'UPS-Owned Ware2Go And Gap Inc.'s GPS Platform Services Collaborate To Offer Enterprise-Level Fulfillment Capability To SMBs'
'UPS-Owned Ware2Go And Gap Inc.'s GPS Platform Services Collaborate To Offer Enterprise-Level Fulfillment Capability To SMBs'
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) benefit from unmatched automation and supply chain capabilities previously only available to billion-dollar brands
中小型企業 (SMB) 受惠於過去只有數十億美元品牌才能使用的無與倫比的自動化和供應鏈功能
Ware2Go, a UPS company, announced a new collaboration Feb. 2 with Gap Inc.'s GPS Platform Services division that combines Gap Inc.'s world-class supply chain network, customer insights, technical, and digital capabilities with Ware2Go's cutting-edge supply chain technology. The collaboration allows even the smallest businesses access to enterprise-level supply chain capabilities through a nimble, asset-lite co-warehousing solution.
UPS 公司 Ware2Go 宣布與 Gap 公司於 2 月 2 日展開新的合作關係。的結合 Gap 公司的 GPS 平台服務部門 '憑藉 Ware2Go 尖端供應鏈技術,提供世界級的供應鏈網路、客戶洞察力、技術和數位能力。這項合作讓即使是最小的企業也能透過靈活的資產精簡型共同倉儲解決方案獲得企業級供應鏈功能。
Ware2Go and GPS Platform Services will now offer SMBs access to world class fulfillment centers, where advanced technology, automation and robotics can deliver a scalable network that provides as fast as one-day click-to-door fulfillment. With the combined footprint of over 35 warehouses and distribution centers, as well as advanced machine learning and data science capabilities, Ware2Go and GPS Platform Services let apparel and footwear companies focus their energy on the areas that matter most to their business, such as marketing and product development, instead of logistics and fulfillment, and international companies seeking to launch in the U.S. now have a path to the largest market in the world.
Ware2Go 和 GPS 平台服務現在將為中小型企業提供對世界級履行中心的訪問權限,其中先進的技術,自動化和機器人可以提供可擴展的網絡,從而提供盡可能快達一天的點擊到門履行。Ware2Go 和 GPS Platform Services 結合了超過 35 個倉庫和配送中心,以及先進的機器學習和資料科學能力,讓服裝和鞋類公司能夠將精力集中在對其業務最重要的領域上,例如行銷和產品開發,而不是物流和履行,以及尋求在美國推出的國際公司現在有了通往世界上最大市場的路徑。
"This collaboration between Ware2Go and GPS Platform Services is the next chapter in the longstanding relationship between Gap Inc. and UPS. We have a deep shared history and decades-long partnership anchored in customer focus and commitment to innovation. Together we will help SMBs grow their brands with our combined logistics infrastructure and cutting-edge automation," said Kevin Kuntz, Head of Global Logistics Fulfillment at Gap Inc.
「Ware2Go 和 GPS 平台服務之間的這種合作是 Gap 公司和 UPS 之間長期關係的下一章。我們擁有深厚的共同歷史和長達數十年的合作關係,以客戶為中心和對創新的承諾。我們將共同協助中小企業利用我們結合的物流基礎設施和尖端的自動化技術發展其品牌。」Gap Inc.
New research from Ware2Go shows SMBs want to move away from owned warehouses, toward co-warehousing partnerships:
Ware2Go 的新研究表明,中小企業希望遠離擁有的倉庫,邁向共倉合作夥伴關係:
- 74% of SMBs believe the future of fulfillment is shared, co-warehousing models that allow SMBs to easily scale.
- 89% of SMBs report they currently own and operate at least one warehouse, with nearly half (47%) having explored more flexible warehouse strategies over the last two years. They cite cost savings, reduced time spent on operations, and access to better technology as their top benefits.
- 65% of SMBs are actively planning over the next 1-2 years to make either short- or long-term investments to expand leased warehousing space.
- 90% of respondents stated they would be open to the idea of sharing a warehouse with another retail brand and outsourcing fulfillment to that retailer as a partner.
- 74% 的中小企業認為履行的未來是共享的共同倉儲模式,可讓中小企業輕鬆擴展。
- 89% 的中小企業表示他們目前擁有並經營至少一個倉庫,近一半(47%)在過去兩年中探索了更靈活的倉庫策略。他們引用節省成本、減少營運所花費的時間,以及使用更好的技術作為其主要優勢。
- 65% 的中小企業正積極規劃在未來 1-2 年內進行短期或長期投資,以擴大租賃倉儲空間。
- 90% 的受訪者表示,他們願意接受與另一個零售品牌共用倉庫,並以合作夥伴的身分將履行外包給該零售商。
"The future of fulfillment looks like SMBs owning zero warehouses," said Steve Denton, CEO of Ware2Go. "Our merchants want to remain focused on growing their business and product portfolios, and not worry about the ins-and-outs of their inventory placement or building up a labor workforce to support peak season. This collaboration makes it easier than ever before for SMBs to outsource their fulfillment while still accessing incredible customer support and deep transparency into their inventory placements and delivery times."
Ware2Go 首席執行官史蒂夫·丹頓說:「履行的未來看起來像是擁有零倉庫的中小企業。「我們的商家希望繼續專注於發展業務和產品組合,而不必擔心庫存配置的進出或建立勞動力來支持旺季。這種合作使中小企業比以往更容易將其履行外包,同時仍然獲得令人難以置信的客戶支持,並對其庫存位置和交付時間進行深刻透明度。」