
State Board of Administration of Florida Retirement System Decreases Stock Position in Foot Locker, Inc. (NYSE:FL)

State Board of Administration of Florida Retirement System Decreases Stock Position in Foot Locker, Inc. (NYSE:FL)

佛罗里达州退休制度管理委员会减少了Foot Locker, Inc.(纽约证券交易所代码:FL)的股票头寸
Defense World ·  2023/02/12 20:52

State Board of Administration of Florida Retirement System reduced its position in Foot Locker, Inc. (NYSE:FL – Get Rating) by 15.6% in the third quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The fund owned 25,460 shares of the athletic footwear retailer's stock after selling 4,710 shares during the period. State Board of Administration of Florida Retirement System's holdings in Foot Locker were worth $793,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

据Foot Locker,Inc.(纽约证券交易所代码:FL-GET评级)在最近提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件中称,佛罗里达州行政管理委员会在第三季度将该公司的头寸减少了15.6%。该基金在此期间出售了4,710股后,持有这家运动鞋零售商的25,460股股票。在最近一个报告期结束时,佛罗里达州行政管理委员会在Foot Locker持有的股份价值793,000美元。

Other hedge funds also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. BlackRock Inc. grew its position in Foot Locker by 5.0% in the 1st quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 8,129,401 shares of the athletic footwear retailer's stock worth $241,118,000 after purchasing an additional 386,775 shares during the period. LSV Asset Management grew its position in Foot Locker by 1.6% in the 3rd quarter. LSV Asset Management now owns 4,492,965 shares of the athletic footwear retailer's stock worth $139,866,000 after purchasing an additional 70,700 shares during the period. State Street Corp grew its position in Foot Locker by 9.4% in the 2nd quarter. State Street Corp now owns 2,895,754 shares of the athletic footwear retailer's stock worth $73,118,000 after purchasing an additional 248,611 shares during the period. Northern Trust Corp grew its position in Foot Locker by 56.5% in the 2nd quarter. Northern Trust Corp now owns 1,103,775 shares of the athletic footwear retailer's stock worth $27,871,000 after purchasing an additional 398,312 shares during the period. Finally, AQR Capital Management LLC grew its position in Foot Locker by 35.0% in the 2nd quarter. AQR Capital Management LLC now owns 1,042,887 shares of the athletic footwear retailer's stock worth $26,333,000 after purchasing an additional 270,263 shares during the period. 95.06% of the stock is currently owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

其他对冲基金最近也增持或减持了该公司的股份。贝莱德股份有限公司第一季度在Foot Locker的持仓增加了5.0%。贝莱德股份有限公司目前持有这家运动鞋零售商8,129,401股股票,价值241,118,000美元,在此期间又购买了386,775股。第三季度,LSV资产管理公司在Foot Locker的头寸增加了1.6%。在此期间,LSV资产管理公司额外购买了70,700股票,现在拥有这家运动鞋零售商4492,965股票,价值139,866,000美元。道富集团第二季度在Foot Locker的头寸增加了9.4%。道富集团目前持有这家运动鞋零售商2895,754股票,价值73,118,000美元,在此期间又购买了248,611股票。北方信托公司第二季度将其在Foot Locker的头寸增加了56.5%。北方信托公司现在拥有1,103,775股运动鞋零售商的股票,价值27,871,000美元,在此期间又购买了398,312股。最后,AQR Capital Management LLC在第二季度将其在Foot Locker的头寸增加了35.0%。在此期间,AQR Capital Management LLC额外购买了270,263股票,现在拥有这家运动鞋零售商1,042,887股股票,价值26,333,000美元。95.06%的股票目前由对冲基金和其他机构投资者持有。

Foot Locker

Foot Locker Stock Up 0.5 %


Shares of FL stock opened at $44.82 on Friday. The stock has a market cap of $4.18 billion, a P/E ratio of 10.21 and a beta of 1.26. Foot Locker, Inc. has a 52 week low of $23.85 and a 52 week high of $47.22. The company has a quick ratio of 0.43, a current ratio of 1.54 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.14. The company's fifty day simple moving average is $39.32 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is $35.73.

上周五,FL股票开盘报44.82美元。该股市值为41.8亿美元,市盈率为10.21倍,贝塔系数为1.26。Foot Locker,Inc.的52周低点为23.85美元,52周高位为47.22美元。该公司的速动比率为0.43,流动比率为1.54,债务权益比率为0.14。该公司的50日简单移动均线切入位为39.32美元,200日简单移动均线切入位为35.73美元。

