
Medaro Mining Corp. (OTCMKTS:MEDAF) Sees Large Decrease in Short Interest

Medaro Mining Corp. (OTCMKTS:MEDAF) Sees Large Decrease in Short Interest

美達羅礦業股份有限公司 (OTCMKTS: MEDAF) 短期利息大幅減少
Financial News Live ·  2023/02/15 07:01

Medaro Mining Corp. (OTCMKTS:MEDAF – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large decrease in short interest in January. As of January 31st, there was short interest totalling 2,500 shares, a decrease of 45.7% from the January 15th total of 4,600 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 138,000 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is presently 0.0 days.

美達羅礦業公司 (OTCMKTS: MEDAF — 獲取評級) 是在一月份短期利益大幅下降的收件人.截至 1 月 31 日,總共有 2,500 股的短期利息,較 1 月 15 日的 4,600 股股份下降了 45.7%。根據 138,000 股的平均交易量計算,日數佔覆蓋率目前為 0.0 天。

Medaro Mining Stock Performance


Shares of OTCMKTS MEDAF traded up 0.02 during trading on Tuesday, hitting 0.21. The stock had a trading volume of 78,767 shares, compared to its average volume of 60,662. Medaro Mining has a 12 month low of 0.12 and a 12 month high of 0.62. The firm has a fifty day moving average of 0.21 and a two-hundred day moving average of 0.21.

OTCMKTS 外交基金的股份在周二交易期間上漲 0.02,觸及 0.21。與其平均成交量為 60,662 股相比,該股的交易量為 78,767 股。美達羅礦業有一個 12 個月低點 0.12 和 12 個月的高點 0.62。該公司有五十天移動平均線 0.21 和一個 200 天移動平均線 0.21.

Medaro Mining

About Medaro Mining


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Medaro Mining Corp. acquires, explores, and evaluates mineral resource properties in Canada. The company holds an option to acquire 100% interest in the Superb Lake property that consists of 8 mining claims covering an area of approximately 2,187 hectares located in the Thunder Bay mining district of Northwestern Ontario, Canada; and CYR South lithium property that consists of 52 mineral claims covering an area of approximately 2,748 hectares located in James Bay area of Quebec.

美達羅礦業公司收購,探索和評估加拿大的礦產資源屬性。該公司擁有收購 Superty Lake 物業的 100% 權益,該財產包括 8 項採礦索賠,佔地位於加拿大安大略省西北部桑德灣礦區的約 2,187 公頃土地;以及 CYR South 鋰資產組成,其中包括 52 塊礦產權,覆蓋位於魁北克詹姆斯灣地區約 2,748 公頃的面積。

Further Reading


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  • 免費獲取有關美達羅礦業(MEDAF)的研究報告
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