
Duluth Art Institute: Embracing Our Shared Humanity

Duluth Art Institute: Embracing Our Shared Humanity

Accesswire ·  2023/02/07 02:10

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / February 6, 2023 / Six colorful Black figures fill the scene, standing out against a backdrop of orange and blue. The abstract characters, made of a combination of acrylic and collaged paper, are in motion, walking single file off the edge of the panel. They are leaving, heading somewhere new, somewhere unknown.

马萨诸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 2 月 6 日/ 六个五颜六色的黑色人物充斥着场景,在橙色和蓝色的背景下脱颖而出。由丙烯酸和拼贴纸组合而成的抽象人物在移动,从面板边缘走出单个文件。他们要离开,前往一个新的地方,一个未知的地方。

The piece is "Exodus" by award-winning Minnesota artist Christopher E. Harrison and was recently featured in the Duluth Art Institute's Contemporary Visions exhibit in mid-2022. It recalls the past, alluding to the migration of African Americans from the south to the north, and speaks to the immigration crisis facing displaced people today.

这件作品是明尼苏达州获奖艺术家克里斯托弗·哈里森的 “出埃及记》,最近于2022年中期出现在德卢斯艺术学院的当代视觉展览中。它回顾了过去,暗示了非裔美国人从南向北移民,并谈到了当今流离失所者面临的移民危机。

Harrison says he took inspiration from Jacob Lawrence's "The Migration Series" for his creation. "There is a synthesis between the African American migration of the past and the global migration crisis of the present day-this is the primary message of the series," he says.

哈里森说,他的创作灵感来自雅各布·劳伦斯的 “移民系列》。他说:“过去的非裔美国人移民与当今的全球移民危机融为一体,这是该系列的主要信息。”

The canvas prompts viewers to reflect on stories of the Black experience-stories that have been overwritten, erased, unremembered, or absent.


Art's ability to elicit empathy can help society evolve. It's why DAI is committed to illuminating the experiences of people who've been underrepresented in-or left out of-the history books.


"The power of visual art to help people dive into complex issues is unsurpassed," says Christina Woods, DAI's executive director. "(Art) helps people understand issues that aren't part of their day-to-day life. They're able to learn something new about someone's point of view."


To amplify underrepresented stories, the Minnesota non-profit supports BIPOC (Black, Indigenous or People of Color) artists as they develop their craft, and provides opportunities to show their work. Artists can participate in speaker series, leading the conversation about their lived experiences, and advance their education through programming designed to help BIPOC artists promote their work.


When absent narratives are amplified, perceptions shift. Woods recounts a moment of such transformation. After visiting an exhibit that celebrated Asian-American culture and experiences, a gallery patron observed themself release hurtful prejudices.


"They said they actually felt themself releasing stereotypes about Asian culture and people, and feeling more open to understanding on the basis of finding connection first," Woods recalls, noting that DAI had advanced the show specifically to combat the Asian American hate emerging in the Duluth area during the Covid-19 pandemic.

伍兹回忆说:“他们说他们实际上觉得自己在释放了对亚洲文化和人民的陈规定型观念,在首先找到联系的基础上更愿意接受理解,” 伍兹回忆说,他指出,DAI专门为打击Covid-19疫情期间在德卢斯地区出现的亚裔美国人仇恨而推进该节目。

The patron's reflection reinforced DAI's approach to creating a vibrant, inclusive community.


Under the leadership of Woods, a member of the Bois Forte Tribal Nation, DAI has sought to decolonize the organization, not only in its exhibits and education, but also in the way the organization is run. It is led by a board whose composition is 60% BIPOC.

在Bois Forte Tribal Nation成员伍兹的领导下,DAI寻求实现该组织的非殖民化,这不仅体现在其展览和教育方面,还包括该组织的运作方式。它由一个组成为 60% BIPOC 的董事会领导。

Like many non-profits, DAI's progress was impeded by Covid-19. The pandemic led to an increase in operating expenses as well as a loss in fundraising and grant revenue. Recognizing the DAI's work to foster a thriving and diverse community, Enbridge awarded the institute a $10,000 Fueling Futures grant to help with operational costs, including program delivery to BIPOC artists.

像许多非营利组织一样,DAI的进展受到Covid-19的阻碍。疫情导致运营费用增加以及筹款和补助金收入损失。Enbridge表彰了DAI为培育繁荣和多元化社区所做的工作,向该研究所提供了1万美元的Fueling Futures补助金,用于支付运营成本,包括向BIPOC艺术家交付节目。

Significantly, the impact of funding the arts reverberates beyond the organization.


"The world to me seems to have a short attention span, repeating destructive tendencies constantly," reflected Harrison in a post on social media. "I see my work as a tool for looking back to move forward, to confront the questions head-on of how to grasp our shared humanity through the lens of Black existence."


By changing one person's point of view, one person's understanding, society can change for the better, one piece of art at a time.


(TOP PHOTO: "Exodus" by Christopher E. Harrison, 2022. 9" x 12" Paper collage, acrylic on wood panel.)

(上图:克里斯托弗·哈里森的 “出埃及记》,2022 年。9 英寸 x 12 英寸的纸质拼贴画,木板上的丙烯酸树脂。)

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