Foot Locker (NYSE:FL – Get Rating) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Friday, November 18th. The athletic footwear retailer reported $1.27 EPS for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of $1.09 by $0.18. The business had revenue of $2.17 billion for the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $2.12 billion. Foot Locker had a net margin of 4.87% and a return on equity of 16.98%. Analysts predict that Foot Locker, Inc. will post 4.49 EPS for the current fiscal year.
Foot Locker(纽约证券交易所代码:FL-GET评级)上一次公布季度收益是在11月18日星期五。这家运动鞋零售商公布本季度每股收益为1.27美元,比普遍预期的1.09美元高出0.18美元。该业务当季营收为21.7亿美元,高于分析师预期的21.2亿美元。Foot Locker的净利润率为4.87%,股本回报率为16.98%。分析师预计Foot Locker,Inc.本财年每股收益将达到4.49欧元。

Foot Locker Dividend Announcement

Foot Locker股息公告

The business also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Friday, January 27th. Shareholders of record on Friday, January 13th were paid a $0.40 dividend. This represents a $1.60 annualized dividend and a yield of 3.57%. The ex-dividend date was Thursday, January 12th. Foot Locker's payout ratio is currently 36.45%.

该公司最近还宣布了季度股息,股息于1月27日星期五支付。1月13日(星期五)登记在册的股东获得了0.40美元的股息。这意味着1.60美元的年化股息和3.57%的收益率。除息日期是1月12日星期四。Foot Locker的派息率目前为36.45%。

Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades


A number of equities research analysts have commented on the stock. TheStreet raised shares of Foot Locker from a "c" rating to a "b-" rating in a research report on Monday, November 21st. Morgan Stanley cut their price objective on shares of Foot Locker from $36.00 to $33.00 and set an "equal weight" rating for the company in a research report on Tuesday, November 22nd. JPMorgan Chase & Co. boosted their price objective on shares of Foot Locker from $40.00 to $46.00 and gave the company a "neutral" rating in a research report on Thursday, January 26th. BTIG Research started coverage on shares of Foot Locker in a research report on Monday, February 6th. They set a "buy" rating and a $55.00 price objective for the company. Finally, Cowen boosted their price objective on shares of Foot Locker from $35.00 to $39.00 in a research report on Monday, November 21st. Nineteen investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and three have given a buy rating to the company. Based on data from MarketBeat, the stock has a consensus rating of "Hold" and an average target price of $40.78.

许多股票研究分析师对该股发表了评论。华尔街在11月21日星期一的一份研究报告中将Foot Locker的股票评级从C级上调至B级。11月22日,摩根士丹利在一份周二的研究报告中将Foot Locker的股票目标价从36.00美元下调至33.00美元,并为该公司设定了“同等权重”的评级。摩根大通在1月26日星期四的一份研究报告中将Foot Locker的股票目标价从40.00美元上调至46.00美元,并给予该公司“中性”评级。BTIG Research在2月6日星期一的一份研究报告中开始对Foot Locker的股票进行报道。他们为该公司设定了“买入”评级和55.00美元的目标价。最后,考恩在11月21日星期一的一份研究报告中将Foot Locker的股票目标价从35.00美元上调至39.00美元。19名投资分析师对该股的评级为持有,3名分析师对该公司的评级为买入。根据MarketBeat的数据,该股的普遍评级为持有,平均目标价为40.78美元。

Insiders Place Their Bets


In other news, VP John A. Maurer sold 3,500 shares of the company's stock in a transaction dated Thursday, January 26th. The shares were sold at an average price of $42.01, for a total transaction of $147,035.00. Following the sale, the vice president now directly owns 23,221 shares in the company, valued at approximately $975,514.21. The sale was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which can be accessed through this link. In other news, VP John A. Maurer sold 3,500 shares of the company's stock in a transaction dated Thursday, January 26th. The shares were sold at an average price of $42.01, for a total transaction of $147,035.00. Following the sale, the vice president now directly owns 23,221 shares in the company, valued at approximately $975,514.21. The sale was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which can be accessed through this link. Also, SVP Todd Greener sold 2,500 shares of the company's stock in a transaction dated Thursday, January 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of $37.63, for a total transaction of $94,075.00. Following the sale, the senior vice president now owns 5,921 shares in the company, valued at $222,807.23. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Corporate insiders own 3.00% of the company's stock.


About Foot Locker

关于Foot Locker

(Get Rating)


Foot Locker, Inc engages in the retail of athletic shoes and apparel. The firm uses its omni-channel capabilities to bridge the digital world and physical stores, including order-in-store, buy online and pickup-in-store, and buy online and ship-from-store, as well as e-commerce. It operates through following segments: North America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa, and Asia Pacific.

Foot Locker,Inc.从事运动鞋和服装的零售。该公司利用其全渠道能力在数字世界和实体店之间架起一座桥梁,包括店内订购、在线购买和店内提货、在线购买和从商店发货,以及电子商务。它通过以下细分市场运营:北美、EMEA(欧洲、中东和非洲)和亚太地区。

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想看看其他对冲基金持有FL的是什么吗?访问HoldingsChannel.com获取Foot Locker,Inc.(纽约证券交易所代码:FL-GET Rating)的最新13F文件和内幕交易。

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