
SVB Leerink Cuts Bluebird Bio (NASDAQ:BLUE) Price Target to $8.00

SVB Leerink Cuts Bluebird Bio (NASDAQ:BLUE) Price Target to $8.00

SVB Leerink 将蓝鸟生物(纳斯达克股票代码:BLUE)的目标股价下调至8.00美元
Financial News Live ·  2023/01/26 17:37

bluebird bio (NASDAQ:BLUE – Get Rating) had its target price trimmed by SVB Leerink from $9.00 to $8.00 in a report published on Monday morning, Benzinga reports. The brokerage currently has a market perform rating on the biotechnology company's stock. SVB Leerink also issued estimates for bluebird bio's Q4 2022 earnings at ($1.18) EPS, FY2022 earnings at ($5.13) EPS, Q1 2023 earnings at ($0.64) EPS, Q2 2023 earnings at ($0.62) EPS, Q3 2023 earnings at ($0.58) EPS, Q4 2023 earnings at ($0.48) EPS, FY2023 earnings at ($2.31) EPS and FY2024 earnings at ($1.59) EPS.

据Benzinga报道,在周一上午发布的一份报告中,SVB Leerink将蓝鸟生物(纳斯达克:Blue-Get Rating)的目标价从9.00美元下调至8.00美元。该经纪公司目前对这家生物技术公司的股票进行了市场表现评级。SVB Leerink还发布了对蓝鸟生物2022财年第四季度每股收益(1.18美元)、2022财年每股收益(5.13美元)、2023年第一季度每股收益(0.64美元)、2023年第二季度每股收益(0.62美元)、2023年第三季度每股收益(0.58美元)、2023年第四季度每股收益(0.48美元)、2023财年每股收益(2.31美元)和2024财年每股收益(1.59美元)的预期。

Other equities analysts have also issued reports about the stock. assumed coverage on shares of bluebird bio in a research report on Wednesday, October 12th. They issued a sell rating on the stock. Royal Bank of Canada dropped their price objective on shares of bluebird bio to $8.00 and set a sector perform rating on the stock in a research report on Tuesday, November 8th. Three analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, six have issued a hold rating and one has given a buy rating to the company. According to MarketBeat, bluebird bio currently has a consensus rating of Hold and an average target price of $6.75.


bluebird bio

bluebird bio Trading Down 3.1 %


NASDAQ BLUE opened at $6.33 on Monday. The firm has a market capitalization of $524.90 million, a P/E ratio of -1.04 and a beta of 0.99. The firm's fifty day moving average price is $7.38 and its two-hundred day moving average price is $6.52. bluebird bio has a 1 year low of $2.87 and a 1 year high of $8.58.


bluebird bio (NASDAQ:BLUE – Get Rating) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Monday, November 7th. The biotechnology company reported ($0.92) earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of ($1.28) by $0.36. The company had revenue of $0.07 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $2.25 million. bluebird bio had a negative net margin of 8,828.28% and a negative return on equity of 173.58%. On average, research analysts anticipate that bluebird bio will post -4.36 EPS for the current fiscal year.
青鸟生物(纳斯达克:Blue-Get Rating)最近一次发布季度收益数据是在11月7日星期一。这家生物技术公司公布了本季度每股收益(0.92美元),比普遍预期的(1.28美元)高出0.36美元。该公司本季度营收为70万美元,而分析师预期为225万美元。蓝鸟生物的净利润率为负8828.28%,净资产回报率为负173.58%。研究分析师平均预计,蓝鸟生物在本财年的每股收益将达到4.36欧元。

Insider Activity at bluebird bio


In other bluebird bio news, Director Nick Leschly sold 4,290 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, January 11th. The shares were sold at an average price of $7.80, for a total transaction of $33,462.00. Following the sale, the director now directly owns 280,149 shares in the company, valued at $2,185,162.20. The sale was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available at this link. Over the last three months, insiders have sold 9,506 shares of company stock worth $72,088. Corporate insiders own 2.20% of the company's stock.


Institutional Investors Weigh In On bluebird bio


Large investors have recently bought and sold shares of the company. Caxton Associates LP grew its stake in bluebird bio by 559.6% during the second quarter. Caxton Associates LP now owns 220,154 shares of the biotechnology company's stock worth $911,000 after buying an additional 186,778 shares in the last quarter. Virtu Financial LLC bought a new position in shares of bluebird bio in the second quarter worth about $291,000. Monaco Asset Management SAM bought a new position in shares of bluebird bio in the second quarter worth about $1,267,000. WINTON GROUP Ltd bought a new position in shares of bluebird bio in the second quarter worth about $128,000. Finally, Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC lifted its holdings in shares of bluebird bio by 374.8% in the third quarter. Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC now owns 453,763 shares of the biotechnology company's stock worth $2,872,000 after acquiring an additional 358,196 shares during the last quarter. 79.01% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

大型投资者最近买卖了该公司的股票。第二季度,Caxton Associates LP对蓝鸟生物的持股增加了559.6%。Caxton Associates LP现在拥有220,154股这家生物技术公司的股票,价值911,000美元,上个季度又购买了186,778股。Virtu Financial LLC在第二季度购买了蓝鸟生物的新头寸,价值约29.1万美元。摩纳哥资产管理公司SAM在第二季度购买了蓝鸟生物的新头寸,价值约1,267,000美元。Winton Group Ltd在第二季度购买了蓝鸟生物的新头寸,价值约12.8万美元。最后,立体主义系统战略有限责任公司在第三季度增持了374.8%的蓝鸟生物股票。Cubist Systems Strategy LLC在上个季度增持了358,196股后,现在拥有这家生物技术公司453,763股股票,价值2,872,000美元。79.01%的股票目前由机构投资者和对冲基金持有。

About bluebird bio


(Get Rating)


bluebird bio, Inc, a biotechnology company, researches, develops, and commercializes transformative gene therapies for severe genetic diseases. Its product candidates for severe genetic diseases include betibeglogene autotemcel for the treatment of transfusion-dependent ß-thalassemia; lovotibeglogene autotemcel for the treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD); and elivaldogene autotemcel to treat cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy.

蓝鸟生物公司是一家生物技术公司,研究、开发和商业化针对严重遗传病的变革性基因疗法。其用于治疗严重遗传性疾病的候选产品包括用于治疗输血依赖型β-地中海贫血的贝替贝吉基因Autotemcel;用于治疗镰状细胞病(SCD)的lovotieglogene autemcel;以及用于治疗大脑肾上腺脑白质营养不良的伊利伐多烯Autotemcel。

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