface. This target is defined by a 500 m east-west coincidental magnetic and gravity anomaly near multiple chromite-bearing drilling intercepts. As such, this is also a viable target for chromite mineralization.


Quantec is expected to deliver a final report on the magnetotelluric survey in March. The magnetotelluric data will be merged in 3-D with all other data and this will form the basis of the design of a drilling campaign to test the identified target areas.


The ranges for the potential quantity and mineralization of these target areas are conceptual in nature. The potential mineralization and quantities described above have been determined on the basis of the analysis referred to and outlined in this news release. There has not been sufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and it is uncertain whether further exploration will result in any of the target areas being delineated as a mineral resource.


About KWG:
KWG is the owner of 100% of the Black Horse chromite project (formerly part of Fancamp's "Koper Lake-McFaulds" properties) in which Bold Ventures Inc. is carried through exploration of the former Fancamp claims for 10% of the chromite project. KWG also holds other area interests including a 100% interest in the Hornby claims, a 15% vested interest in the McFaulds copper/zinc project and a vested 30% interest in the Big Daddy chromite project. KWG also owns 100% of CCC which staked mining claims between Aroland, Ontario (near Nakina) and the Ring of Fire. CCC has conducted a surveying and soil testing program to assess the prospects for the engineering and construction of a railroad along that route between the Ring of Fire and Aroland, Ontario covering the claims staked by CCC. CCC engaged Cormorant Utilities and Rail-Veyor Technologies for Engineering Proposals for the construction of a transportation and utility corridor within the route and has received those proposals. KWG has also acquired intellectual property interests, including a method for the direct reduction of chromite to metalized iron and chrome using natural gas. KWG subsidiary Muketi Metallurgical LP has acquired two chromite-refining patents in Canada and one in each of the USA, South Africa and Kazakhstan, and is prosecuting an application in Turkey.

KWG是黑馬鉻鐵礦項目(以前屬於Fancamp的“Koper Lake-McFaulds”物業的一部分)的100%所有者,Bold Ventures Inc.在該項目中對前Fancamp聲稱的鉻鐵礦項目10%的權益進行了勘探。KWG還持有其他地區的權益,包括Hornby Claims的100%權益、McFaulds銅/鋅項目15%的既有權益以及Big Pardy鉻鐵礦項目的30%的既有權益。KWG還擁有CCC 100%的股份,後者在安大略省阿羅蘭(納基納附近)和火環之間提出了採礦主張。CCC已經進行了一項測量和土壤測試計劃,以評估在火環和安大略省阿羅蘭之間的這條路線上修建一條鐵路的工程和建設前景,涵蓋CCC提出的索賠。CCC邀請Cormorant Utilities和Rail-Veyor Technologies為在該路線內建造一條交通和公共設施走廊提出工程建議,並已收到這些建議。KWG還獲得了知識產權權益,包括一種使用天然氣將鉻鐵礦直接還原為金屬化鐵和鉻的方法。KWG的子公司穆凱蒂冶金有限公司已經在加拿大以及美國、南非和哈薩克斯坦分別獲得了兩項鉻鐵礦精煉專利,並正在起訴土耳其的一項申請。

Qualified Person:
M. J. (Moe) Lavigne, P.Geo., Vice-President of Exploration & Development of the Company, is the designated "Qualified Person" as defined in Section 1.2 in and for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101, who supervised the preparation of the information that forms the basis for the disclosure in this news release and who reviewed and approved the technical content of this news release on behalf of KWG.

本公司勘探開發副總裁M·J·(Moe)Lavigne,P.Geo是National Instrument 43-101中第1.2節所界定的、為國家儀器43-101的目的而指定的“合格人士”,他負責監督構成本新聞稿披露基礎的信息的準備工作,並代表KWG審查和批准本新聞稿的技術內容。

For further information, please contact:
Bruce Hodgman, Vice-President: 416-642-3575 ~


Forward-Looking Statements: Information set forth in this news release may involve forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. The forward-looking statements contained herein are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements included in this document are made as of the date of this document and KWG disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable securities legislation. Although management believes that the expectations represented in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.


No solicitation: This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any securities that may be described herein and accordingly undue reliance should not be put on such.


Disclaimer: Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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